Growing resistance to antibiotics is one of the biggest threats to human health. One of the possibilities to overcome this resistance is to use and develop alternative molecules such as antimicrobial peptides (AMPs). However, an increasing number of studies have shown that bacterial resistance to AMPs does exist. Since AMPs are immunity molecules, it is important to ensure that their potential therapeutic use is not harmful in the long term. Recently, several studies have focused on the adaptation of Gram-negative bacteria to subinhibitory concentrations of AMPs. Such concentrations are commonly found in vivo and in the environment. It is therefore necessary to understand how bacteria detect and respond to low concentrations of AMPs. This review focuses on recent findings regarding the impact of subinhibitory concentrations of AMPs on the modulation of virulence and resistance in Gram-negative bacteria.Splinting techniques are widely used in medicine to inhibit the movement of arthritic joints. Studies into the effectiveness of splinting as a method of pain reduction have generally yielded positive results, however, no significant difference has been found in clinical outcomes between splinting types. Tactile sensing has shown great promise for the integration into splinting devices and may offer further information into applied forces to find the most effective methods of splinting. Hall effect-based tactile sensors are of particular interest in this application owing to their low-cost, small size, and high robustness. One complexity of the sensors is the relationship between the elastomer geometry and the measurement range. This paper investigates the design parameters of Hall effect tactile sensors for use in hand splinting. Finite element simulations are used to locate the areas in which sensitivity is high in order to optimise the deflection range of the sensor. Further simulations then investigate the mechanical response and force ranges of the elastomer layer under loading which are validated with experimental data. A 4 mm radius, 3 mm-thick sensor is identified as meeting defined sensing requirements for range and sensitivity. A prototype sensor is produced which exhibits a pressure range of 45 kPa normal and 6 kPa shear. A proof of principle prototype demonstrates how this can be integrated to form an instrumented splint with multi-axis sensing capability and has the potential to inform clinical practice for improved splinting.Pulmonary hypertension (PH) is a debilitating progressive disease characterized by increased pulmonary arterial pressures, leading to right ventricular (RV) failure, heart failure and, eventually, death. Based on the underlying conditions, PH patients can be subdivided into the following five groups (1) pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), (2) PH due to left heart disease, (3) PH due to lung disease, (4) chronic thromboembolic PH (CTEPH), and (5) PH with unclear and/or multifactorial mechanisms. Currently, even with PAH-specific drug treatment, prognosis for PAH and CTEPH patients remains poor, with mean five-year survival rates of 57%-59% and 53%-69% for PAH and inoperable CTEPH, respectively. Therefore, more insight into the pathogenesis of PAH and CTEPH is highly needed, so that new therapeutic strategies can be developed. Recent studies have shown increased presence and activation of innate and adaptive immune cells in both PAH and CTEPH patients. Moreover, extensive biomarker research revealed that many inflammatory and immune markers correlate with the hemodynamics and/or prognosis of PAH and CTEPH patients. Increased evidence of the pathological role of immune cells in innate and adaptive immunity has led to many promising pre-clinical interventional studies which, in turn, are leading to innovative clinical trials which are currently being performed. A combination of immunomodulatory therapies might be required besides current treatment based on vasodilatation alone, to establish an effective treatment and prevention of progression for this disease. In this review, we describe the recent progress on our understanding of the involvement of the individual cell types of the immune system in PH. We summarize the accumulating body of evidence for inflammation and immunity in the pathogenesis of PH, as well as the use of inflammatory biomarkers and immunomodulatory therapy in PAH and CTEPH.OBJECTIVE This study analyzes the causes of death, survival, and other related factors in hospitalized elderly people with fractures over the course of one year. METHODS We followed 376 fracture patients for one year in a prospective cohort study to a reference hospital in central Brazil. The Cox regression model was used to analyze factors associated with survival. RESULTS The results indicate that the one-year mortality rate was high (22.9%). The independent factors linked to lower overall survival were as follows patients aged >80 years with previous intensive care unit (ICU) admission and presence of comorbidities (diabetes mellitus [DM] and dementia). CONCLUSION Our study results may contribute to a better understanding of the impact of fractures on the elderly population and reinforce the need to oversee age-groups, diabetic patients, and patients with complications during hospitalization.Zr-based amorphous alloy is a new type of metastable energetic material, which has been exploringly used to design shaped charge (SC) liners by scholars of the military industry. In order to know well how the stand-off distance influences jet penetration performance of liners made by such energetic materials against metal targets, SC static explosion tests were conducted under the same initiation and target conditions but different stand-off distances compared with copper liners. Test results indicate that the jet depth of penetration (DOP) of Zr-based amorphous alloy liners firstly increases slowly and then decreases sharply as the stand-off becomes larger. The optimum stand-off distance is 3.5 times of charge diameter (CD) and the corresponding maximum DOP is about 2.68 CD against the 45# steel plate. The perforation area varies with the stand-off distance. It reaches the maximum when the stand-off is 3.5 CD and the corresponding perforation diameter is about 42mm, also the penetration hole is nearly circular.