An automated equine fecal egg count test, known as the Parasight System, was modified for use with small ruminants. Modifications included the introduction of a short centrifugation step in a floatation medium, an adjustment in pre-test sample filtering, and training of an image analysis-based egg counting algorithm to recognize and enumerate trichostrongylid eggs. In preliminary assessments, the modified method produced trichostrongylid egg counts comparable to manual McMaster analyses of the same samples from both ovine and caprine sources. The coefficient of determination (R2) for the linear correlation between McMaster and automated counts from these samples was 0.958, and there were no significant differences when comparing counts using feces from either sheep or goats. More extensive comparison utilized ovine samples split into three groups based on trichostrongylid egg content Low (201-500 EPG), Medium (501-1000 EPG) and High (1001 or greater EPG). Each group contained 5 samples, each of which was used to produce individual slurries that were counted 8 times each using both McMaster and the automated method. This, again, showed no difference in accuracy between the techniques, but revealed significantly higher precision, as assessed by coefficients of variation (CoV), for the automated method for determining egg counts in the Low and Medium groups. The CoV of the McMaster method was 2.2, 2.5 and 1.3 times greater than the automated in the Low, Medium and High groups, respectively. Overall, the automated egg counting system showed good linear agreement with trichostrongylid egg counts determined with the McMaster method, and demonstrated significantly better precision. This technology reduces operator error and the results presented here illustrate its utility for determination of small ruminant trichostrongylid fecal egg counts. The incidence of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and its progressive form, non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), has been increasing for decades. Since the mainstay is lifestyle modification in this mainly asymptomatic condition, there is a need for accurate diagnostic methods. This study proposes a method with a computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) system to predict NAFLD Activity score (NAS scores-steatosis, lobular inflammation, and ballooning) and fibrosis stage from histopathology slides. A total of 87 pathology slides pairs (H&E and Trichrome-stained) were used for the study. Ground-truth NAS scores and fibrosis stages were previously identified by a pathologist. Each slide was split into 224×224 patches and fed into a feature extraction network to generate local features. These local features were processed and aggregated to obtain a global feature to predict the slide's scores. The effects of different training strategies, as well as training data with different staining and magnificatioThe algorithms are an aid in having an accurate and systematic diagnosis in a condition that affects hundreds of millions of patients globally. These results were robust. The method proposed proved to be effective in predicting NAFLD Activity score and fibrosis stage from histopathology slides. The algorithms are an aid in having an accurate and systematic diagnosis in a condition that affects hundreds of millions of patients globally. The Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) is an international strategy aimed at improving breastfeeding practices in health care services. Regular monitoring of indicators is key for BFHI implementation and maintenance. Currently, routine data collected from electronic health records (EHR) is an excellent source for infant feeding monitoring, however data quality (DQ) assessment should be undertaken. The aim of this research is to enable robust estimations of infant feeding indicators through DQ assessment of routine EHR data. We use the longitudinal series of healthcare contacts belonging to 6427 children born from 2009 to 2018 in the Health Area V of Murcia (Spain). Longitudinal data came from EHR at hospital discharge and community infant health reviews up to 18 months. The data of each healthcare contact contained a 24-h recall of infant feeding. We perform a DQ process in three phases (1) an assessment of each-single-contact and the definition of their infant feeding status; (2) a longitudinal DQ eviously published. The methodology provided with this study allows a continuous and reliable population monitoring of infant feeding indicators of BFHI from routine EHR data. Despite the DQ deficiencies found in raw data, the DQ assurance approach by indicators proposed in this work, allowed us to obtain a robust estimation of indicators with a significant percentage of subjects with valid information for ABF and FBF monitoring. The estimations were consistent with results previously published. The methodology provided with this study allows a continuous and reliable population monitoring of infant feeding indicators of BFHI from routine EHR data. The massive increase, in the Internet of Things applications, has greatly evolved technological aspects of human life. The drastic development of IoT based smart healthcare services have layout the smart process models to facilitate all stakeholders (e.g. patients, doctors, hospitals etc.) and made it an important social-economic concern. There are variety of smart healthcare services like remote patient monitoring, diagnostic, disease specific remote treatments and telemedicine. Many trending Internet of Health Things research and development are done in a very disjoint and independent fashion providing solutions and guidelines for variant diseases, medical resources and remote services management. These expositions work over many shared resources such as health facilities for patient and human in healthcare system. This research discusses the ontology for merging methods to form an integrated platform with shared knowledge of smart healthcare services. The proposed process model creates an ontological fand merging techniques. The model efficiency enhancement and query optimization methods are listed in future tasks of the research.