3 Mt/year. We show that this leads to an overall vegetation decrease related mainly to the anthropogenic pressure then to climate and lithology. We anticipate that the solution must be comprehensive, participatory, strategic and innovative, led by education and scientific research (Citizen Science) and involving all actors equally. In its broad context, the only path to achieve the coordination and alignment of actions would be through a gradual change of perception and involvement based on a time-consuming culture of assimilation and acceptance rather than a culture of rapid reform. The assessment of landscape condition for large herbivores, also known as foodscapes, is fast gaining interest in conservation and landscape management programs worldwide. Although traditional approaches are now being replaced by satellite imagery, several technical issues still need to be addressed before full standardization of remote sensing methods for these purposes. We present a low-cost method, based on the use of a modified blue/green/near-infrared (BG-NIR) camera housed on a small-Unmanned Aircraft System (sUAS), to create foodscapes for a generalist Mediterranean ungulate the Iberian Ibex (Capra pyrenaica) in Northeast Spain. Faecal cuticle micro-histological analyses were used to assess the dietary preferences of ibexes and then individuals of the most common plant species (n = 19) were georeferenced to use as test samples. Because of the seasonal pattern in vegetation activity, based on the NDVI (Smooth term Month = 21.5, p-value  less then  .01, R2 = 43%, from a GAM), images were recorded in winter and spring to represent contrasting vegetation phenology using two flight heights above ground level (30 and 60 m). Additionally, the range of image pixel sizes was 3.5-30 cm with the smallest pixel size representing the highest resolution. Boosted Trees were used to classify plant taxa based on spectral reflectance and create a foodscape of the study area. The number of target species, the sampling season, the height of flight and the image resolution were analysed to determine the accuracy of mapping the foodscape. The highest classification error (70.66%) was present when classifying all plant species using a 30 cm pixel size from acquisitions at 30 m height. The lowest error (18.7%), however, was present when predicting plants preferred by ibexes, at 3.5 cm pixel size acquired at 60 m height. This methodology can help to successfully monitor food availability and seasonality and to identify individual species. The present research compared the capability of the green seaweed Ulva lactuca and the seagrass Posidonia oceanica to accumulate and biomonitor the levels of six trace elements Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn. The concentrations of these elements were analyzed in seawater, bottom sediments, U. lactuca thalli and P. oceanica leaves, in four sites of Sicily (Italy) with different levels of pollution. The results showed that P. oceanica is able to accumulate greater concentrations of trace elements compared to U. lactuca. Both species, instead, acted equally as good bioindicators of marine pollution, showing significant correlations with the levels of trace elements in the surrounding environment. The use of P. oceanica and U. lactuca as bioindicators is still limited in biomonitoring programs, and should be further encouraged given the ever-increasing marine pollution. Diurnal atmospheric Δ14CO2 was measured on two consecutive days in summer and winter, 2016 at Shangdianzi, Lin'an and Luhuitou regional background sites, and at Waliguan global background site in China. The objectives of this study were to determine diurnal fossil fuel CO2 (CO2ff) and biological CO2 (CO2bio) concentrations and to ascertain the factors influencing them. Evident CO2ff inputs (0-33.0 ± 1.4 ppm) were found, with some small morning and afternoon rush hour signals. Particularly, the long-range transport of air masses influenced the seasonal differences and rapid diurnal variations in CO2ff. Diurnal CO2bio showed violent variations (-20.9-113.3 ppm), with high values at night and low or negative values during the daytime. Diurnal CO2bio variations resulted from the tradeoffs between photosynthetic CO2 uptake and biological respiration CO2 emission as well as atmospheric boundary layer heights variations. These results might help to understand the roles of fossil fuel sources and biological sources on atmospheric CO2 diurnal variations at Chinese background sites. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/sodium-l-lactate.html Giardia duodenalis is one of the most common waterborne zoonotic parasites worldwide, and its occurrence in the environment and catchment reservoir water has serious implications for management of drinking water. The aim of the present study was to use molecular tools to identify the Giardia spp. infecting animals inhabiting five drinking water catchments across two states in Australia; New South Wales and Queensland, to better understand the potential health risks they pose. We used quantitative PCR to screen a total of 2174 faecal samples collected from dominant host species in catchment areas for the presence of G. duodenalis. All samples positive for G. duodenalis were further characterized and subtyped at tpi and gdh loci, respectively. The overall prevalence of G. duodenalis was 15.3% (332/2174, 95%CI; 13.8-16.9), and two zoonotic assemblages (assemblages A and B) and one potentially zoonotic assemblage (E) were detected in various host species. Additional subtyping of a subset of samples (n = 76) identified four human infectious sub-assemblages including AI, AII, BII-like and BIV-like, all of which have been previously reported in humans in Australia. The finding of zoonotic assemblages of G. duodenalis in the present study necessitates continued identification of the sources/carriers of human pathogenic strains in drinking water catchment areas for more accurate risk assessment and optimal catchment management. Saving energy has an important role in the concerted actions to protect the planet from the effects of global warming, particularly the energy consumed by the existing buildings (with various energy consuming functions, inefficient energy), by implementing environmentally friendly solutions. The present paper emphasizes the need to include elements to stimulate the renovation of the existing buildings and of their energy efficiency in the national strategies, these constructions being important energy consumers. The research started with two case studies (2 hospital buildings) dating from 70-80s, with the aim to be energy efficient and modern constructions in Eastern Europe. In the presented best practice model, significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, primary energy consumption along with the use of renewable energy have been achieved by transforming some energy-inefficient buildings into intelligent buildings. Thus, the authors propose a new stake "70-70-70" for similar buildings.