Psychophysiological interaction analysis revealed increased functional connectivity between the left supplementary motor area and the right inferior parietal lobe in the DCR+ condition than the DCR- condition. Further multiple regression analysis found that ΔRTs was significantly associated with activities in the bilateral dorsal anterior cingulate cortex and supplementary motor area. Together, this study found that provide confidence ratings significantly changed online decision-making while activating multiple metacognition-related regions. The activity of metacognition-related regions may be a crucial part of the neural mechanisms underlying the reactivity effect of confidence ratings on perceptual decision-making.The Chinese Cobra (Naja atra) is an elapid snake of major medical importance in southern China. Although previous studies have shown that postsynaptic neurotoxins account for 11-23% of N. atra venom, envenomed patients do not display marked signs of neurotoxicity. We have previously shown that the lack of clinical neurotoxicity following snake envenoming by some species with 'neurotoxic' venoms may be related to the high prevalence of short-chain postsynaptic neurotoxins in these venoms. In this study, we describe the isolation and characterization of α-Elapitoxin-Na1a (α-EPTX-Na1a; 6949 Da), a short-chain postsynaptic neurotoxin, which accounts for approximately 9% of N. atra crude venom. α-EPTX-Na1a (30-300 nM) produced concentration-dependent inhibition of indirect-twitches, with a t90 value of 17 ± 2 min at 300 nM, and abolished contractile responses to exogenous acetylcholine and carbachol, in the chick biventer cervicis nerve-muscle preparation. The prior addition of either Chinese N. atra monovalent anhort-chain neurotoxin. The high prevalence of α-EPTX-Na1a in Chinese N. atra venom is likely to explain the mild neurotoxicity experienced by envenomed patients.The many variations on a graphic illustrating the impact of non-pharmaceutical measures to mitigate pandemic influenza that have appeared in recent news reports about COVID-19 suggest a need to better explain the mechanism by which social distancing reduces the spread of infectious diseases. And some reports understate one benefit of reducing the frequency or proximity of interpersonal encounters, a reduction in the total number of infections. In hopes that understanding will increase compliance, we describe how social distancing (a) reduces the peak incidence of infections, (b) delays the occurrence of this peak, and (c) reduces the total number of infections during epidemics. In view of the extraordinary efforts underway to identify existing medications that are active against SARS-CoV-2 and to develop new antiviral drugs, vaccines and antibody therapies, any of which may have community-level effects, we also describe how pharmaceutical interventions affect transmission.Dopamine D2 autoreceptors (D2ARs), located in somatodendritic and axon terminal compartments of dopamine (DA) neurons, function to provide a negative feedback regulatory control on DA neuron firing, DA synthesis, reuptake and release. Dysregulation of D2AR-mediated DA signaling is implicated in vulnerability to substance use disorder (SUD). Due to the extreme low abundance of D2ARs compared to postsynaptic D2 receptors (D2PRs) and the lack of experimental tools to differentiate the signaling of D2ARs from D2PRs, the regulation of D2ARs by drugs of abuse is poorly understood. The recent availability of conditional D2AR knockout mice and newly developed virus-mediated gene delivery approaches have provided means to specifically study the function of D2ARs at the molecular, cellular and behavioral levels. There is a growing revelation of novel mechanisms and new proteins that mediate D2AR activity, suggesting that D2ARs act cooperatively with an array of membrane and intracellular proteins to tightly control DA transmission. This review highlights D2AR-interacting partners including transporters, G-protein-coupled receptors, ion channels, intracellular signaling modulators, and protein kinases. The complexity of the D2AR interaction network illustrates the functional divergence of D2ARs. Pharmacological targeting of multiple D2AR-interacting partners may be more effective to restore disrupted DA homeostasis by drugs of abuse.Glucocorticoids (GCs) are the treatment of choice for chronic inflammatory diseases such as asthma. Despite proven effective anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive effects, long-term and/or systemic use of GCs can potentially induce adverse effects. Strikingly, some recent experimental evidence suggests that GCs may even exacerbate some disease outcomes. In asthma, airway smooth muscle (ASM) cells are among the targets of GC therapy and have emerged as key contributors not only to bronchoconstriction, but also to airway inflammation and remodeling, as implied by experimental and clinical evidence. We here will review the beneficial effects of GCs on ASM cells, emphasizing the differential nature of GC effects on pro-inflammatory genes and on other features associated with asthma pathogenesis. We will also summarize evidence describing how GCs can potentially promote pro-inflammatory and remodeling features in asthma with a specific focus on ASM cells. Finally, some of the possible solutions to overcome these unanticipated effects of GCs will be discussed.In two experiments, the social influence on choosing between two novel diets was analyzed. In Experiment 1, a group of rats (demonstrators) ingested a novel flavor cue presented in powdered food or in a 4% sucrose solution. Afterwards, demonstrators interacted with a group of observer rats for 30 minutes. Preferences for the cue flavor and another flavor were tested in observers using a two-choice test in the same or in the opposite substrate (solid/liquid) as their demonstrators. When tested with solid foods, observers displayed higher intake of the flavor consumed by the demonstrators, regardless of whether the demonstrators had consumed it as a solid or liquid. However, when observers were tested with solutions, there was no demonstration of the same preference. Experiment 2 focused on solutions, presenting them at test either with the flavor as a water solution alone, or as a solution plus an aerosol presentation. In addition, a single-cue testing procedure was used to allow examination of the palatability (assessed through the analysis of licking behavior) of the test solutions.