Attenuating nicotine's results with higher thanks individual anti-nicotine monoclonal antibodies. Ulcerative colitis is a chronic disease in which the mucosa of the colon or rectum becomes inflamed. An objective biomarker of inflammation will provide quantitative measures to support qualitative assessment during an endoscopic examination. Previous studies show that transmural electrical impedance is a quantifiable biomarker of inflammation. Here, we hypothesize that impedance detects spatially restricted areas of inflammation, thereby allowing the distinction between regions that differ in their severity of inflammation. A platinum ball electrode was placed into minimally inflamed (i.e. normal) or 2,4,6-trinitrobenzene sulphonic acid (TNBS)-inflamed colonic regions of rats and impedance measurements obtained by passing current between the intraluminal and subcutaneous return electrode. Histology of the colon was correlated with impedance measurements. The impedance of minimally inflamed (normal) tissue was 1.5-1.9 kΩ. Following TNBS injection, impedance significantly decreased within the inflammatory penumbra (p less then 0.05), and decreased more in the inflammatory epicentre (p = 0.02). Histological damage correlated with impedance values (p less then 0.05). Thus, impedance values of 1.5-1.9, 1.3-1.4 and 0.9-1.1 kΩ corresponded to minimally inflamed, mildly inflamed and moderately inflamed tissue, respectively. In conclusion, transmural impedance is an objective, spatially localized biomarker of mucosal integrity, and distinguishes between severities of intestinal inflammation. © 2020 The Authors.Every now and then the cultural paradigm of a society changes. While current models of cultural shifts usually require a major exogenous or endogenous change, we propose that the mechanism underlying many paradigm shifts may just be an emergent feature of the inherent congruence among different cultural traits. We implement this idea through a population dynamics model in which individuals are defined by a vector of cultural traits that changes mainly through cultural contagion, biased by a 'cultural fitness' landscape, between contemporary individuals. Cultural traits reinforce or hinder each other (through a form of cultural epistasis) to prevent cognitive dissonance. Our main result is that abrupt paradigm shifts occur, in response to weak changes in the landscape, only in the presence of epistasis between cultural traits, and regardless of whether horizontal transmission is biased by homophily. A relevant consequence of this dynamics is the irreversible nature of paradigm shifts the old paradigm cannot be restored even if the external changes are undone. Our model puts the phenomenon of paradigm shifts in cultural evolution in the same category as catastrophic shifts in ecology or phase transitions in physics, where minute causes lead to major collective changes. © 2020 The Authors.We present KITE, a general purpose open-source tight-binding software for accurate real-space simulations of electronic structure and quantum transport properties of large-scale molecular and condensed systems with tens of billions of atomic orbitals (N ∼ 1010). KITE's core is written in C++, with a versatile Python-based interface, and is fully optimized for shared memory multi-node CPU architectures, thus scalable, efficient and fast. At the core of KITE is a seamless spectral expansion of lattice Green's functions, which enables large-scale calculations of generic target functions with uniform convergence and fine control over energy resolution. Several functionalities are demonstrated, ranging from simulations of local density of states and photo-emission spectroscopy of disordered materials to large-scale computations of optical conductivity tensors and real-space wave-packet propagation in the presence of magneto-static fields and spin-orbit coupling. On-the-fly calculations of real-space Green's functions are carried out with an efficient domain decomposition technique, allowing KITE to achieve nearly ideal linear scaling in its multi-threading performance. Crystalline defects and disorder, including vacancies, adsorbates and charged impurity centres, can be easily set up with KITE's intuitive interface, paving the way to user-friendly large-scale quantum simulations of equilibrium and non-equilibrium properties of molecules, disordered crystals and heterostructures subject to a variety of perturbations and external conditions. © 2020 The Authors.Coercion is an important but underrated component in the evolution of cooperative behaviour. According to the pay-to-stay hypothesis of cooperative breeding, subordinates trade alloparental care for the concession to stay in the group. Punishment of idle subordinates is a key prediction of this hypothesis, which has received some experimental scrutiny. However, previous studies neither allowed separating between punishment and effects of disruption of social dynamics, nor did they differentiate between different helping behaviours that may reflect either mutualistic or reciprocal interaction dynamics. In the cooperative breeder Neolamprologus pulcher, we experimentally engineered the ability of subordinates to contribute to alloparental care by manipulating two different helping behaviours independently from one another in a full factorial design. We recorded the treatment effects on breeder aggression, subordinate helping efforts and submissive displays. We found two divergent regulatory mechanisms of cooperation, dependent on behavioural function. Experimental impediment of territory maintenance of subordinates triggered punishment by dominants, whereas prevented defence against egg predators released a compensatory response of subordinates without any enforcement, suggesting pre-emptive appeasement. These effects occurred independently of one another. Apparently, in the complex negotiation process among members of cooperative groups, behaviours fulfilling different functions may be regulated by divergent interaction mechanisms. © 2020 The Authors.The functional properties of biopolymer-based film packaging materials are susceptible to external storage conditions. The effects of different storage temperature, relative humidity (RH) and duration on the apparent form, barrier properties, mechanical properties and microstructure of corn-wheat starch/zein bilayer films were studied. From 0 to 150 days, storage temperature and RH, but not storage time, affected the appearance and colour of the bilayer films. The increase in haze of the bilayer films stored at 25°C was much greater than that at low temperatures. With increased storage time, the moisture content first increased and then decreased, while the water resistance and oxygen barrier properties of the bilayer films worsened. After 150 days, the bilayer film stored at 25°C with 54% RH had better water resistance properties. The oxygen barrier properties of the bilayer film stored at 25°C with 43% RH were preferable to those of other groups because the peroxide value of vegetable oil packed in the former bilayer film was the lowest.