To assess the role of cervical length when predicting vaginal delivery after a previous cesarean section (CS) in women with low Bishop score following the use of a double-balloon catheter for induction of labor (IOL). A prospective, longitudinal study was conducted at a large teaching hospital in Santiago to recruit pregnant women at term with a previous CS and Bishop score ≤6 for IOL with a double-balloon catheter. The device was maintained for up to 24 h and the patient continued IOL with oxytocin only if the Bishop score was >6. Demographic and clinical variables were recorded and compared against vaginal delivery as the primary outcome. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to compare perinatal demographic and clinical variables in women achieving vaginal delivery versus those having a repeat CS. The final cohort included 40 pregnant women. Women achieving vaginal delivery ( = 17, 42.5%) had statistically significant differences in mean cervical length (24.8 mm versus 33.4 mm, respectively;  = .006), median Bishop score after removing the double-balloon catheter (11 versus 7, respectively;  = .005), and mean interval between double-balloon catheter placement and vaginal delivery or the decision to perform a CS (17.4 h versus 23.6 h, respectively;  = .03). Backward stepwise selection revealed an odds ratio of 0.90 (95% confidence interval = 0.82-0.98) for cervical length and a receiver operating characteristic curve area of 0.73. Cervical length, as determined by transvaginal sonography, proved to be effective in predicting vaginal delivery in women with a previous CS and low Bishop score following the use of a double-balloon catheter for IOL. Cervical length, as determined by transvaginal sonography, proved to be effective in predicting vaginal delivery in women with a previous CS and low Bishop score following the use of a double-balloon catheter for IOL.The COVID-19 pandemic has so far affected more than 45 million people and has caused over 1 million deaths worldwide. Infection with SARS-CoV-2, the pathogenic agent, which is associated with an imbalanced redox status, causes hyperinflammation and a cytokine storm, leading to cell death. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficient individuals may experience a hemolytic crisis after being exposed to oxidants or infection. Individuals with G6PD deficiency are more susceptible to coronavirus infection than individuals with normally functioning G6PD. An altered immune response to viral infections is found in individuals with G6PD deficiency. Evidence indicates that G6PD deficiency is a predisposing factor of COVID-19. Scales for evaluating the teaching and behavioural skills of parents enrolled in aural and oral rehabilitation programs for children with hearing loss are lacking. This study developed and validated scales for assessing parental teaching and behavioural skills of those parents for use in guiding their child to develop language and communication skills. Scales were constructed and evaluated using exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. The performance of parents in teaching and behavioural skills was also explored. The teaching and behavioural skills of 344 parents (179 for scale development and 165 for validation) were rated by their intervention therapists using parental teaching skill (PTS) and parental behavioural skill (PBS) scales. Good reliability and model fit (validity) were observed for both scales, which ultimately included 13 and 10 items, respectively. Maternal educational level was a significant indicator of their performance ratings. The PTS and PBS scales were validated and can be used by early intervention professionals to evaluate the relative interaction and behavioural skills of parents of children with hearing loss, and enrolled in listening and spoken language intervention programs. The PTS and PBS scales were validated and can be used by early intervention professionals to evaluate the relative interaction and behavioural skills of parents of children with hearing loss, and enrolled in listening and spoken language intervention programs.Background It is difficult to distinguish cognitive decline due to AD from that sustained by cerebrovascular disease in view of the great overlap. It is uncertain in the molecular biological pathway behind AD and VaD.Objective Our study aimed to explore the hub molecules and their associations with each other to identify potential biomarkers and therapeutic targets for the AD and VaD.Methods We screened the differentially expressed genes of AD and VaD, used weighted gene co-expression network analysis and then constructed a VaD-AD-specific protein-protein interaction network with functional annotation to their related metabolic pathways. Finally, we performed a ROC curve analysis of hub proteins to get an idea about their diagnostic value.Results In the frontal lobe and temporal cortex, hub genes were identified. With regard to VaD, there were only three hub genes which encoded the neuropeptides, SST, NMU and TAC1. The AUC of these genes were 0.804, 0.768 and 0.779, respectively. One signature was established for these three hub genes with AUC of 0.990. For the identification of AD and VaD, all hub genes were receptors. These genes included SH3GL2, PROK2, TAC3, HTR2A, MET, TF, PTH2R CNR1, CHRM4, PTPN3 and CRH. The AUC of these genes were 0.853, 0.859, 0.796, 0.775, 0.706, 0.677, 0.696, 0.668 and 0.652, respectively. The other signature was built for eleven hub genes with AUC of 0.990.Conclusion In the frontal lobe and temporal cortex regions, hub genes are used as diagnostic markers, which may provide insight into personalized potential biomarkers and therapeutic targets for patients with VaD and AD. Clozapine is a frequently prescribed atypical antipsychotic drug. Various case reports documented the successful recovery of acute antipsychotics toxicity in association with the administration of intralipid emulsion (ILE). This study aimed to assess the adjuvant therapeutic role of SMOF Lipid administration on the outcomes of acute clozapine poisoning. Forty patients with acute clozapine poisoning were randomly allocated into two equal groups. The control group received the standard supportive treatment only, whereas the intervention group received the standard supportive treatment plus SMOF Lipid 20% infusion. All patients were subjected to history taking, full clinical examination, and laboratory investigations. The study outcomes were evaluated. The mean Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) at 6 hours (13.1 ± 2.3 vs 9.2 ± 2, p < 0.001) and 12 hours (14.3 ± 1.5 vs 9.6 ± 2, p < 0.001) after admission was significantly higher in the intervention group compared to the control group. The intervention group showed a significantly lower frequency of prolonged QTc interval 12 hours after admission (p = 0.