It is also used by precision oncology tools such as OncoKB and cBioPortal for Cancer Genomics. OncoTree is a dynamic and flexible community-driven cancer classification platform encompassing rare and common cancers that provides clinically relevant and appropriately granular cancer classification for clinical decision support systems and oncology research. OncoTree is a dynamic and flexible community-driven cancer classification platform encompassing rare and common cancers that provides clinically relevant and appropriately granular cancer classification for clinical decision support systems and oncology research.Purpose The purpose of this study was to determine variation in sexual minority (SM) sexual orientation documentation within the electronic medical records of the Veterans Health Administration (VHA). Methods Documentation of SM sexual orientation was retrospectively extracted from clinical notes and administrative data in the VHA from October 1, 1999 to July 1, 2019. The rate of documentation overall and by calendar year was calculated, and differences across patient, provider, and clinic characteristics were evaluated. Results Approximately 1.4% of all VHA Veterans (nā€‰=ā€‰115,911) had at least one documentation of SM sexual orientation, including 79,455 men and 36,456 women. The rate of documentation increased from 81.01/100,000 in 2000 to 568.84/100,000 in 2018. The majority of documentations (58.7%) occurred in mental health settings by non-MD mental health/social work counselors, whereas only 9.6% occurred in primary care settings. Although 99% of these Veterans had a primary care visit, only 19% had SM status recorded in that setting. Conclusion Documentation patterns of SM sexual orientation varied considerably in the VHA with notable gaps in primary care. Diverse approaches to culturally competent training for primary care clinicians and patient-facing collection strategies could facilitate documentation of sexual orientation.Deep venous thrombosis (DVT) is associated with significant morbidity, mortality, and increased healthcare costs. Standard scoring systems for DVT risk stratification often provide insufficient stratification of hospitalized patients and are unable to accurately predict which inpatients are most likely to present with DVT. There is a continued need for tools which can predict DVT in hospitalized patients. We performed a retrospective study on a database collected from a large academic hospital, comprised of 99,237 total general ward or ICU patients, 2,378 of whom experienced a DVT during their hospital stay. Gradient boosted machine learning algorithms were developed to predict a patient's risk of developing DVT at 12- and 24-hour windows prior to onset. The primary outcome of interest was diagnosis of in-hospital DVT. The machine learning predictors obtained AUROCs of 0.83 and 0.85 for DVT risk prediction on hospitalized patients at 12- and 24-hour windows, respectively. At both 12 and 24 hours before DVT onset, the most important features for prediction of DVT were cancer history, VTE history, and internal normalized ratio (INR). Improved risk stratification may prevent unnecessary invasive testing in patients for whom DVT cannot be ruled out using existing methods. Improved risk stratification may also allow for more targeted use of prophylactic anticoagulants, as well as earlier diagnosis and treatment, preventing the development of pulmonary emboli and other sequelae of DVT.A range of severe human diseases called ciliopathies is caused by the dysfunction of primary cilia. Primary cilia are cytoplasmic protrusions consisting of the basal body (BB), the axoneme, and the transition zone (TZ). The BB is a modified mother centriole from which the axoneme, the microtubule-based ciliary scaffold, is formed. At the proximal end of the axoneme, the TZ functions as the ciliary gate governing ciliary protein entry and exit. Since ciliopathies often develop due to mutations in genes encoding proteins that localize to the TZ, the understanding of the mechanisms underlying TZ function is of eminent importance. Here, we show that the ciliopathy protein Rpgrip1l governs ciliary gating by ensuring the proper amount of Cep290 at the vertebrate TZ. Further, we identified the flavonoid eupatilin as a potential agent to tackle ciliopathies caused by mutations in RPGRIP1L as it rescues ciliary gating in the absence of Rpgrip1l.The fission yeast cells Schizosaccharomyces pombe divide at constant cell size regulated by environmental stimuli. An important pathway of cell size control involves the membrane-associated DYRK-family kinase Pom1, which forms decreasing concentration gradients from cell poles and inhibits mitotic inducers at midcell. Here, we identify the phosphatase 2C Ptc1 as negative regulator of Pom1. Ptc1 localizes to cell poles in a manner dependent on polarity and cell-wall integrity factors. We show that Ptc1 directly binds Pom1 and can dephosphorylate it in vitro but modulates Pom1 localization indirectly upon growth in low-glucose conditions by influencing microtubule stability. Thus, Ptc1 phosphatase plays both direct and indirect roles in the Pom1 cell size control pathway.Autophagy is a cellular degradation system widely conserved among eukaryotes. During autophagy, cytoplasmic materials fated for degradation are compartmentalized in double membrane-bound organelles called autophagosomes. After fusing with the vacuole, their inner membrane-bound structures are released into the vacuolar lumen to become autophagic bodies and eventually degraded by vacuolar hydrolases. Atg15 is a lipase that is essential for disintegration of autophagic body membranes and has a transmembrane domain at the N-terminus and a lipase domain at the C-terminus. However, the roles of the two domains in vivo are not well understood. In this study, we found that the N-terminal domain alone can travel to the vacuole via the multivesicular body pathway, and that targeting of the C-terminal lipase domain to the vacuole is required for degradation of autophagic bodies. Moreover, we found that the C-terminal domain could disintegrate autophagic bodies when it was transported to the vacuole via the Pho8 pathway instead of the multivesicular body pathway.