This study assesses microplastic ingestion in Boops boops at different geographical areas in the Mediterranean Sea. A total of 884 fish were caught at 20 coastal sites in Spain, France, Italy and Greece and analyzed using a common methodological protocol. Microplastics were found in 46.8% of the sampled fish, with an average number of items per individual of 1.17 ± 0.07. Filaments were the predominant shape type, while polyethylene and polypropylene were indicated by FTIR as the most common polymer types of ingested microplastics. The frequency of occurrence, as well as the abundance and proportion of types (size, shape, color and polymer) of ingested microplastics, varied among geographical areas. The spatial heterogeneity of the abundance of ingested microplastics was mainly related to the degree of coastal anthropogenic pressure at the sampling sites. Our findings further support the suitability of B. boops as bioindicator of microplastic pollution in the Mediterranean Sea.DDTs were detected in yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares, 92.1-221.8 ng‧g-1 lipid weight) and their prey (54.9-93.5 ng‧g-1 lipid weight) from the South China Sea (SCS). DDT levels reported in this study were lower than those of the previous studies indicated the recent mitigation of DDT contamination in the SCS. Higher DDT levels were observed in fat abdominal muscle than lean dorsal muscle in adult yellowfin tuna. Meanwhile, DDT levels in adult yellowfin tuna were higher than the young ones. The composition profiles of DDT and its metabolites suggested DDTs in fish in the SCS were mainly derived from the historical use of technical DDTs. DDTs were biomagnified through food chains with the trophic magnification factor of 2.5. Risk assessment results indicated that dietary exposure to DDTs through lifetime fish consumption from the SCS would pose little cancer and noncarcinogenic risk to coastal residents.The invasive coral Tubastraea tagusensis (sun coral) is a habitat-forming species currently increasing its geographical range into the Atlantic Ocean, thereby causing negative ecological and socioeconomic impacts. Scuba divers observed this coral in the western equatorial Atlantic in January 2020, growing at high densities on a shipwreck from World War II (sunk in 1943) at a depth of approximately 32 m. Available footage from the beginning of the decade (2012-2018) shows no obvious signs of sun coral on this shipwreck, suggesting recent colonization and range expansion. The recent evidence of expansion was found 200 km east of the last record, which was also found on a WWII shipwreck (sunk in 1942) in 2016. We have identified hundreds of overlooked WWII shipwrecks, as well as new wrecks in shallow and mesophotic waters, that may provide stepping-stone habitats for this coral to expand its distribution in the Atlantic. We discuss the role of shipwrecks as a network of stepping stones for the sun coral spread, creating complementary paths for the invasiveness by overcoming physiological traits and the short lifespan of the coral larvae. Previous research underestimates the importance of these artificial stepping-stone patches in sustaining crucial dispersal events and range expansion of invasive species. These results are a call to action to manage the invasive Tubastraea corals at a national and international scale in the Atlantic basin.The sources of marine debris (MD) on a small island are largely dependent on the activities on and around the island, one of which is tourism. In this study, the magnitude and tourists' perceptions of MD on a small tourism island (Tidung Islands, Jakarta, Indonesia) were assessed. The results indicated that the tourism is one of the largest waste-generating sources. Plastic waste formed the major proportion of the solid waste, accounting for 83.86% of the total. The unmanaged tourism waste led to a clean-coastal index corresponding to the category "extremely dirty" and decreasing visitors' acceptance index. The resulting conditions will make the tourism unsustainable. In tourism, waste management should be focused on, including prevention and collaborative actions with residents and tourism actors. In addition, the tourist awareness campaigns must be conducted prior to tourist-visitation on the island.Using in situ data of 2014-2018, the summers Emiliania huxleyi blooms in the Barents Sea were studied. The blooms were recorded in the upper mixed layer in July and August every year, during which they spread to cover large areas and were associated with Atlantic waters. The E. huxleyi abundance revealed interannual variability, with the highest values (up to 12 × 106 cells/L) in July 2016. Bloom is characterized by a sharp seasonal thermocline, water surface temperature of about 7.14-11.7 °C, low silicate (0.45 ± 0.08 μM) and nitrogen (0.74 ± 0.16 μM) concentration, high phosphorus concentration (0.09 ± 0.01 μM) and nitrogen to phosphorus ratio significantly below the Redfield ratio. Data confirming the hypothesis of limiting the growth of diatoms by nitrogen concentration are presented. When E. huxleyi bloomed, its biomass exceeded 70% of the total phytoplankton biomass, species diversity was low, and diatoms were practically absent, and dinoflagellates were usually represented by large species.Sewage is among the largest components of coastal pollution, showing a variable scale and size when causing an impact. In this study, temporal and spatial sewage-related gradients were identified using univariate and multivariate methods. Phosphates and nitrogen-based nutrients, except nitrate, were associated to sewage. Abundance and species richness decrease with distance from the sewage outfall while evenness increased. Filter-feeder bivalves and grazer crustaceans showed preference for the sewage discharge site. Gastropods were more abundant at an intermediate distance, likely reflecting primary production enhancement by sewage. Beta diversity was lower at the location and time with highest sewage loadings. The turnover component of beta diversity expressed as an absolute or proportional value was also useful to detect temporal and spatial sewage-related gradients. Highly energetic hydrodynamics contributes to ameliorate sewage impacts, yet not enough to veil the effect of pollution in this study.