MiR-497-5p, which was downregulated in breast cancer, was verified to be a target of AFAP1-AS1 and inversely correlated with AFAP1-AS1 expression. SEPT2, as a target gene of miR-497-5p, was negatively regulated by miR-497-5p and positively correlated with AFAP1-AS1 expression. Importantly, AFAP1-AS1 could upregulate SEPT2 expression by sponging miR-497-5p, and modulate cell progression by regulation of the miR-497-5p/SEPT2 axis in breast cancer. Conclusion AFAP1-AS1 knockdown repressed the progression of breast cancer cells by sponging miR-497-5p and downregulating SEPT2.During transit between the Earth and planetary destinations, spacecraft encounter conditions that are deleterious to the survival of terrestrial microorganisms. To model the resulting bioburden reduction, a Cruise-Phase Microbial Survival (CPMS) model was prepared based upon the Lunar Microbial Survival model, which considers the effects of temperature, vacuum, ultraviolet (UV), and ionizing radiation found in the space environment. As an example, the CPMS was used to determine the expected bioburden reductions on the Europa Clipper spacecraft upon arrival at Jupiter under two different transit scenarios. Under a direct trajectory scenario, exterior surfaces are rapidly sterilized with tens of thousands of lethal doses (LDs) absorbed to the spacecraft exterior and at least one LD to all interior spaces of the spacecraft heated to at least 240 K. Under a Venus-Earth-Earth gravity assist (VEEGA) trajectory, we find substantially higher bioburden reductions resulting from the spacecraft spending much more time near the Sun and more time in transit overall. With VEEGA, the exterior absorbs hundreds of thousands of LDs and interior surfaces heated above 230 K would absorb at least one LD. From these simulations, we are able to generalize about bioburden reduction in transit on spacecraft in general, finding that all spacecraft surfaces would sustain at least one LD in ≤38.5 years even if completely unheated. Temperature and vacuum synergy dominates surface reductions out to at most 3.3 AU (for gold multilayer insulation), UV irradiation and temperature between 3.3 and 600 AU, and past 600 AU the effect of vacuum acting alone is the primary factor for all exterior and interior surfaces. Even under the most conservative estimates, if the average interior temperature of the Cassini spacecraft exceeded 218 K, or the Galileo spacecraft interior exceeded 222 K, neither spacecraft would have likely had any viable bioburdens onboard at disposal.Purpose Misophonia is a sound tolerance disorder condition in certain sounds that trigger intense emotional or physiological responses. While some persons may experience misophonia, a few patients suffer from misophonia. However, there is a dearth of literature on audiological assessment and management of persons with misophonia. The purpose of this report is to discuss the assessment of misophonia and highlight the management option that helped a patient with misophonia. Method A case study of a 26-year-old woman with the complaint of decreased tolerance to specific sounds affecting quality of life is reported. Audiological assessment differentiated misophonia from hyperacusis. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/Clopidogrel-bisulfate.html Management included retraining counseling as well as desensitization and habituation therapy based on the principles described by P. J. Jastreboff and Jastreboff (2014). A misophonia questionnaire was administered at regular intervals to monitor the effectiveness of therapy. Results A detailed case history and audiological evaluations including pure-tone audiogram and Johnson Hyperacusis Index revealed the presence of misophonia. The patient benefitted from intervention, and the scores of the misophonia questionnaire indicated a decrease in the severity of the problem. Conclusions It is important to differentially diagnose misophonia and hyperacusis in persons with sound tolerance disorders. Retraining counseling as well as desensitization and habituation therapy can help patients who suffer from misophonia.Purpose Traumatic brain injury (TBI) accounts for a large percentage of death and disability in the United States. Survivors of TBI and their families often face impaired cognition (e.g., memory or attention). Currently, evidence supports the use of individualized cognitive therapy for individuals who experience TBI. Therefore, we conducted a modified narrative literature review of speech-language pathologists' practices relative to college students with TBI. Method We conducted a search across three platforms. Nine hundred sixty-three articles were reviewed by title. From this, 178 articles were selected to be reviewed by abstract and 36 articles were read in full. Of these, 13 articles were included in the review. Articles were selected for inclusion or exclusion based on specific criteria related to population and diagnosis. Results Overall, little evidence exists to guide clinicians regarding specific assessment and treatment practices for college students postinjury. The findings of this review article span four major areas (a) general service delivery efforts, (b) education, (c) assessment, and (d) treatment. Conclusion Results of the literature search indicate that evidence is lacking to support specific practices for use by speech-language pathologists with this population and highlight future research needs to inform clinical practice.Objectives Acupuncture is an important Traditional Chinese Medicine modality based on the fundamental theory that disease is caused by disruptions in the body's qi. Understanding the use of acupuncture in dermatology is important due to the rising prevalence of complementary and alternative medicine use. A systematic review published in 2015 found that acupuncture improves outcomes in several dermatological diseases. We performed a systematic review of studies that have been done since then to present updated evidence. Methods A systematic search of MEDLINE, EMBASE, and the Cochrane Central Register was performed. Studies were limited to clinical trials, controlled studies, case reports, comparative studies, and systematic reviews published in the English language. Studies involving moxibustion, electroacupuncture, or blood-letting were excluded. Results Results showed that acupuncture improves clinical outcomes in uremic pruritus, atopic dermatitis, urticaria, and itch. Acupuncture does not significantly reduce postoperative itch in patients undergoing cesarean section under spinal anesthesia.