9.7% (n = 267) in 2018 could be attributed to the observation that in 2018, a larger proportion of horses were listed in categories that do not require the horses to be worked with a flexed HNP referred to as "on-the-bit" (e.g., western, endurance, Australian sStock horses). The HNP BTV remains preferential by a substantial proportion of the horse-owning public when advertising horses for sale, particularly in disciplines where the horse is worked in a flexed HNP or "on-the-bit."The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of topical 1% tetracaine hydrochloride on the intraocular pressure (IOP) in ophthalmologically normal horses. Thirty eyes of 15 clinically normal horses were used for this study. The animals were randomly assigned to two groups (treatment and control). Prior to the instillation of 1% tetracaine or placebo, the baseline IOPs (T0) of each animal were recorded in both groups. Then one drop of tetracaine was instilled randomly into one eye of each horse in the treatment group (8 horses). In the control group (7 horses), one drop of artificial tear was instilled in one randomly selected eye. The measurements were repeated at 2 minutes (T2), 5 minutes (T5), 15 minutes (T15), and 30 minutes (T30) post instillation via a rebound tonometer. There was no significant difference in the treatment group (P = .3). The peak IOP measured at T2 returned to the baseline value at T30. No significant difference was found in the mean IOP values between the treatment and the control groups, or between the males and females on any of the occasions (P > .05). The Results of this study revealed a nonsignificant increase of the IOP 2 minutes post instillation of 1% tetracaine in horses.This study used an online survey to gather information on forage utilization and pasture management practices implemented on horse farms in Florida. We hypothesized that pastures were inadequately managed and underutilized, resulting in greater reliance on hay. Data from 80 complete responses were submitted to descriptive analysis and Fisher's exact test. Significantly associated variables were also evaluated using multiple correspondence analysis. The primary function of the facility most reported was recreational horse use (62%). Nearly all operations (n = 79) had pasture available, with 57% reporting housing horses on pasture full time (24 hr/d) and 48% reporting implementation of rotational stocking. Most respondents reported using a combination of hay and pasture (57.5%) as their primary source of forage, followed by pasture only (32.5%) and hay only (10%). Pasture maintenance was performed by 82% of respondents, and 6% did not implement any type of pasture management. Primary forage fed to the horses was related to the type of pasture management implemented (P = .0313) and turnout practices (P = .0003). The multiple correspondence analysis showed that relying on hay as the primary source of forage was associated with a shorter duration of pasture access and lack of pasture management. Most operations did not have their hay (89%) or pasture (94%) analyzed for nutrient composition. Despite pasture availability, lack of adequate pasture management appeared to contribute to a greater dependence on hay feeding. Pasture management practices and forage analysis are potential areas for horse owner education in Florida.Lawsonia intracellularis (LI) is an obligate intracellular gram-negative rod causing equine proliferative enteropathy (EPE). Occasional cases of EPE have been reported in foals living in Belgium, but the seroprevalence of equine LI in this country is unknown. The target population included clinically healthy adult horses, whose blood samples were collected and analyzed for specific IgG antibodies against LI using a blocking enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay test. The results were expressed as percentage of inhibition (PI). Samples that had a PI 30% were considered positive. A total of 356 blood samples were analyzed with 352 horses (98.8%) testing positive, 2 horses (0.6%) testing negative, and 2 horses (0.6%) showing inconclusive results. The large percentage of seropositive samples obtained in this study confirms a widespread exposure of Belgian horses to LI.This investigation aimed to compare the cell-free fetal DNA (cffDNA) plasma present in three trimesters of pregnancy in Torkaman pregnant mare. Peripheral blood samples of 32 pregnant mares in three trimesters of pregnancy were collected in tubes containing ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid at three time points. Circulating cffDNA was extracted from 3 mL of maternal plasma. Using outer and inner primers, a conventional polymerase chain reaction was performed for the sex-determining region Y (SRY) gene present in the Y chromosome. Of the total 32 Torkaman pregnant mares, 24 were carrying male fetuses and eight were carrying female fetuses. In total, the accuracy of the test was 48.75%, 68.75%, and 75% in the first, second, and third trimesters of pregnancy, respectively. The sensitivities were 25%, 58.32%, and 66.66%, respectively, whereas their specificities were 100% in all trimesters. In conclusion, the SRY gene can permit the detection of equine fetal sex with good accuracy through cffDNA analysis in maternal plasma just in the third trimester of pregnancy, although specificity in all duration of pregnancy was 100%.This study evaluated the influence of the Body Condition Score (BCS) and subcutaneous fat thickness on the tissue composition of the digital cushion in horses. Sixty mixed breeds of Criollo horses (21 males and 39 females) were sent for slaughter. All animals were submitted to BCS analysis, through visual antemortem evaluation, and then ultrasound evaluation to estimate the subcutaneous fat thickness. Macroscopic analyses of the thoracic and a pelvic limb (weight, volume, and density of the hooves and digital cushions) were performed. In addition, measurements of the area of internal structures to the hoof and histological analyzes were carried out to measure the areas of adipose, fibroelastic, and collagen fibers of the digital cushion. There were no macroscopic differences in the digital cushion between thoracic and pelvic limbs or between genders (P > .05). Likewise, the histological characteristics between the limbs and the genders were similar (P > .05). https://www.selleckchem.com/products/pco371.html There was no correlation between the weight, volume, and density of the digital cushion with the BCS (P > .