The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection, has required a rapid and drastic transformation of hospitals, and consequently also of Spanish Nephrology Units, to respond to the critical situation. The Spanish Society of Nephrology conducted a survey directed to the Heads of Nephrology Departments in Spain that addressed the reorganisation of Nephrology departments and activity during the peak of COVID-19 pandemic. The survey has been focused on the integration of nephrologists in COVID-19 teams, nephrology inpatient care activities (elective admissions, kidney biopsies), the performance of elective surgeries such as vascular accesses or implantation of peritoneal catheters, the suspension of kidney transplantation programmes and the transformation of nephrology outpatient clinics. This work details the adaptation and transformation of nephrology services during the COVID-19 pandemic in Spain. During this period, elective admissions to Nephrology Services, elective surgeries and biopsies were suspended, and the kidney transplant programme was scaled back by more than 75%. It is worth noting that outpatient nephrology consultations were carried out largely by telephone. In conclusion, the pandemic has clearly impacted clinical activity in Spanish Nephrology departments, reducing elective activity and kidney transplants, and modifying activity in outpatient clinics. A restructuring and implementation plan in Nephrology focused on telemedicine and/or virtual medicine would seem to be both necessary and very useful in the near future. Duodenal-jejunal bypass liners (DJBLs) prevent absorption in the proximal small intestine, the site of fatty acid absorption. We sought to investigate the effects of a DJBL on blood concentrations of essential fatty acids (EFAs) and bioactive polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). Sub-study of a multicentre, randomised, controlled trial with two treatment groups. Patients aged 18-65 years with type-2 diabetes mellitus and body mass index 30-50kg/m were randomised to receive a DJBL for 12 months or best medical therapy, diet and exercise. Whole plasma PUFA concentrations were determined at baseline, 10 days, 6 and 11.5 months; data were available for n=70 patients per group. Weight loss was significantly greater in the DJBL group compared to controls after 11.5 months total body weight loss 11.3±5.3% versus 6.0±5.7% (mean difference [95% CI]=5.27% [3.75, 6.80], p<0.001). Absolute concentrations of both EFAs, linoleic acid and α-linolenic acid, and their bioactive derivatives, arachidonic acid, eicosapentaenoic acid, docosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid, were significantly lower in the DJBL group than in the control group at 6 and 11.5 months follow-up. Total serum cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol and HDL-cholesterol were also significantly lower in the DJBL group. One year of DJBL therapy is associated with superior weight loss and greater reductions in total serum cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol, but also depletion of EFAs and their longer chain derivatives. DJBL therapy may need to be offset by maintaining an adequate dietary intake of PUFAs or by supplementation. Identifier NCT02459561. Identifier NCT02459561. Plasma ceramides have been identified as novel risk factors for metabolic and cardiovascular diseases. We aimed to evaluate the effects of dietary anthocyanins on plasma ceramides and to disentangle whether the alterations in ceramides could be related with those in other cardiometabolic risk factors in the dyslipidemia. In a randomized double-blinded placebo-controlled trial, 176 eligible dyslipidemia subjects were randomly assigned into four groups receiving placebo, 40, 80, or 320mg/day anthocyanins, respectively for 12 weeks. A total of 169 subjects completed the study. After 12-week intervention, dietary anthocyanins dose-dependently reduced plasma concentrations of all six ceramide species in the dyslipidemia subjects (all P values<0.05). Specifically, 320mg/day anthocyanins effectively lowered plasma N-palmitoylsphingosine (Cer 160, mean change-28.3±41.2 versus 2.9±38.2, nmol/L, P=0.018) and N-tetracosanoylsphingosine (Cer 240, mean change-157.1±493.9 versus 10.7±439.9, nmol/L, P=0.002) with the identifier No. NCT03415503. The study was registered at with the identifier No. NCT03415503.Birth centres offer a midwifery-led model of care which supports a non-medicalised approach to childbirth. They are often reported as having low rates of birth intervention, however the precise impact is obscured because less disadvantaged mothers with less complex pregnancies, and who prefer and often select little intervention, are more likely to choose a birth centre. In this paper, we use a methodology that purges the impact of these selection effects and provides a causal interpretation of the impact of birth centres on intervention outcomes. Using administrative birth data on over 364,000 births in Australia's most populous state between 2001 and 2012, we implement an instrumental variables framework to address confounding factors influencing choice of birth setting. We find that giving birth in a birth centre results in significantly lower probabilities of intervention, and that critically, this impact has been increasing over time. Our estimates are larger than those in existing studies, reflecting our newer data, diverging intervention rates across birth settings, and our accounting for important selection effects. The results emphasise the greater role of birth centres in delivering on policy priorities which include greater maternal autonomy, lower intervention rates, and lower health system costs. Tumor Necrosis Factor Type 1 Receptor Associated Periodic Syndrome (TRAPS) is a rare autosomal dominant autosomal autoinflammatory disease associated with mutations in the TNF type 1 receptor gene (TNFRSF1A). It is characterized by relatively long recurrent febrile seizures with an average duration of 7 days accompanied by arthralgia, myalgia, and usually a rash. In a patient of Mediterranean origin with recurrent fever, familial Mediterranean fever is the first diagnosis to be suspected by argument of frequency. A retrospective observational study was conducted on patients from Mediterranean origin followed for TRAPS and included in the "Juvenile Inflammatory Rheumatism" (JIR) observational cohort in the national French autoinflammatory center. The age of onset of symptoms, age of diagnosis, number of years of wandering and treatments received were collected for each index case. Nine patients from 6 families of Mediterranean origin were included. A molecular diagnosis confirmed TRAPS in all patients. The median age at diagnosis was 26 years, the mean number of years of wandering was 17 years.