MOTIVATION Retrotransposition is an important force in shaping the human genome and is involved in prenatal development, disease, and aging. Current genome browsers are not optimized for visualizing the experimental evidence for retrotransposon insertions. RESULTS We have developed a specialized browser to visualize the evidence for retrotransposon insertions for both targeted and whole genome sequencing data. AVAILABILITY TranspoScope's source code, as well as installation instructions, are available at https// © The Author(s) (2020). Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email Workplace-related burnout is a state of mental and physical exhaustion caused by one's professional life. Literature demonstrates the link between physician burnout and serious consequences (reduced productivity, medical errors, and clinician suicide), but assessment of burnout in other healthcare professions is limited, especially in pharmacy. A quality improvement study was conducted to quantify burnout in a diverse health-system pharmacy department and identify potential strategies to improve well-being. METHODS A survey was distributed to assess the perception and drivers of burnout within a health-system pharmacy. All associates received a survey comprised of the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI), demographic questions, and items affording respondents the opportunity to list stressors and potential solutions. Email reminders were sent weekly and site visits were conducted to encourage survey completion. Results were analyzed via descriptive statistics. RESULTS Two hundred seventy-seven associates cem Pharmacists 2020. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail Little is known about the effect of health professionals' advice on promoting healthy lifestyle behaviors (diet and exercise) among breast cancer patients. PURPOSE To identify predictors of receiving lifestyle advice from health professionals and its impact on healthy lifestyle behaviors. METHODS We used data from a randomized controlled trial of an interactive, cancer-communication video program using African American breast cancer survivor stories for newly diagnosed African American breast cancer patients (Stages 0-III). Participants completed five interviews over 2 years. This intervention did not significantly affect changes in quality-of-life outcomes. In secondary analysis, we examined differences in baseline variables between women with and without diabetes. Logistic regression models identified independent predictors of receiving advice from "a doctor or other health professional" to improve diet and exercise and of self-reported change in diet and exercise habits at 2 year follow-up. caloric restriction (CR) has been shown to be beneficial to various tissues and organs. In contrast, CR exerts differential effects on bone, which could be due in part to the nature of the protein regime utilized. Male Sprague Dawley rats (8-month-old) were subjected for 12 months to 40% CR in macronutrients and compared to rats fed ad libitum for the same period. Casein- and soy-fed groups were compared. There was a significant decrease in bone quality in both CR groups, which was independent of the source of protein in the diet. In contrast, the group fed soy protein ad libitum showed better bone quality and higher levels of bone formation compared to casein-fed animals. Notably, bone marrow adipocytes were not mobilized upon CR as demonstrated by an absence of change in adipocyte number and tissue expression of leptin. This study demonstrates that the negative effect of CR on bone quality could not be prevented by the most common protein regimes. © The Author(s) 2020. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The Gerontological Society of America. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail binding transcription factor-4 (Oct4), is highly expressed in stem cells and has indispensable roles in pluripotency and cellular reprogramming. In contrast to other factors used for cellular reprogramming, a role for Oct4 outside embryonic stem cells has been elusive and highly controversial. Emerging evidence implicates Oct4 in the carcinogenic process, but the mechanism through which Oct4 may be functioning in cancers is not fully appreciated. Here, we provide evidence that Oct4 is expressed in human cervical cancer and this expression correlates with the presence of the human papillomavirus (HPV) oncogenes E6 and E7. Surprisingly, the viral oncogenes can complement exogenously provided Oct4 in reprogramming assays, providing functional validation for their ability to activate Oct4 transcription in Mouse Embryonic Fibroblasts (MEFs). To interrogate potential roles of Oct4 in cervical cancers we knocked-down Oct4 in HPV(+) (HeLa & CaSki) and HPV(-) (C33A) cervical cancer cell lines and found that Oct4 knockdown attenuated clonogenesis, only in the HPV(+) cells. More unexpectedly, cell proliferation and migration, were differentially affected in HPV(+) and HPV(-) cell lines. We provide evidence that Oct4 interacts with HPV E7 specifically at the CR3 region of the E7 protein and that introduction of the HPV oncogenes in C33A cells and human immortalised keratinocytes generates Oct4-associated transcriptional and phenotypic patterns, which mimic those seen in HPV(+) cells. We propose that a physical interaction of Oct4 with E7 regulates its activity in HPV(+) cervical cancers in a manner not seen in other cancer types.Reactive oxygen species (ROS) production is one of the earliest responses when plants percept pathogens and acts as antimicrobials to block pathogen entry. However, whether and how pathogens tolerate ROS stress remains elusive. Here, we report the chromatin remodeling in Verticillium dahliae, a soil-borne pathogenic fungus that causes vascular wilts of a wide range of plants, facilitates the DNA damage repair in response to plant ROS stress. We identified VdDpb4, encoding a histone-fold protein of the ISW2 chromatin remodeling complex in V. dahliae, is a virulence gene. The reduced virulence in wild type Arabidopsis plants arising from VdDpb4 deletion was impaired in the rbohd mutant plants that did not produce ROS. Further characterization of VdDpb4 and its interacting protein, VdIsw2, an ATP-dependent chromatin-remodeling factor, we show that while the depletion of VdIsw2 led to the decondensing of chromatin, the depletion of VdDpb4 resulted in a more compact chromatin structure and affected the VdIsw2-dependent transcriptional effect on gene expression, including genes involved in DNA damage repair.