Our sample included 53 fetuses. Forty-seven (89%) had congenital heart disease (CHD) and 6 (11%) were diagnosed postnatally with primary lymphangiectasia. Interobserver agreement was 0.83. Pulmonary vein congestion on echocardiography was the strongest predictor of nutmeg lung (odds ratio [OR]=12.0, P=0.002). Ten fetuses reached the outcome of heart transplantation (n=1) or death (n=9) within the first 30days of life. In fetuses with CHD, survival of those with nutmeg lung was significantly lower than in those without (P<0.001). Nutmeg lung was an independent risk factor for 30-day mortality (hazard ratio [HR] 6.1, P=0.01). Nutmeg lung pattern on fetal MRI is an independent risk factor associated with 30-day mortality in fetuses with CHD. Nutmeg lung pattern on fetal MRI is an independent risk factor associated with 30-day mortality in fetuses with CHD.Magnetic resonance imaging is widely available and accepted as the imaging method of choice for many pediatric body imaging applications. Traditionally, it has been used in a qualitative way, where the images are reported non-numerically by radiologists. But now MRI machines have built-in post-processing software connected to the scanner and the database of MR images. This setting enables and encourages simple quantitative analysis of MR images. In this paper, the author reviews the fundamentals of MRI and discusses the most common quantitative MRI techniques for body imaging T1, T2, T2*, T1rho and diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI). For each quantitative imaging method, this article reviews the technique, its measurement mechanism, and selected clinical applications to body imaging.Skull fractures are common in the pediatric population following head trauma and are estimated to occur post head trauma in 11% of children younger than 2 years. A skull fracture indicates potential underlying intracranial injury and might also help explain the mechanism of injury. Multipl