Numbers, numbers, they endessly fill out our life… weight, height and many other more hidden body attributes, too, like chronobiological parameters! Fat and thin woman, by Lyudmyla Kharlamova.Amanda Bumgarner knows about babies. As a pediatric nurse in Richmond, VA, she's spent her working life consoling sleep-deprived parents, administering shots to screaming infants, and tenderly attending to the needs of fragile premature babies, often in the most heartbreaking and dire circumstances. When she gave birth to a little girl of her own, she wasn't expecting any surprises but two weeks into motherhood, she knew something wasn't right. At first, it was the tears-she couldn't get through a single day without crying. Then it was the debilitating anxiety-the overwhelming panic that once overcame her when her best friend, herself a mother and infant nurse, held her baby. She recognized that her feelings were far from rational. "How do you turn those things off?" she wondered, far too often. Breastfeeding was also a problem. "My daughter wouldn't latch without just destroying me," she said. "I was feeling like a failure, because this is supposed to be the most natural thing ever."The Process of rare disease identification by clinical geneticists is closely associated with the ability to correlate the phenotype of a patient with the relevant genetic syndromes. In order to perform this correlation, the phenotype has to be described in a canonical form or language. One such language is the human phenotype ontology, which defines the human phenotypes in a hierarchical form and facilitates the association between specific phenotypes and diseases. With such a structure, clinicians are able to evaluate the specific phenotypic features during the clinical evaluation process and then correlate those phenotypes to relevant diseases.When it comes to cancer, there's good news and there's bad news. While the combination of new screening tests and therapies are making headway, some types of cancer are becoming more common, especially in certain age groups. So how well are we actually doing in the fight against the diseases we collectively call cancer?"More than 600,000 people will die from cancer in the United States this year, and almost all of them could have been saved by detecting their cancers earlier when they were more amenable to the treatments available today," according to Isaac Kinde (Figure 1), M.D., Ph.D., head of research and innovation and a co-founder of the cancer-screening company Thrive, headquartered in Cambridge, MA [1].The inability of cells to adapt to increased environmental tonicity can lead to inflammatory gene expression and pathogenesis. The Rel family of transcription factors TonEBP and NF-κB p65 play critical roles in the switch from osmoadaptive homeostasis to inflammation, respectively. Here we identified PACT-mediated PKR kinase activation as a marker of the termination of adaptation and initiation of inflammation in Mus musculus embryonic fibroblasts. We found that high stress-induced PACT-PKR activation inhibits the interaction between NF-κB c-Rel and TonEBP essential for the increased expression of TonEBP-dependent osmoprotective genes. This resulted in enhanced formation of TonEBP/NF-κB p65 complexes and enhanced proinflammatory gene expression. These data demonstrate a novel role of c-Rel in the adaptive response to hyperosmotic stress, which is inhibited via a PACT/PKR-dependent dimer redistribution of the Rel family transcription factors. Our results suggest that inhibiting PACT-PKR signaling may prove a novel target for alleviating stress-induced inflammatory diseases. © 2020, Farabaugh et al.Establishing appropriate sizes and shapes of dendritic arbors is critical for proper wiring of the central nervous system. Here we report that Insulin-like Peptide 2 (DILP2) locally activates transiently expressed insulin receptors in the central dendrites of Drosophila Dm8 amacrine neurons to positively regulate dendritic field elaboration. We found DILP2 was expressed in L5 lamina neurons, which have axonal terminals abutting Dm8 dendrites. Proper Dm8 dendrite morphogenesis and synapse formation required insulin signaling through TOR (target of rapamycin) and SREBP (sterol regulatory element-binding protein), acting in parallel with previously identified negative regulation by Activin signaling to provide robust control of Dm8 dendrite elaboration. A simulation of dendritic growth revealed trade-offs between dendritic field size and robustness when branching and terminating kinetic parameters were constant, but dynamic modulation of the parameters could mitigate these trade-offs. We suggest that antagonistic DILP2 and Activin signals from different afferents appropriately size Dm8 dendritic fields.Adult Drosophila Malpighian tubules have low rates of cell turnover but are vulnerable to damage caused by stones, like their mammalian counterparts, kidneys. We show that Drosophilarenal stem cells (RSCs) in the ureter and lower tubules comprise a unique, unipotent regenerative compartment. RSCs respond only to loss of nearby principal cells (PCs), cells critical for maintaining ionic balance. Large polyploid PCs are outnumbered by RSCs, which replace each lost cell with multiple PCs of lower ploidy. Notably, RSCs do not replenish principal cells or stellate cells in the upper tubules. RSCs generate daughters by asymmetric Notch signaling, yet RSCs remain quiescent (cell cycle-arrested) without damage. Nevertheless, the capacity for RSC-mediated repair extends the lifespan of flies carrying kidney stones. We propose that abundant, RSC-like stem cells exist in other tissues with low rates of turnover where they may have been mistaken for differentiated tissue cells. © 2020, Wang and Spradling.Unhealthy diet and alcohol are serious health problems, especially in adolescents and young adults. "Binge" is defined as the excessive and uncontrolled consumption of food (binge eating) and alcohol (binge drinking). Both behaviors are frequent among young people and have a highly negative impact on their health and quality of life. Several studies have explored the causes and risk factors of both behaviors, and the evidence concludes that there is a relationship between the two behaviors. In addition, some research postulates that binge eating is a precipitating factor in the onset and escalation of excessive alcohol consumption, while other studies suggest that alcohol consumption leads to excessive and uncontrollable food consumption. Given that no review has yet been published regarding the directionality between the two behaviors, we have set out to provide an up-to-date overview of binge eating and binge drinking problems, analyzing their commonalities and differences, as well as their uni and bidirectional associations.