The second polymorph of the compound 2,4,6-tris(4-pyridyl)-1,3,5-triazine (TPT) is reported, TPT-II, which crystallizes in space group I2/a. Its higher density and more efficient space filling indicate the lower entropy of TPT-II, while its slightly lower melting point indicates its weaker intermolecular interactions. The conditions of the crystallization experiments for TPT-I and TPT-II are the dominant factors that determine the final crystalline products. The crystals of TPT-II are long needles. They exhibit bending behaviour along the crystallographic b direction when a mechanical force is imposed perpendicular to it, and regain their original shape after the external stress is removed. The elasticity of the single crystals is interpreted in terms of intermolecular interactions and an energy framework analysis.Bi4Ti3O12 is a representative of the Aurivillius family of layered perovskites. These are high-temperature ferroelectric materials with prospects for applications in random-access memory and are characterized by an extremely confused interaction of their structural degrees of freedom. Using group-theoretical methods, structural distortions in the Bi4Ti3O12 high-symmetry phase, caused by rotations of rigid octahedra and their displacements as a single unit, have been investigated, taking into account the connections between them. Within the Landau theory, a stable thermodynamic model of phase transitions with three order parameters has been constructed. It is shown that, according to the phenomenological phase diagram, the transition between the high-temperature tetragonal phase and the low-temperature ferroelectric can occur both directly and through intermediate states, including those observed experimentally. The role of improper ordered parameters and possible domain configurations in the structure formation of the low-temperature ferroelectric phase are discussed.Polymorphism of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) is of significance in the pharmaceutical industry because it can affect the quality, efficacy and safety of the final drug product. In this regard, polymorphic behavior of cocrystals is no exception because it can influence the development of cocrystals as potential drug formulations. The current contribution aims to introduce two novel polymorphs [forms (III) and (IV)] of agomelatine-hydroquinone (AGO-HYQ) cocrystal and to describe the thermodynamic relationship between the cocrystal polymorphs. All polymorphs were characterized using powder X-ray diffraction, differential scanning calorimetry, hot-stage microscopy and solubility measurements. In addition, the crystal structure of form (II), which has been previously solved from powder diffraction data [Prohens et al. (2016), Cryst. Growth Des. 16, 1063-1070] and form (III) were determined from the single-crystal X-ray diffraction data. Thermal analysis revealed that AGO-HYQ cocrystal form (III) exhibits a higher melting point and a lower heat of fusion than those of form (II). According to the heat of fusion rule, the polymorphs are enantiotropically related, with form (III) being stable at higher temperatures. Our results also show that the novel form (IV) is the most stable form at ambient conditions and it transforms into form (II) on heating, and therefore, the two polymorphs are enantiotropically related. Furthermore, solubility and van't Hoff plot results suggest that the transition points are approximately 339 K for the pair form (IV)-(II) and 352 K for the pair form (II)-(III).An accurate single-crystal X-ray diffraction study of bismuth-containing HoFe3(BO3)4 between 11 and 500 K has revealed structural phase transition at Tstr = 365 K. The Bi atoms enter the composition from Bi2Mo3O12-based flux during crystal growth and significantly affect Tstr. The content of Bi was estimated by two independent methods, establishing the composition as (Ho0.96Bi0.04)Fe3(BO3)4. In the low-temperature (LT) phase below Tstr the (Ho0.96Bi0.04)Fe3(BO3)4 crystal symmetry is trigonal, of space group P3121, whereas at high temperature (HT) above 365 K the symmetry increases to space group R32. There is a sharp jump of oxygen O1 (LT) and O2 (LT) atomic displacement parameters (ADP) at Tstr. O1 and O2 ADP ellipsoids are the most elongated over 90-500 K. In space group R32 specific distances decrease steadily or do not change with decreasing temperature. In space group P3121 the distortion of the polyhedra Ho(Bi)O6, Fe1O6 and Fe2O6, B2O3 and B3O3 increases with decreasing temperature, whereas the triangles B1O3 remain almost equilateral. All BO3 triangles deviate from the ab plane with decreasing temperature. Fe-Fe distances in Fe1 chains decrease, while distances in Fe2 chains increase with decreasing temperature. The Mössbauer study confirms that the FeO6 octahedra undergo complex dynamic distortions. However, all observed distortions are rather small, and the general change in symmetry during the structural phase transition has very little influence on the local environment of iron in oxygen octahedra. The Mössbauer spectra do not distinguish two structurally different Fe1 and Fe2 positions in the LT phase. The characteristic temperatures of cation thermal vibrations were calculated using X-ray diffraction and Mössbauer data.Metronidazole is a radiosensitizer; it crystallizes in the monoclinic system with space group P21/c. The crystal structure of metronidazole has been determined from high-resolution X-ray diffraction measurements at 90 K with a resolution of (sin θ/λ)max = 1.12 Å-1. To understand the charge-density distribution and the electrostatic properties of metronidazole, a multipole model refinement was carried out using the Hansen-Coppens multipole formalism. The topological analysis of the electron density of metronidazole was performed using Bader's quantum theory of atoms in molecules to determine the electron density and the Laplacian of the electron density at the bond critical point of the molecule. The experimental results have been compared with the corresponding periodic theoretical calculation performed at the B3LYP/6-31G** level using CRYSTAL09. The topological analysis reveals that the N-O and C-NO2 exhibit less electron density as well as negative Laplacian of electron density. The molecular packing of crystal is stabilized by weak and strong inter- and intramolecular hydrogen bonding and H.