We report the unique actuation characteristics of moisture-driven, fully reversible soft biopolymer films fabricated from Bombyx mori silk. The instantaneous actuation is driven by the water vapor induced stress gradient generated across the thickness of the film, and it possesses subsecond response and actuation times. The excellent durability and consistent performance of the film without any noticeable fatigue are established by subjecting it to more than a thousand continuous actuation cycles. The weight-lifting capability of the film is fascinating, where a few tens of micrograms of water generate a colossal force required to lift hundreds of milligrams of weight. Several other potential uses of silk fibroin based soft actuators, such as an intelligent textile layer with the crescent-shaped windows that open on perspiring skin and an autonomous crawler, are also demonstrated. Interestingly, even moisture emanating from the human palm triggers the ultrafast actuation process. These silk films are fabricated using a simple facile solution-casting technique, which can be scaled up with relative ease.Although a homometallic (isotopic metal) exchange reaction has been reported, the in-depth understanding of the interaction between a metalloid cluster and the homometal (representing the same metal element as the metalloid cluster) thiolate is quite limited, especially at the atomic level. Herein, based on Ag44(SR)30 (where SR represents 4-mercaptobenzoic acid), we report a facile approach for investigating the metalloid cluster-homometal thiolate interaction at the atomic level, i.e., isotopic exchange in the Ag metalloid cluster. Since such a reaction takes no account of the enthalpy change-related heterometal (representing a different metal element) exchange, the intrinsic metalloid cluster-homometal thiolate interaction can be thoroughly investigated. Through analyzing the ESI-MS (electrospray ionization mass spectrometry) and MS/MS (mass/mass spectrometry) results of the reversible conversion between 107Ag44(SR)30 and 109Ag44(SR)30, we observed that all Ag atoms are exchangeable in the Ag44(SR)30 template. In addition, through analyzing the ESI-MS results of the interconversion between 107Ag29(BDT)12(TPP)4 and 109Ag29(BDT)12(TPP)4, we demonstrated that the metal exchange in the Ag29(BDT)12(TPP)4 metalloid cluster should be a shell → kernel metal transfer process. Our results provide new insights into the metalloid cluster reactivity in the homometal thiolate environment, which will guide the future preparation of metalloid clusters with customized structures and properties.Atmospheric emissions from oil and gas production operations are composed of multiple hydrocarbons and can have large variations in composition. Accurate estimates of emission compositions are needed to estimate the fate and impacts of emissions and to attribute emissions to sources. This work presents a database, constructed with empirical data and thermodynamic models, that can be queried to estimate hydrocarbon compositions from emission sources present at oil and gas production sites. The database can be searched for matches using between two and seven well parameters as query inputs (gas-to-oil ratio, API gravity, separator pressure, separator temperature, methane molar fraction in produced gas, ethane molar fraction of produced gas, and propane molar fraction in produced gas). https://www.selleckchem.com/products/triptolide.html Database query performance was characterized by comparing returns from database queries to a test data set. Application of the database to well parameters for tens of thousands of wells in the Barnett, Eagle Ford, and Fayetteville production regions demonstrates variations in emission compositions. Ethane to methane ratio varies by more than an order of magnitude from well to well and source to source. VOC to methane ratios are comparable in variability to ethane to methane ratios for most emission sources, but have a higher variability for emissions from flashing of liquid hydrocarbon tanks.In the present study, soy protein isolate (SPI) was noncovalently modified by (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), and its foaming, emulsifying, and antioxidant properties were all significantly increased. Fluorescence analysis revealed that the fluorescence quenching of SPI by EGCG was static quenching. EGCG mainly changed the folding state of SPI around Trp and Tyr residues, and the binding site was closer to Trp. UV-vis spectra further proved that more hydrophobic residues of SPI were exposed to a hydrophilic microenvironment. Circular dichroism spectra indicated that the contents of ordered structures were transforming into random coils with the reduce of α-helix, β-sheet, and β-turns by 3.8%, 2.0%, and 1.2%, respectively. Meanwhile, the binding stoichiometry of two molecules of EGCG per one molecule of SPI was obtained from isothermal titration calorimetry, and the interaction was a spontaneous endothermic process with a noncovalent complex preferentially formed. According to thermodynamic parameters and molecular docking model, hydrophobic force and hydrogen bonds were considered to be the main interaction forces between SPI and EGCG. Overall, after modification through the high affinity to EGCG, the structure of SPI became looser and exposed more active groups, thus resulting in an improvement of its foaming, emulsifying, and antioxidant properties.The high activity of specific enzymes in cancer has been utilized in cancer diagnosis, as well as tumor-targeted drug delivery. NAD(P)Hquinone oxidoreductase-1 (NQO1), an overexpressed enzyme in certain tumor types, maintains homeostasis and inhibits oxidative stress caused by elevated reactive oxygen species (ROS) in tumor cells. The activity of NQO1 in lung and liver cancer cells is increased compared to that in normal cells. Interestingly, NQO1 reacts with trimethyl-locked quinone propionic acid (QPA) and produces a lactone-based group via intramolecular cyclization. Toward this objective, we synthesized an amphiphilic block copolymer (QPA-P) composed of NQO1 enzyme-triggered depolymerizable QPA-locked polycaprolactone (PCL) and poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) as hydrophobic and hydrophilic constituents, respectively. This QPA-P formed self-assembled micelles in aqueous conditions. It was observed that NQO1 catalyzed the depolymerization of QPA-locked PCL via a cascade two-step cyclization process, which eventually induced the dissociation of micellar structure and triggered the release of loaded drugs at the target cancer cells.