The aim of the present study is to investigate the pollen morphology of melliferous plant taxa of Southern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa-Pakistan. Using light microscope (LM) and scanning electron microscope (SEM), the palynological study of 18 species of melliferous plants namely Calendula arvensis, Cenchrus pennisetiformis, Citrullus colocynthis, Cucumis melo subsp. agrestis var. agrestis, Cucurbita maxima, Cymbopogon jwarancusa, Cynodon dectylon, Dactyloctenium aegyptium, Helianthus annus, Lagenaria siceraria, Launaea procumbens, Luffa cylindrica, Pennisetum glaucum, Saccharum spontaneum, Sonchus asper, Verbesina encelioides, Xanthium strumarium, and Zea mays was carried out. Both qualitative and quantitative characteristics of pollen were studied. Variations were observed in pollen morphology. The dominant pollen shape was prolate-spheroidal (11 species). All the pollen units were monad. The highest exine thickness was found in Citrullus colocynthis (8.45 μm). The maximum polar and equatorial diameter (102 and 97.55 μm) was found in Luffa cylindrica. Similarly, the highest P/E ratio was found in Cucurbita maxima (1.46). Most of the species showed tricolpate and monoporate type of pollen. The exine sculpturing, number of spines per pollen and between colpi and the pollen fertility and sterility provided significant results for the documentation of melliferous plants. Thus, the information listed in this article will prove helpful to identify the potential melliferous plants in the area, geographical origin of the honey, and the availability of pure honey in the local and international market.Grading the fecal consistency of carnivores is a frequently used tool for monitoring gut health and overall digestion. Several fecal consistency grading systems are available for mainly felids and canids. No such system exists for the brown bear (Ursus arctos Linnaeus, 1758). We aim at extending current fecal consistency grading systems with a scoring system for brown bears. The system was set up during a diet study with nine individuals fed a variety of diets including beef meat, rabbit, fruit, and grass-fruit-pellet mix in an incomplete crossover design. One additional individual was included opportunistically and was fed the typical zoo diet (vegetable-fruit-meat-pellet diet). All feces from the collection period were photographed, graded by "handling the feces" and visually inspected for dietary components. Based on a total of 446 feces, a six-point scale for uniform fecal consistencies was established. In 11% of all feces, two distinct consistencies could be distinguished, a feature that appears in other carnivore species as well. Hence, an additional grading system for dual consistencies was developed. The fecal consistency of brown bears is heavily dependent on the diet items processed before defecation with the general observation that the more vegetation or whole prey, the firmer the feces, and at certain proportions of the latter, the higher the chance for dual fecal consistencies to occur. The results indicate that in bears, diet may have a strong effect on fecal consistency, hampering animal health assessments without prior knowledge of the diet.Neuroimaging studies have suggested that hMT+ encodes global motion interpretation, but this contradicts the notion that BOLD activity mainly reflects neuronal input. While measuring fMRI responses at 7 Tesla, we used an ambiguous moving stimulus, yielding the perception of two incoherently moving surfaces-component motion-or only one coherently moving surface-pattern motion, to induce perceptual fluctuations and identify perceptual organization size-matched domains in hMT+. Then, moving gratings, exactly matching either the direction of component or pattern motion percepts of the ambiguous stimulus, were shown to the participants to investigate whether response properties reflect the input or decision. If hMT+ responses reflect the input, component motion domains (selective to incoherent percept) should show grating direction stimulus-dependent changes, unlike pattern motion domains (selective to the coherent percept). This hypothesis is based on the known direction-selective nature of inputs in component motion perceptual domains versus non-selectivity in pattern motion perceptual domains. The response amplitude of pattern motion domains did not change with grating direction (consistently with their non-selective input), in contrast to what happened for the component motion domains (consistently with their selective input). However, when we analyzed relative ratio measures they mirrored perceptual interpretation. These findings are consistent with the notion that patterns of BOLD responses reflect both sensory input and perceptual read-out. Data on closed loop systems in young children with type 1 diabetes (T1D) are limited. We tested the efficacy and safety of an open-source, do-it-yourself automated insulin delivery system AndroidAPS in preschool and school-aged children. This retrospective study analyzed diabetes control in 18 preschool (3-7 years) and 18 school-aged children (8-14 years) with T1D who switched from a sensor-augmented pump (SAP) to AndroidAPS. We compared the CGM parameters and HbA1c levels 3 months before and 6 months after the initiation of AndroidAPS therapy and evaluated frequency of severe adverse events during AndroidAPS use, the most frequent reasons for its interruption, and the experience and psychosocial benefits of AndroidAPS use. General glycemic control was significantly improved after the switch from SAP to AndroidAPS. Time in range (TIR) increased in both preschool (70.8%-78.6%, p = 0.004) and school-aged children (77.2%-82.9%, p < 0.001), whereas HbA1c levels decreased (preschool children 53.8-48.5 mmol/mol, p < 0.001; school-aged children 52.6-45.1 mmol/mol, p = 0.001). Time spent in range of 3.0-3.8 mmol/L increased slightly in school children (2.6%-3.8%, p = 0.040), but not in preschool children (3.0%-3.0%, p = 0.913). Time spent at <3 mmol/L remained unchanged in both preschool (0.95%-0.67%, p = 0.432) and school-aged children (0.8%-0.8%, p = 1.000). No episodes of severe hypoglycemia or DKA and significant improvement of quality of life were reported by AndroidAPS users. AndroidAPS seems effective for T1D control both in preschool and school-age children but further validation by prospective studies is necessary. AndroidAPS seems effective for T1D control both in preschool and school-age children but further validation by prospective studies is necessary.