From the application point of view, S-g-CN/Mo-368 was applied to determine the solar chemical production (i.e. NADH regeneration) under visible light with a higher yield% of about ~ 94.85%.This is the first American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD) Practice Guidance on the management of malnutrition, frailty, and sarcopenia in patients with cirrhosis. This guidance represents the consensus of a panel of experts after a thorough review and vigorous debate of the literature published to date, incorporating clinical experience and common sense to fill in the gaps when appropriate. Our goal was to offer clinicians pragmatic recommendations that could be implemented immediately in clinical practice to target malnutrition, frailty, and sarcopenia in this population.Whereas the rising prevalence of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is closely related with the global obesity epidemic, up to 10-20% of individuals with NAFLD are lean as defined by a body mass index of less then 25 kg/m2 , or less then 23 kg/m2 in Asians. This entity designated as "lean NAFLD" is estimated to affect 8 to 10 million individuals in the United States alone. Here, we review the emerging data on the epidemiology, natural history and prognosis of lean NAFLD and put forward a diagnostic approach that combines detailed clinical phenotyping with genomic analysis. We propose two subtypes of lean NAFLD referred to as type 1 individuals with visceral adiposity and insulin resistance but normal BMI; and type 2 lean individuals with hepatic steatosis secondary to a known or unknown monogenic disease. We envision that incorporation of genomic analysis in the diagnostic algorithm of lean patients with NAFLD will elucidate the contribution of common genetic variants through the calculation of NAFLD polygenic risk score and also characterize the diverse array of rare monogenic diseases that can lead to triglyceride accumulation in the cytoplasm of hepatocytes. Collectively, the integration of a molecular diagnosis in the clinical evaluation of patients with lean NAFLD will provide an accurate diagnosis, with possible targeted therapies and may uncover novel molecular mechanisms with potential broader therapeutic implications. Laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma (LSCC) has a non-negligible incidence in elderly patients. However, there is still no clear indication on the ideal treatment for early-intermediate glottic LSCC in this specific age group. Both surgical and nonsurgical approaches may be burdened by complications and sequelae that negatively impact patient's health. In this setting, carbon dioxide transoral laser microsurgery (CO TOLMS) is a promising minimally invasive treatment option. Retrospective case series in a single tertiary academic institution. Patients who underwent CO TOLMS for Tis-T3 glottic LSCC from 1997 to 2017 were reviewed. Demographic, clinical, and tumor characteristics, as well as postoperative complications were recorded. Overall (OS), disease-specific (DSS), recurrence-free (RFS), laryngo-esophageal dysfunction free survivals (LEDFS), and organ preservation (OP) were calculated. A total of 134 patients (mean age, 80 ± 4 years; median, 79; range, 75-93) were included in the study. Seven lesions were classified as pTis, 65 as pT1a, 22 as pT1b, 35 as pT2, and 5 as pT3. No treatment-related death was observed. Twenty-eight (20.9%) patients reported 10 surgical and 19 medical complications. Five-year OS, DSS, RFS, LEDFS, and OP were 68.9%, 95.4%, 79.5%, 66%, and 92.5%, respectively. Age and comorbidities were associated with OS and LEDFS. Advanced T categories were negatively correlated with OS, DSS, RFS, LEDFS, and OP. Age and comorbidities were not significant risk factors for complications. CO TOLMS can be considered a valuable therapeutic approach for selected Tis-T3 glottic LSCC even in the elderly given its favorable oncologic outcomes and minimal aggressiveness. 4 Laryngoscope, 2021. 4 Laryngoscope, 2021. Oxalic acid is a common antinutrient in the human diet, found in large quantities in spinach. However, spinach is highly regarded by vegetable producers because of its nutritional content and economic value. One of the primary purposes of spinach-breeding programs is to improve the nutritional value of spinach by adjusting oxalate accumulation. Knowledge of the biosynthetic patterns of oxalic acid, and its different forms, is important for a better understanding of this process. We found three biosynthetic patterns of accumulation and concentration of oxalates. Two of them are related to the maximum type and one is related to the minimum type. We also developed a general model of variations in these compounds in the genotypes that were studied. This study introduced a unique type of spinach with high oxalate accumulation, which could be particularly suitable for consumption. This had the highest ratio of insoluble oxalate to soluble oxalate. It also accumulated more ascorbic acid (AA) than other types. Our findings in this study also indicate a small role for AA as a precursor to oxalate production in spinach, possibly confirming the significant role of glyoxylate as the most critical precursor in this plant. © 2021 Society of Chemical Industry. This study introduced a unique type of spinach with high oxalate accumulation, which could be particularly suitable for consumption. This had the highest ratio of insoluble oxalate to soluble oxalate. It also accumulated more ascorbic acid (AA) than other types. Our findings in this study also indicate a small role for AA as a precursor to oxalate production in spinach, possibly confirming the significant role of glyoxylate as the most critical precursor in this plant. © 2021 Society of Chemical Industry.The neural tube of amniotes is formed through different mechanisms that take place in the anterior and posterior regions and involve neural plate folding or mesenchymal condensation followed by its cavitation. Meanwhile, in teleost trunk region, the neural plate forms the neural keel, while the lumen develops later. However, the data on neurulation and other morphogenetic processes in the posterior body region in Teleostei remain fragmentary. We proposed that there could be variations in the morphogenetic processes, such as cell shape changes and cell rearrangements, in the posterior region compared to the anterior one at the different stages. Here, we performed morphological and histochemical analyses of morphogenetic processes with an emphasis on neurulation in the zebrafish tail bud (TB) and posterior region. To analyze the posterior expression of sox2 and tbxta we performed whole mount in situ hybridization. We showed that the TB cells of variable shapes and orientation are tightly packed, and the neural and notochord primordia develop first.