Are the brain mechanisms of reading acquisition similar across writing systems? And do similar brain anomalies underlie reading difficulties in alphabetic and ideographic reading systems? In a cross-cultural paradigm, we measured the fMRI responses to words, faces, and houses in 96 Chinese and French 10-year-old children, half of whom were struggling with reading. We observed a reading circuit which was strikingly similar across languages and consisting of the left fusiform gyrus, superior temporal gyrus/sulcus, precentral and middle frontal gyri. Activations in some of these areas were modulated either by language or by reading ability, but without interaction between those factors. In various regions previously associated with dyslexia, reading difficulty affected activation similarly in Chinese and French readers, including the middle frontal gyrus, a region previously described as specifically altered in Chinese. Our analyses reveal a large degree of cross-cultural invariance in the neural correlates of reading acquisition and reading impairment. To assess the use of a novel magnetic polymer implant in reversing airway collapse and identify potential anatomical targets for airway implant surgery in an in vivo porcine model. Target sites of airway collapse were genioglossus muscle, hyoid bone, and middle constrictor muscle. Magnetic polymer implants were sutured to these sites, and external magnetic forces, through magnets with pull forces rated at 102 kg and 294 kg, were applied at the skin. The resultant airway movement was assessed via nasendoscopy. Pharyngeal plexus branches to the middle constrictor muscle were stimulated at 0.5 mA, 1.0 mA, and 2.0 mA and airway movement assessed via nasendoscopy. At the genioglossus muscles, large magnetic forces were required to produce airway movement. At the hyoid bone, anterior movement of the airway was noted when using a 294 kg rated magnet. At the middle constricto