The stress in interpersonal relationships at the workplace and "concerns about receiving persistent calls for an interview" were positively related to 'writing falsehoods', but the "dedication" in UWES-J was negatively related to 'writing falsehoods'. To obtain authentic answers in the stress survey, it is important (1) to smooth relationships at the workplace, (2) to devise operation systems such as an interview guidance, and (3) to provide support that enhances the ability of workers to cope with stress and work engagement. To obtain authentic answers in the stress survey, it is important (1) to smooth relationships at the workplace, (2) to devise operation systems such as an interview guidance, and (3) to provide support that enhances the ability of workers to cope with stress and work engagement.Phaseolus vulgaris is a grain cultivated in vast areas of different countries. It is an excellent alternative to the other legumes in the Venezuelan diet and is of great agronomic interest due to its resistance to soil acidity, drought, and high temperatures. Phaseolus establishes symbiosis primarily with Rhizobium and Ensifer species in most countries, and this rhizobia-legume interaction has been studied in Asia, Africa, and the Americas. However, there is currently no evidence to show that rhizobia nodulate the endemic cultivars of P. vulgaris in Venezuela. Therefore, we herein investigated the phylogenetic diversity of plant growth-promoting and N2-fixing nodulating bacteria isolated from the root nodules of P. vulgaris cultivars in a different agroecosystem in Venezuela. In comparisons with other countries, higher diversity was found in isolates from P. vulgaris nodules, ranging from α- and β-proteobacteria. Some isolates belonging to several new phylogenetic lineages within Bradyrhizobium, Ensifer, and Mesorhizobium species were also specifically isolated at some topographical regions. Additionally, some