The structural, optical, and mechanical properties of TiO2 nanolaminate films grown by plasma-enhanced atomic layer deposition are discussed. Several TiO2/Al2O3 and TiO2/SiO2 compositions have been investigated to study the effect of the relative number of ALD oxide cycles on the film properties to obtain a high refractive index coating with low optical losses, low roughness, and low mechanical stress. The formation of crystalline TiO2 observed at high deposition temperature, or film thickness was inhibited by periodically introducing ultra-thin amorphous layers into the film. Only 4 ALD cycles of Al2O3 (corresponding to ca. 0.5 nm) between 335 ALD cycles of TiO2 (ca. 11 nm) form a closed, distinct layer suppressing the crystallization in TiO2 film. Consequently, the roughness of the pure TiO2 film is reduced from ca. 20 nm rms to 1 nm rms in the 335/4 nanolaminate, with only a slight decrease of the refractive index from 2.46 to 2.44 in 100 nm pure TiO2 and the nanolaminate, respectively. The refractive indices of the nanolaminates in various compositions vary between 2.38 and 2.50 at 632 nm, and the corresponding optical losses from the films are low. The mechanical stress was reduced to about 140 MPa in several TiO2/Al2O3 nanolaminates; however, lower mechanical stress has not been obtained with the studied compositions. The nanolaminate structure is preserved up to 600 °C annealing temperature. After annealing at 800 °C, the individual layers interdiffuse into each other so that no distinct nanolaminate structure is detected. By using TiO2/Al2O3 nanolaminates with reduced mechanical stress, a narrow bandpass filter was realized on various substrates, including half-ball and aspherical lenses.We propose a new preconditioner based on the local density of states for computing the self-consistent problem in Kohn-Sham density functional theory. This preconditioner is inexpensive and able to cure the long-range charge sloshing known to hamper convergence in large, inhomogeneous systems such as clusters and surfaces. It is based on a parameter-free and physically motivated approximation to the independent-particle susceptibility operator, appropriate for both metals and insulators. It can be extended to semiconductors by using the macroscopic electronic dielectric constant as a parameter in the model. We test our preconditioner successfully on inhomogeneous systems containing metals, insulators, semiconductors and vacuum. Electrical impedance myography (EIM) performed on the centre of the tongue shows promise in detecting amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Lateral recordings may improve diagnostic performance and provide pathophysiological insights through the assessment of asymmetry. However, it is not known if electrode proximity to the muscle edge, or electrode rotation, distort spectra. We evaluated this using finite element-based modelling. Nine thousand EIM from patients and healthy volunteers were used to develop a finite element model for phase and magnitude. Simulations varied electrode proximity to the muscle edge and electrode rotation. LT-Spice simulations assessed disease effects. Patient data were assessed for reliability, agreement and classification performance. No effect on phase spectra was seen if all electrodes remained in contact with the tissue. Small effects on magnitude were observed. Cole-Cole circuit simulations indicated capacitance reduced with disease severity. Lateral tongue muscle recordings in both patients and healthy volunteers were reproducible and symmetrical. Combined lateral/central tongue EIM improved disease classification compared to either placement alone. Lateral EIM tongue measurements using phase angle are feasible. Such measurements are reliable, find no evidence of tongue muscle asymmetry in ALS and improve disease classification. Lateral measurements enhance tongue EIM in ALS. Lateral EIM tongue measurements using phase angle are feasible. Such measurements are reliable, find no evidence of tongue muscle asymmetry in ALS and improve disease classification. Lateral measurements enhance tongue EIM in ALS.Nanoscale structural alteration in the nuclei of cells with the progression of carcinogenesis is due to the rearrangements of the basic building blocks in the cell such as DNA, RNA, lipids, etc. Although epigenetic modifications underlie the development of cancer, exposure to carcinogenic chemicals such as alcohol also enhances the development of cancer. We report the effects of chronic alcoholism on early-carcinogenesis based on changes in the degree of nanoscale structural alterations (L d) in nuclei. For this, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) imaging of the nuclei of colonic cells is performed for the following four mouse models control mice; chronic alcoholic mice treated with ethanol (i.e., EtOH mice); mice treated with colonic carcinogen azoxymethane (AOM) and dextran sulfate sodium (DSS) that induced colitis (i.e., AOM + DSS mice); and chronic alcoholic or EtOH treated mice, together with AOM and DSS treatment (i.e., AOM + DSS + EtOH mice). The disordered optical lattices are constructed from their respective TEM images of thin colonic cell nuclei and the L d values are calculated using the inverse participation ratio (IPR) technique from the spatially localized eigenfunctions of these lattices. Results show no significant difference in the average L d value of the colon cell nuclei of alcohol treated mice relative to its control [i.e., L d(C) ∼ L d(EtOH)]; however, an increase in the L d value of alcohol treated precancerous cells [i.e., L d(AOM + DSS + EtOH) > L d(AOM + DSS)], indicating that alcohol accelerates the early carcinogenic process.Conventional thermal interface materials (TIMs) as widely used in thermal management area is inherently limited by their relatively low thermal conductivity. From an alternative, the newly emerging liquid metal based thermal interface materials (LM-TIMs) open a rather promising way, which can pronouncedly improve the thermal contact resistance and offers tremendous opportunities for making powerful thermal management materials. The LM-TIMs thus prepared exhibits superior thermal conductivity over many conventional TIMs which guarantees its significant application prospect. And the nanoparticles mediated or tuned liquid metal further enable ever conductive LM-TIMs which suggests the ultimate goal of thermal management. In this review, a systematic interpretation on the basic features of LM-TIMs was presented. Representative exploration and progress on LM-TIMs were summarized. Typical approaches toward nanotechnology enhanced high performance LM-TIMs were illustrated. The perspect of this new generation thermal management material were outlined.