The NAS method is used to determine both the selectivity and sensitivity for each analyte and their values are consistent with these standard errors of prediction. The NAS method is also used to characterize the background spectral variance associated with instrumental and environmental variations associated with buffer spectra collected over a multiday period.Iron hydroxides are important scavengers for dissolved chromium (Cr) via coprecipitation processes; however, the influences of organic matter (OM) on Cr sequestration in Fe/Cr-OM ternary systems and the stability of the coprecipitates are not well understood. Here, Fe/Cr-OM coprecipitation was conducted at pH 3, and Cr hydroxide was undersaturated. Acetic acid (HAc), poly(acrylic acid) (PAA), and Suwannee River natural organic matter (SRNOM) were selected as model OMs, which showed different complexation capabilities with Fe/Cr ions and Fe/Cr hydroxide particles. HAc had no significant effect on the coprecipitation, as the monodentate carboxyl ligand in HAc did not favor complexation with dissolved Fe/Cr ions or Fe/Cr hydroxide nanoparticles. Contrarily, PAA and SRNOM with polydentate carboxyl ligand had strong complexation with Fe/Cr ions and Fe/Cr hydroxide nanoparticles, leading to significant amounts of PAA/SRNOM sequestered in the coprecipitates, which caused the structural disorder and fast aggregation of the coprecipitates. In comparison with that of PAA, preferential complexation of Cr ions with SRNOM resulted in higher Cr/Fe ratios in the coprecipitates. This study advances the fundamental understanding of Fe/Cr-OM coprecipitation and mechanisms controlling the composition and stability of the coprecipitates, which is essential for successful Cr remediation and removal in both natural and engineered settings.Nanopore-based detection techniques, with a wide range of transport properties, exhibit impressive selectivity and sensitivity for analytes. To expand the application of nanoporous sensors, real-time and fast detection of targets, all within a portable device, is highly desired for nanopore-based sensors. In addition, to improve the accuracy of the output signal, more appropriate readout methods also need to be explored. In this manuscript, we describe a nanopore-based electrode, regarded as NAC-P6-PC@AuE, prepared by coupling a pillararene-based nanoporous membrane with an electrochemical impedance measurement method. The fabricated device is demonstrated by exposing pillararene-based receptors to trace amounts of pesticide molecules. NAC-P6-PC@AuE devices exhibit distinguished selectivity to quinotrione, as well as the ability to quantify quinotrione with a limit of quantitation (LOQ) of 10 nM. The mechanism that allows sensing was verified using finite-element simulations and may be explained as host-guest-induced surface charge shielding, which influences the electrochemical response of probe molecules. The applications of this nanopore-based electrode may be extended toward other target molecules by decorating the nanopore surfaces with specifically chosen receptors.Shellfish aquaculture has been proposed to abate eutrophication because it can remove nutrients via shellfish filter-feeding. Using a three-dimensional physical-biogeochemical model, we investigate how effective oyster aquaculture can alleviate eutrophication-driven hypoxia off the Pearl River Estuary. Results show that oysters reduce sediment oxygen consumption and thus hypoxia, by reducing both particulate organic matter directly and regenerated nutrients that support new production of organic matter. The hypoxia reduction is largest when oysters are farmed within the upper water of the low-oxygen zone, and the reduction increases with increasing oyster density although oyster growth becomes slower due to food limitation. When oysters are farmed upstream of the hypoxic zone, the farming-induced hypoxia reduction is small and it declines with increasing oyster density because the nutrients released from the farm can increase downstream organic matter production. An oyster farming area of 10 to 200 km2 yields a hypoxic volume reduction of 10% to 78%, equaling the impact of reducing 10% to 60% of river nutrient input. Our results demonstrate that oyster aquaculture can mitigate eutrophication and hypoxia, but its effectiveness depends on the farming location, areal size, and oyster density, and optimal designs must take into account the circulation and biogeochemical characteristics of the specific ecosystem.Glycoside hydrolases (GH) cleave carbohydrate glycosidic bonds and play pivotal roles in living organisms and in many industrial processes. Unlike acid-catalyzed hydrolysis of carbohydrates in solution, which can occur either via cyclic or acyclic oxocarbenium-like transition states, it is widely accepted that GH-catalyzed hydrolysis proceeds via a general acid mechanism involving a cyclic oxocarbenium-like transition state with protonation of the glycosidic oxygen. The GH45 subfamily C inverting endoglucanase from Phanerochaete chrysosporium (PcCel45A) defies the classical inverting mechanism as its crystal structure conspicuously lacks a general Asp or Glu base residue. Instead, PcCel45A has an Asn residue, a notoriously weak base in solution, as one of its catalytic residues at position 92. Moreover, unlike other inverting GHs, the relative position of the catalytic residues in PcCel45A impairs the proton abstraction from the nucleophilic water that attacks the anomeric carbon, a key step in the classical e oxygen atom. Our results for PcCel45A suggest that carbohydrate hydrolysis catalyzed by GHs may take an alternative route from the classical mechanism.This paper describes the simple, highly reproducible, and robust synthesis of a new solid organic/inorganic electrolyte based on the ionic liquid (IL) 1-butyl-3-(carboxyundecyl)imidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide tethered to zirconia nanoparticles (15-25 nm) by coordination and named ZrO2@IL. The IL monolayer formation, ensured by two-dimensional solid-state NMR, at the nanoparticles' surface considerably reduces both the IL's consumption and the IL amount at the ZrO2 surface compared to the IL-based hybrid electrolytes reported in the literature. After LiTFSI, used as a lithium source, content optimization (26 wt %), the hybrid exhibits unprecedented stable conductivity passing from 0.6 × 10-4 to 0.15 × 10-4, respectively, from 85 °C to room temperature (25 °C). Unlike silica which is commonly adopted for this type of hybrid material, zirconia makes it possible to produce more impact-resistant pellets that are easier to compact, thus being favorable for accurate conductivity studies and battery development by electrode/composite/solid electrolyte layer stacking.