This study highlights shortcomings of the CLPM and details alternative models to consider. Addiction researchers should consider alternatives to the CLPM to more optimally delineate relations among constructs across time. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2021 APA, all rights reserved). This study highlights shortcomings of the CLPM and details alternative models to consider. Addiction researchers should consider alternatives to the CLPM to more optimally delineate relations among constructs across time. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2021 APA, all rights reserved). Transgender and gender-nonconforming (TGNC) emerging adults (EAs) are a vulnerable population at risk for negative mental health and alcohol use outcomes often attributed to unique experiences of discrimination and transphobia, including in colleges/universities through institutionalized transphobia. There are no extant psychosocial interventions that focus on the experiences of EA TGNC undergraduate students. The current study utilized a Community-Based Participatory Research framework and exploratory qualitative approach to better understand the unique experiences of this population ( = 16). Data are presented from an inductive thematic analysis of focus groups and interview transcripts that highlight TGNC experiences of gender-based stressors and substance use and provide feedback on a brief psychosocial intervention to prevent high-risk alcohol use among TGNC. Main themes were (e.g., pronoun misuse, invalidating interactions with faculty and staff), (e.g., use of alcohol and other drugs), ntal health outcomes and risks associated with alcohol and other drug use among EA TGNC undergraduate students, such as creating safe interventions and utilizing a strengths-based approach to teaching coping skills. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2021 APA, all rights reserved).Objective Self-control is a key factor in quitting cigarettes and practicing general self-control tasks may strengthen self-control. This study examined the feasibility and acceptability of a novel smoking-related self-control task. Method Seventy-five adults with current cigarette smoking (Mage = 44.8, 74.7% male, 63.5% Black, 74.3% non-Latinx) were randomly assigned to practice a smoking-specific self-control task (Delay Smoking Task, n = 39) or a general self-control task (Posture Task, n = 36) for 1 week. Assessments included cigarettes per day (CPD), motivation to quit smoking, self-control, and task acceptability. Results Most participants completed both appointments with no difference between task groups (p = .69). The Delay Smoking Task group rated the task as more difficult (p = .04) and more helpful for quitting smoking (p = .005) than did the Posture Task group. Self-control task groups did not differ in task effort (p = .66), task success (p = .14), or self-control used to practice the task (p = .13). Both task groups reported increased quit desire, expected quit success, quit confidence, and quit motivation (p less then .05; partial η²s = 0.108-0.333). The time by task group interaction approached significance for expected quit success (p = .06; partial η² = .053), with the Delay Smoking Task group showing greater increases than the Posture Task group. Over the week, smoking decreased an average of 1.0 CPD with no difference between groups (p = .72; partial η² = 0.165). Conclusions Practicing self-control was associated with increases in motivation to quit, confidence in quitting, and expected success at quitting smoking with similar changes for those practicing a smoking-specific versus a general self-control task. Self-control tasks may be useful for increasing motivation to quit cigarettes. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2021 APA, all rights reserved). Suspect motives, conceptualized as beliefs that Whites' interracial motives are primarily driven by desires to avoid appearing prejudiced have been found to shape a number of intergroup outcomes for People of Color (POC). However, it is unclear what factors lead individuals to become suspicious of Whites' motives. Two correlational studies tested whether childhood racial socialization experiences relate to suspect motives. 223 Black participants (94.2% female; M age = 42.01, SD age = 16.62) recalled childhood racial socialization experiences and completed the Suspicion of Motives Index (SOMI; Study 1). 226 Black parents (80.8% female; M age = 37.39, SD age = 9.17) reported racial socialization strategies and goals for their children to be cognizant of Whites' potentially suspect motives (Study 2). Driven by cultural socialization, racial socialization was significantly related to suspicion (Study 1). Racial socialization predicted parental desires that children recognize Whites' suspect motives and a combined measure of cultural socialization and preparation for bias was most strongly related to parental hopes (Study 2). These studies link racial socialization and suspicion of Whites' motives. These results suggest that among POC, racial socialization may shape beliefs about Whites' interracial motives. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2021 APA, all rights reserved). These studies link racial socialization and suspicion of Whites' motives. These results suggest that among POC, racial socialization may shape beliefs about Whites' interracial motives. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2021 APA, all rights reserved).Polymer microfluidic technology is widely used in chemistry, biology, medicine, nanoparticles synthesis, and other fields. In this article, we introduce a novel method for the controllable flowing of dielectric fluid droplets. Under the action of corona discharge, the dielectric fluid droplet can be controllably driven to one or more conductive plate electrodes that are connected to the negative electrode on the substrate. Phenomena of polymerization, migration, and separation and merger are experimentally verified in detail, and the spreading speeds and steady-state time are discussed. The experimental results show that the proposed method is accurate and controllable.Self-assembling colloidal particles into clathrate hydrates requires the particles to have tetrahedral bonds in the eclipsed conformation. It has been suggested that colloidal particles with eclipsed triangular-shaped patches can form clusters in the eclipsed conformation that leads to colloidal clathrate hydrates. However, in experiments, patches have been limited to circular shapes due to surface energy minimization. Here, we extend the particle synthesis strategy and show that colloidal particles with triangular patches can be readily fabricated by controlling the viscosity of the liquid oil droplets during a colloidal fusion process. The position, orientation, curvature, shape, and size of the patches are all exclusively determined by the intrinsic symmetry of the colloidal clusters, resulting in dipatch particles with eclipsed patches and tetrahedral patchy particles with patch vertices pointing toward each other. Patch curvature can be controlled by tuning the viscosity of the oil droplets and using different surfactants.