Vitamin C (ascorbic acid, AscH2) has been shown to enhance immunity. Here, we studied its immunomodulatory effect on human endothelial cells (ECs) during S. aureus infection. The ex vivo effects of AscH2 were performed on primary human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) infected or not with S. aureus. AscH2 treatment induced a marked downregulation of nitric oxide (NO) production and a moderate upregulation of arginase activity in S. aureus-infected HUVECs (respectively, p<0.05 and p>0.05). Although the upregulated release levels of soluble intercellular adhesion molecular 1 (sICAM-1/sCD54) and sE-selectin (sCD62E) molecules were not significantly different between treated and untreated S. aureus-infected HUVECs, AscH2 treatment induced reversing effect on sICAM-1 release when comparing to uninfected control HUVECs. Moreover, AscH2 treatment appears to have a significant effect on preventing HUVEC necrosis induced by S. aureus infection (p<0.05). Furthermore, AscH2 treatment induced a siinally, AscH2 treatment has a slight effect on the production of interleukin 6 (IL-6), but induced a marked downregulation of that of IL-1β in S. aureus-infected HUVECs (respectively, p>0.05, and p<0.05). Our outcomes demonstrated that, during S. aureus infection, AscH2 treatment promotes human ECs survival and function, as well as prevents inflammatory response exacerbation, while inducing bactericidal activity. Our outcomes demonstrated that, during S. aureus infection, AscH2 treatment promotes human ECs survival and function, as well as prevents inflammatory response exacerbation, while inducing bactericidal activity. Abnormal movements in Covid-19 patients have been reported with varying degree of frequency, prompting neurologic consultation and additional diagnostic evaluation. We sought to evaluate the frequency and etiology of abnormal movements among hospitalized Covid-19 patients undergoing neurologic consultation. We retrospectively analyzed the first 50 consecutive patients with confirmed Covid-19 hospitalized at our tertiary medical care center who underwent acute inpatient neurology consultation from March 2020 through May 2020. Indication for neurologic consultation and diagnostic studies performed were identified by electronic medical record review. Of the 50 initial consultation requests, 11 (22.0%) patients were evaluated for abnormal movements (nine male and two female). Myoclonus was diagnosed in 6/11 (54.5%) patients. Additionally, two patients were diagnosed with seizures (confirmed on EEG in one), while two additional patients were diagnosed with tremor (physiologic and probable functional). A single case of serotonin syndrome was also identified. Abnormal movements observed in hospitalized Covid-19 patients can have a wide range of etiologies and were a frequent initial indication for neurologic consultation. Myoclonus was the most frequent type of abnormal movement observed. Early clinical recognition and directed diagnostic work-up is essential for accurate diagnoses in these patients. Abnormal movements observed in hospitalized Covid-19 patients can have a wide range of etiologies and were a frequent initial indication for neurologic consultation. Myoclonus was the most frequent type of abnormal movement observed. Early clinical recognition and directed diagnostic work-up is essential for accurate diagnoses in these patients.Although human thinking is often biased by erroneous intuitions, recent de-bias studies suggest that people's performance can be boosted by short training interventions, where the correct answers to reasoning problems are explained. However, the nature of this training effect remains unclear. Does training help participants correct erroneous intuitions through deliberation? Or does it help them develop correct intuitions? We addressed this issue in three studies, by focusing on the well-known Bat-and-Ball problem. We used a two-response paradigm in which participants first gave an initial intuitive response, under time pressure and cognitive load, and then gave a final response after deliberation. Studies 1 and 2 showed that not only did training boost performance, it did so as early as the intuitive stage. After training, most participants solved the problems correctly from the outset and no longer needed to correct an initial incorrect answer through deliberation. Study 3 indicated that this sound intuiting sustained over at least two months. The findings confirm that a short training can boost sound reasoning at an intuitive stage. We discuss key theoretical and applied implications.T cells shape immune responses in cancer, autoimmunity and infection, in which CD4+ T helper (Th) and CD8+ T cells mediate effector responses that are suppressed by regulatory T (Treg) cells. The balance between effector T cell and Treg cell function orchestrates immune homeostasis and functional programming, with important contributions to the onset and progression of cancer. Cellular metabolism is dynamically rewired in T cells in response to environmental cues and dictates various aspects of T cell function. In this review, we summarize recent findings on how cellular metabolism modulates effector T cell and Treg cell functional fitness in homeostasis and cancer immunity, and highlight the therapeutic implications of targeting immunometabolic pathways for cancer and other diseases. To observe and describe nurse-caregiver communication of hospital-to-home transition information at the time of discharge at a tertiary children's hospital of Western Australia. A multi-stage qualitative descriptive design involved 31 direct clinical observations of hospital-to-home transition experiences, and semi-structured interviews with 20 caregivers and 12 nurses post-discharge. Eleven caregivers were re-interviewed 2-4 weeks post-discharge. Transcripts of audio recordings and field notes were analyzed using content analysis. Medical records were examined to determine patients' usage of hospital services within 30days of discharge. Four themes emerged from the content analysis structure of hospital-to-home transition information; transition information delivery; readiness for discharge; and recovery experience post-hospital discharge. Examination of medical records found seven patients presented to the Emergency Department within 2-19days post-discharge, of which three were readmitted. Primary caregivers of three readmitted patients all had limited English proficiency.