The continuously operating MBBRs subjected to pH shocks of 2 and 12 demonstrated a 50% loss of soluble COD removal capability within one hydraulic retention time. Extracellular polymeric substances changes in its structure and surface properties influencing the degree of biofilm detachment and its solubilization properties leading to differences in biofilm resilience. The findings have shown that by applying a side stream alkali treatment it could be possible to control biofilm retention time ensuring its detachment up to 70% and a reduced impact on the residual biofilm activity returning to the reactor.Rural Indigenous communities in Alaska suffer staggeringly high rates of suicide. In close-knit Alaska Native villages, each suicide leaves a trail of affected family and community members in its wake. This research aimed to understand community perceptions of what causes suicide in rural Alaska Native villages and generate recommendations for prevention strategies. In-depth interviews were conducted with 25 Alaska Native university students who moved from rural villages to an urban area to attend college. All had been profoundly affected by others' suicides and shared their beliefs about causal factors and recommendations for prevention efforts. Perceived causes included resistance to seeking help or discussing personal problems, loss of culture, traumatic experiences, geographical and social isolation, lack of opportunity, substance abuse, and exposure to others' suicides. Participants believed that suicide is preventable and recommended multi-level approaches to address suicide disparities. They provided recommendations for potentially effective and culturally appropriate prevention strategies, including increasing cultural and social connections, educating community members about mental health, and increasing accessibility of counseling services/reducing barriers to mental health services utilization.Visceral Leishmaniasis (VL) is an insect-borne neglected disease caused by the protozoan parasite Leishmania donovani. In the absence of a commercial vaccine against VL, chemotherapy is currently the only option used for the treatment of VL. Vaccination has been considered as the most effective and powerful tool for complete eradication and control of infectious diseases. In this study, we aimed to design a peptide-based vaccine against L. donovani using immuno-bioinformatic tools. We identified 6 HTL, 18 CTL, and 25 B-cell epitopes from three hypothetical membrane proteins of L. donovani. All these epitopes were used to make a vaccine construct along with linkers. An adjuvant was also added at the N-terminal to enhance its immunogenicity. After that, we checked the quality of this vaccine construct and found that it is nontoxic, nonallergic, and thermally stable. A 3D structure of the vaccine construct was also generated by homology modeling to evaluate its interaction with innate immune receptors (TLR). Molecular docking was performed, which confirmed its binding with a toll-like receptor-2 (TLR-2). The stability of vaccine-TLR-2 complex and underlying interactions were evaluated using molecular dynamic simulation. Lastly, we carried out in silico cloning to check the expression of the final designed vaccine. The designed vaccine construct needs further experimental and clinical investigations to develop it as a safe and effective vaccine against VL infection.Tuberculosis (TB) constitutes a major public health challenge and is one of the top 10 causes of death worldwide. In 2015, over 10.4 million people fell ill with TB and 1.8 million died from the disease; an estimated 480,000 people developed multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB); and an estimated 1 million children became ill with TB, and 170,000 children died due to TB. According to the WHO, the incidence of TB cases in Pakistan for all types are 270/100,000. A cross-sectional study was designed, and a potential 2,000 registered pharmacies from different rural and urban/peri-urban areas of 12 districts across Pakistan were selected. Supervisors, pharmacy focal persons, students and faculty coordinators from seven universities were trained on TB case identification, a referral mechanism, and collaboration with the program, followed by signing MOU. In phase 1 an entire (100%) pharmacy staff was trained; followed by the second phase, in which 96% of focal persons were trained from private pharmacies nation-wide. A total of 4,085 referrals were sent to the trained doctors, out of which 622 cases were identified. The percentage of case registration was 14.5% of total referrals. The highest number of TB presumptives (527) were referred from private pharmacies of district Muzafargarh, and 136 TB cases were registered out of these referrals. For a significant impact on case detection, it is important to acknowledge a number of concerns expressed by pharmacists and attempt to change both client's and provider's expectations with regard to the pharmacist's role.Background Levothyroxine (LT4) is one of the most commonly prescribed medications. Although considered a life-long replacement therapy, LT4 therapy can be discontinued for some patients. This study aims at (i) reviewing the evidence on clinical outcomes of patients undergoing thyroid hormone replacement discontinuation, (ii) identifying the predictors of successful discontinuation, and (iii) systematically appraising frameworks used for deprescribing thyroid hormone. Methods We searched multiple bibliographic databases, including Ovid MEDLINE(R) and Epub Ahead of Print, In-Process & Other Non-Indexed Citations and Daily, Ovid Embase, Ovid Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, Ovid Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, and Scopus, from inception to February 2020 for studies in which thyroid hormone replacement was discontinued. Clinical outcomes assessed included proportion of patients that remained euthyroid or needed to restart thyroid hormone replacement after discontinuation and frequency of cat up to a third of patients remained euthyroid after thyroid hormone discontinuation, with a higher proportion of patients with an initial diagnosis of SCH remaining euthyroid than patients with an initial diagnosis of OH. A deprescribing framework focusing on adequate selection of patients for deprescribing LT4 and a systematic process is warranted to guide clinicians in re-evaluating the need for LT4 in their patients.