It was observed that the year of cultivation was a determinant factor in every parameter studied, being 2018 the year with lower yields, germination rates, and antioxidant capacity, but higher seed weights and seed protein contents. Overall, this work will greatly contribute to increase our knowledge of the impact of the environment and genotype on the nutritional properties of quinoa seeds, especially in areas that share climatic conditions to Southern Europe.Chloroplasts are organelles responsible for chlorophyll biosynthesis, photosynthesis, and biosynthesis of many metabolites, which are one of key targets for crop improvement. Elucidating and engineering genes involved in chloroplast development are important approaches for studying chloroplast functions as well as developing new crops. In this study, we report a long-lived albino mutant derived from a popular ornamental plant Epipremnum aureum 'Golden Pothos' which could be used as a model for analyzing the function of genes involved in chloroplast development and generating colorful plants. Albino mutant plants were isolated from regenerated populations of variegated 'Golden Pothos' whose albino phenotype was previously found to be due to impaired expression of EaZIP, encoding Mg-protoporphyrin IX monomethyl ester cyclase. Using petioles of the mutant plants as explants with a traceable sGFP gene, an efficient transformation system was developed. Expressing Arabidopsis CHL27 (a homolog of EaZIP) but not EaZIP in albino plants restored green color and chloroplast development. Interestingly, in addition to the occurrence of plants with solid green color, plants with variegated leaves and pale-yellow leaves were also obtained in the regenerated populations. Nevertheless, our study shows that these long-lived albino plants along with the established efficient transformation system could be used for creating colorful ornamental plants. This system could also potentially be used for investigating physiological processes associated with chlorophyll levels and chloroplast development as well as certain biological activities, which are difficult to achieve using green plants.Auxin is one of the traditional plant hormones, whereas peptide hormones are peptides with hormone activities. Both auxin and plant peptide hormones regulate multiple aspects of plant growth and development, and there are cross-talks between auxin and plant peptide hormones. PAMP-INDUCED SECRETED PEPTIDES (PIPs) and PIP-LIKEs (PIPLs) are a new family of plant peptide hormone, and PIPL3/TARGET OF LBD SIXTEEN 2 (TOLS2) has been shown to regulate lateral root formation in Arabidopsis. We report here the identification of PIP2 as an auxin response gene, and we found it plays a role in regulating root and hypocotyl development in Arabidopsis. By using quantitative RT-PCR, we found that the expression of PIP2 but not PIP1 and PIP3 was induced by auxin, and auxin induced expression of PIP2 was reduced in nph4-1 and arf19-4, the lost-of-function mutants of Auxin Response Factor 7 (ARF7) and ARF19, respectively. By generating and characterizing overexpressing transgenic lines and gene edited mutants for PIP2, we found gene, and PIP2 plays a role in regulating root and hypocotyl elongation in Arabidopsis likely via regulating cell division and cell elongation.Wheat is one of the most important food and protein sources in the world and although, in recent years wheat breeders have achieved yield gains, they are not sufficient to meet the demands of an ever-growing population. Development of high yielding wheat varieties, resilient to abiotic and biotic stress resulting from climate change, has been limited by wheat's narrow genetic base. In contrast to wheat, the wild relatives of wheat provide a vast reservoir of genetic variation for most, if not all, agronomic traits. Previous studies by the authors have shown the transfer of genetic variation from T. urartu into bread wheat. However, before the introgression lines can be exploited for trait analysis, they are required to have stable transmission of the introgressions to the next generation. In this work, we describe the generation of 86 doubled haploid (DH) wheat-T. urartu introgression lines that carry homozygous introgressions which are stably inherited. The DH lines were characterised using the Axiom® Wheat Relative Genotyping Array and 151 KASP markers to identify 65 unique T. urartu introgressions in a bread wheat background. DH production has helped accelerate the breeding process and facilitated the early release of homozygous wheat-T. urartu introgression lines. Together with the KASP markers, this valuable resource could greatly advance identification of beneficial alleles that can be used in wheat improvement.Maintaining seed yield under low N inputs is a major issue for breeding, which requires thoroughly exploiting the genetic diversity of processes related to Nitrogen Use Efficiency (NUE). However, dynamic analysis of processes underlying genotypic variations in NUE in response to N availability from sowing to harvest are scarce, particularly at the whole-plant scale. This study aimed to dynamically decipher the contributions of Nitrogen Uptake Efficiency (NUpE) and Nitrogen Utilization Efficiency (NUtE) to NUE and to identify traits underlying NUpE genetic variability throughout the growth cycle of rapeseed. Three experiments were conducted under field-like conditions to evaluate seven genotypes under two N conditions. We developed NUE_DM (ratio of total plant biomass to the amount of N available) as a new proxy of NUE at harvest, valid to discriminate genotypes from the end of inflorescence emergence, and N conditions as early as the beginning of stem elongation. During autumn growth, NUpE explained up to 100% of variations in NUE_DM, validating the major role of NUpE in NUE shaping. During this period, under low N conditions, up to 53% of the plant nitrogen was absorbed and NUpE genetic variability resulted not from differences in Specific N Uptake but in fine-root growth. NUtE mainly contributed to NUE_DM genotypic variation during the reproductive phase under high-N conditions, but NUpE contribution still accounted for 50-75% after flowering. Our study highlights for the first time NUpE and fine-root growth as important processes to optimize NUE, which opens new prospects for breeding.