Senile osteoporosis (SOP), which is caused by unbalanced bone remodeling, leads to significant economic and societal burdens globally. The combination of (EF) and (LLF) serves as a commonly-used prescription for SOP in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). This study aimed to evaluate the osteoprotective effects of EF and LLF in combination on SOP rats based on the constructed multilayer perception (MLP)-artificial neural network (ANN) model. 15month old male Sprague-Dawley rats were administrated with EF, LLF or the combination of EF and LLF (EF&LLF) for 2months, while 17month old rats were used as the aging control group. All the rats were anesthetized with 25% ethyl carbamate, then their serum liver and bone tissues were taken. We detected bone mass, bone mineral density (BMD), biomechanics and the microstructure of bone trabecula by micro-CT and H&E staining to evaluate the degree of osteoporosis. Blood lipids and serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and γf ALP and TRACP. At the molecular levels, EF&LLF stimulated the osteoclastogenesis by upregulating the protein and mRNA expression of OPG, RANKL, M-CSF and ATP6V0d2; meanwhile, EF&LLF stimulated osteoblastogenesis by enhancing the expression of TGF-β1, BMP2, Wnt5a and IGF-1. According to our established MLP model, EF&LLF has a better effect on osteoclastogenesis or steoblastogenesis in SOP rats than EF or LLF. These findings demonstrate that the systemic bone protective effects of EF&LLF by promoting bone remodeling in aging rats might be a substitute medicine for the treatment of SOP. These findings demonstrate that the systemic bone protective effects of EF&LLF by promoting bone remodeling in aging rats might be a substitute medicine for the treatment of SOP.Daodi medicinal materials (DMMs), with unique characteristics and specific ecological growing environments, are recognized as high-quality medicinal products of Chinese medicinal materials (CMMs). The quality evaluation of CMMs is fundamental for standardization. The concept and application of DMMs have a long history as described in records in ancient books and rooted in practice and experience over generations. DMM is the specific term for pure, superior medicinal herbs with the following characteristics optimum harvest season (reflecting the appropriate developmental stage of the plant), scrupulous processing, traditional preparation technology, etc. As DMM and high-quality medicinal products are traditionally thought to be closely related, modern scientific studies that confirm the association of these products are described. This article aims to clarify the scientific elucidation of DMMs. The history of gene families-which are equivalent to event-labeled gene trees-can to some extent be reconstructed from empirically estimated evolutionary event-relations containing pairs of orthologous, paralogous or xenologous genes. The question then arises as whether inferred event-labeled gene trees are "biologically feasible" which is the case if one can find a species tree with which the gene tree can be reconciled in a time-consistent way. In this contribution, we consider event-labeled gene trees that contain speciations, duplications as well as horizontal gene transfer (HGT) and we assume that the species tree is unknown. Although many problems become NP-hard as soon as HGT and time-consistency are involved, we show, in contrast, that the problem of finding a time-consistent species tree for a given event-labeled gene can be solved in polynomial-time. We provide a cubic-time algorithm to decide whether a "time-consistent" species tree for a given event-labeled gene tree exists and, in the affirmative case, to construct the species tree within the same time-complexity. In this contribution, we consider event-labeled gene trees that contain speciations, duplications as well as horizontal gene transfer (HGT) and we assume that the species tree is unknown. Although many problems become NP-hard as soon as HGT and time-consistency are involved, we show, in contrast, that the problem of finding a time-consistent species tree for a given event-labeled gene can be solved in polynomial-time. We provide a cubic-time algorithm to decide whether a "time-consistent" species tree for a given event-labeled gene tree exists and, in the affirmative case, to construct the species tree within the same time-complexity. In 2015, the WorkSafeMed study assessed, amongst others, perceived psychosocial working conditions in nurses ( = 567) and physicians ( = 381) from two German university hospitals using scales from the German standard version of the COPSOQ (Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire). This standard version is based on the international COPSOQ I and II. Since 2017, a further developed version of the German COPSOQ (G-COPSOQ III) has been available and data from this version are stored in the German COPSOQ database. The aim of the present study was to compare scales depicting perceived psychosocial workloads and strain in hospital staff from the WorkSafeMed study with reference data (hospital care nurses, general hospital physicians, reference values across all occupations) from the German COPSOQ database (2012-2017). As preliminary work, we explored whether a conversion of COPSOQ scales based on data from the WorkSafeMed study to the G-COPSOQ III scales was possible. We applied a multistep approach for conversiafeMed sample The conversion of WorkSafeMed scales was appropriate, allowed a comparison with three reference values in the German COPSOQ database and revealed some implications for improving psychosocial working conditions of nurses and physicians in university hospitals in Germany. The conversion of WorkSafeMed scales was appropriate, allowed a comparison with three reference values in the German COPSOQ database and revealed some implications for improving psychosocial working conditions of nurses and physicians in university hospitals in Germany.Exostosin-like 3 (EXTL3) encodes the glycosyltransferases responsible for the biosynthesis of the backbone structure of heparan sulfate (HS), a sulfated polysaccharide that is ubiquitously distributed on the animal cell surface and in the extracellular matrix. A lack of EXTL3 reduces HS levels and causes embryonic lethality, indicating its indispensable role in the biosynthesis of HS. EXTL3 has also been identified as a receptor molecule for regenerating islet-derived (REG) protein ligands, which have been shown to stimulate islet β-cell growth. REG proteins also play roles in keratinocyte proliferation and/or differentiation, tissue regeneration and immune defenses in the gut as well as neurite outgrowth in the central nervous system. Compared with the established function of EXTL3 as a glycosyltransferase in HS biosynthesis, the REG-receptor function of EXTL3 is not conclusive. Genetic diseases caused by biallelic mutations in the EXTL3 gene were recently reported to result in a neuro-immuno-skeletal dysplasia syndrome.