Immunotherapy, which promotes the induction of cytotoxic T lymphocytes and enhances their infiltration into and function within tumors, is a rapidly expanding and evolving approach to treating cancer. However, many of the critical denominators for inducing effective anticancer immune responses remain unknown. Efforts are underway to develop comprehensive ex vivo assessments of the immune landscape of patients prior to and during response to immunotherapy. An important complementary approach to these efforts involves the development of noninvasive imaging approaches to detect immune targets, assess delivery of immune-based therapeutics, and evaluate responses to immunotherapy. Herein, we review the merits and limitations of various noninvasive imaging modalities (MRI, PET, and single-photon emission tomography) and discuss candidate targets for cellular and molecular imaging for visualization of T-cell responses at various stages along the cancer-immunity cycle in the context of immunotherapy. We also discuss the potential use of these imaging strategies in monitoring treatment responses and predicting prognosis for patients treated with immunotherapy.Signal pathway inhibition is a well-validated approach for treating cancers driven by activated kinases such as KIT. However, kinase inhibitors may make tumor cells less responsive to tumor immune surveillance and less sensitive to immunotherapies. In this issue, Liu and colleagues report that, in a mouse model, inhibition of oncogenic KIT in gastrointestinal stromal tumors reduces type I interferon (IFN) production and signaling, and the effectiveness of the immune system in controlling tumor growth. They were able to partially overcome the immunosuppressive effects of KIT inhibition using agonists of the type I IFN response, pointing the way toward intelligently combining kinase inhibitors and immune modulators for therapy.See article by Liu et al., p. 542.In multiple myeloma, the accumulation of cells with negative immunoregulatory properties, such as monocytic myeloid-derived suppressor cells (M-MDSC), has a protumoral effect. Lim and colleagues unveil a novel circuit regulating the cross-talk between M-MDSCs and cancerous plasma cells centered on the interaction between myeloma-derived galactin-1 and CD304 (neuropilin-1) on the surface of circulating M-MDSCs.See article by Lim et al., p. 503. Data on the effect of cesarean delivery on maternal request (CDMR) on maternal and neonatal outcomes are inconsistent and often limited by inadequate case definitions and other methodological issues. Our objective was to evaluate the trends, determinants and outcomes of CDMR using an intent-to-treat approach. We designed a population-based retrospective cohort study using data on low-risk pregnancies in Ontario, Canada (April 2012-March 2018). We assessed temporal trends and determinants of CDMR. We estimated the relative risks for component and composite outcomes used in the Adverse Outcome Index (AOI) related to planned CDMR compared with planned vaginal delivery using generalized estimating equation models. We compared the Weighted Adverse Outcome Score (WAOS) and the Severity Index (SI) across planned modes of delivery using analysis of variance. Of 422 210 women, 0.4% ( = 1827) had a planned CDMR and 99.6% ( = 420 383) had a planned vaginal delivery. The prevalence of CDMR remained stable over verse outcomes compared with planned vaginal delivery. Investigation into the long-term implications of CDMR is warranted.Two novel blaDIM-1- or blaIMP-1-containing genomic islands (GIs) were discovered by whole-genome sequence analyses in four extensively drug-resistant (XDR) Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates from inpatients at a tertiary hospital in Ghana. The strains were of sequence type 234 (ST234) and formed a phylogenetic clade together with ST111, which is recognized as a global high-risk clone. Their carbapenem resistance was encoded by two Tn402-type integrons, In1592 (blaDIM-1) and In1595 (blaIMP-1), both carrying complete tni mobilization modules. In1595 was bound by conserved 25-bp inverted repeats (IRs) flanked by 5-bp direct repeats (DRs) associated with target site duplication. The integrons were embedded in two GIs that contained cognate integrases and were distinguished by a lower GC content than the chromosomal average. PAGI-97A (52.659 bp; In1592), which encoded a P4-type site-specific integrase of the tyrosine recombinase family in its 3' border, was integrated into tRNA-Pro(ggg) and bracketed by a 49-bp perfect DR created by 3'-end target duplication. GIs with the same structural features, but diverse genetic content, were identified in 41/226 completed P. aeruginosa genomes. PAGI-97B (22,636 bp; In1595), which encoded an XerC/D superfamily integrase in its 5' border, was inserted into the small RNA (sRNA) PrrF1/PrrF2 locus. Specific insertions into this highly conserved locus involved in iron-dependent regulation, all leaving PrrF1 intact, were identified in an additional six phylogenetically unrelated P. aeruginosa genomes. Our molecular analyses unveiled a hospital-associated clonal dissemination of carbapenem-resistant ST234 P. aeruginosa in which the XDR phenotype resulted from novel insertions of two GIs into specific chromosomal sites.Staphylococcus saprophyticus is a common pathogen of the urinary tract, a heavy metal-rich environment, but information regarding its heavy metal resistance is unknown. We investigated 422 S. saprophyticus isolates from human infection and colonization/contamination, animals, and environmental sources for resistance to copper, zinc, arsenic, and cadmium using the agar dilution method. To identify the genes associated with metal resistance and assess possible links to pathogenicity, we accessed the whole-genome sequence of all isolates and used in silico and pangenome-wide association approaches. The MIC values for copper and zinc were uniformly high (1,600 mg/liter). Genes encoding copper efflux pumps (copA, copB, copZ, mco, and csoR) and zinc transporters (zinT, czrAB, znuBC, and zur) were abundant in the population (20 to 100%). Arsenic and cadmium showed various susceptibility levels. Genes encoding the ars operon (arsRDABC), an ABC transporter and a two-component permease, were linked to resistance to arsenic (MICs ≥ 1,600 mg/liter; 14% [58/422]; P  less then  0.