There were no differences in age, sex, degree of hypertension, or other risk factors. MRI type 1 had significantly more widespread WMH, lacunes in many areas, microbleeds, atrophy, severe cognitive and gait impairments, and was associated with downregulation of VEGF-A compared with MRI type 2. MRI type 2 had more severe deep WMH, lacunes in the white matter, no microbleeds or atrophy, and less severe clinical manifestations and was associated with upregulation of TNF-α compared with MRI type 1. The established differences reflect the pathogenetic heterogeneity of cSVD and explain the variations in the clinical manifestations observed in Fazekas stage 3 of this disease.The purpose of this study is to understand expatriate educators' overall teaching experiences and opinions about living in South Korea. The research study sought to explore the relationship between stressors and social biases against Black individuals and their suicidal behaviours and turnover decisions. The approach of stress, burnout, career decision, and suicide guided this study as the lens. The research method for this study included a phenomenological analysis of two sessions of semi-structured interviews with 18 Black expatriates in the field of education in South Korea. The results indicate that their experiences were impacted by unfairness against individuals based on their skin colour and nationalities. The outcomes of this study highlight the major difficulties experienced by foreign professionals living in South Korea. They can be used by human resource professionals, school administrators, and government leaders to reform their current policy and improve expatriate experiences so as to prevent turnover.Advances in sequencing technology have made large amounts of biological data available. Evolutionary analysis of data such as DNA sequences is highly important in biological studies. As alignment methods are ineffective for analyzing large-scale data due to their inherently high costs, alignment-free methods have recently attracted attention in the field of bioinformatics. In this paper, we introduce a new positional correlation natural vector (PCNV) method that involves converting a DNA sequence into an 18-dimensional numerical feature vector. Using frequency and position correlation to represent the nucleotide distribution, it is possible to obtain a PCNV for a DNA sequence. This new numerical vector design uses six suitable features to characterize the correlation among nucleotide positions in sequences. PCNV is also very easy to compute and can be used for rapid genome comparison. To test our novel method, we performed phylogenetic analysis with several viral and bacterial genome datasets with PCNV. For comparison, an alignment-based method, Bayesian inference, and two alignment-free methods, feature frequency profile and natural vector, were performed using the same datasets. We found that the PCNV technique is fast and accurate when used for phylogenetic analysis and classification of viruses and bacteria.Despite the evidence-based health benefits of pulses and their significant role in sustainable diets, consumption remains at a very low level in highly developed countries. In an attempt to fill in the knowledge gaps on factors influencing this phenomenon, a study aimed at identifying attitudes, incentives and barriers to pulse consumption was carried out in a sample of 1027 Polish urban employees aged 25-40 years. The sample (quota type) was representative in terms of age and gender. Exploratory classifications using Kohonen neural networks were performed to define profiles of participants for each analysed issue. Pearson's chi-square analysis was used to check whether the profiles depended on socio-demographic characteristics of the respondents. The results suggest that very low pulse consumption is a result of lack of habits, discomfort after eating and long preparation time. Pulses were recognized as a good source of protein (72% of the sample), especially among women (81%). Only 43% of the sample saw pulses as a substitute for meat. The majority of consumers pictured pulses as a tasty and healthy food, although they were not sure if this is true for small children. Women recognised pulses as a more environmentally friendly food but this knowledge would not impact their intake. Profiles of respondents with positive attitudes towards increased pulse consumption were identified, constituting 39% of the sample. These consumers could eat more if they were encouraged to do so. This shows that programmes aimed at fostering greater pulse consumption are crucial to activate a change towards more sustainable diets. At the same time, simple and clear guidelines should be developed to overcome the unjustified stereotypes about pulses. These would support consumers to make healthier and more sustainable choices and help professionals carry out effective promotion and education activities.Inflammation is an adaptive response in pursuit of homeostasis reestablishment triggered by harmful conditions or stimuli, such as an infection or tissue damage. Liver diseases cause approximately 2 million deaths per year worldwide and hepatic inflammation is a common factor to all of them, being the main driver of hepatic tissue damage and causing progression from non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) to non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), cirrhosis and, ultimately, hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). The metabolic sensor SIRT1, a class III histone deacetylase with strong expression in metabolic tissues such as the liver, and transcription factor NF-κB, a master regulator of inflammatory response, show an antagonistic relationship in controlling inflammation. For this reason, SIRT1 targeting is emerging as a potential strategy to improve different metabolic and/or inflammatory pathologies. In this review, we explore diverse upstream regulators and some natural/synthetic activators of SIRT1 as possible therapeutic treatment for liver diseases.Heavy metal contamination is currently a major environmental concern, as most agricultural land is being polluted from municipal discharge. Among various other pollutants, cadmium (Cd), one of the most harmful heavy metals, enters into the food chain through the irrigation of crops with an industrial effluent. In the present study, a pot experiment was designed to assess the effect of different nitrogen (N)-fertilizer forms in the phytoremediation of Cd through Solanum nigrum L. Two types of N fertilizers (NH4NO3 and urea) were applied to the soil in different ratios (00, 1000, 0100, and 5050 of NH4NO3 and urea, individually) along with different Cd levels (0, 25, and 50 mg kg-1). The plants were harvested 70 days after sowing the seeds in pots. Cadmium contamination significantly inhibited the growth of leaves and roots of S. nigrum plants. Cadmium contamination also induced oxidative stress; however, the application of N-fertilizers increased the plant biomass by inhibiting oxidative stress and enhancing antioxidants' enzymatic activities.