ciMSCs constitutively express the immunomodulatory factors iNOS, GAL-9, TGF-β1, PTGER-2α and VEGF, and the pro-inflammatory mediators COX-2, IL-1β and IL-8. When stimulated with the canine pro-inflammatory cytokines tumor necrosis factor-α (cTNF-α), interferon-γ (cIFN-γ), or a combination of both, ciMSCs upregulated their expression of IDO, iNOS, GAL-9, HGF, TGF-β1, PTGER-2α, VEGF, COX-2, IL-1β and IL-8. When co-cultured with mitogen-stimulated lymphocytes, ciMSCs downregulated their expression of iNOS, HGF, TGF-β1 and PTGER-2α, while increasing their expression of COX-2, IDO and IL-1β. Taken together, these findings suggest that ciMSCs possess similar immunomodulatory capabilities as harvested cMSCs and support further investigation into their potential use for the management of canine immune-mediated and inflammatory disorders.In the current design specification of building structure, the basic wind pressure and basic snow pressure are two independent values, and it is impossible to acquire both of these values when snow and wind occur at the same time. Taking parameters such as snowfall intensity, snowfall amount, wind speed, and wind direction as indicators, the value of the combined distribution of wind and snowfall in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region of China was extracted. A joint distribution map of the daily average snowfall among the top-ten largest consecutive snowfall events and the daily average wind scale from the first day of snowfall to the fifth day after the snowfall were obtained. The study found that after a heavy snowfall in the Zhangjiakou area, the accumulated wind power was large and, although the wind speed was favorable for the occurrence of snowdrifts, the snowfall was light. After a heavy snowfall in the Shijiazhuang area, the accumulated wind power was small, and the probability of snowdrift formation was low. In the eastern regions of Cangzhou, Beijing, Tianjin, Tangshan, and Qinhuangdao, the accumulated wind force was relatively large after a heavy snowfall, and the probability of windblown snow was relatively high.There is considerable interpersonal variation in the size and shape of the human cochlea, with evident consequences for cochlear implantation. The ability to characterize a specific cochlea, from preoperative computed tomography (CT) images, would allow the clinician to personalize the choice of electrode, surgical approach and postoperative programming. In this study, we present a fast, practicable and freely available method for estimating cochlear size and shape from clinical CT. The approach taken is to fit a template surface to the CT data, using either a statistical shape model or a locally affine deformation (LAD). After fitting, we measure cochlear size, duct length and a novel measure of basal turn non-planarity, which we suggest might correlate with the risk of insertion trauma. Gold-standard measurements from a convenience sample of 18 micro-CT scans are compared with the same quantities estimated from low-resolution, noisy, pseudo-clinical data synthesized from the same micro-CT scans. The best results were obtained using the LAD method, with an expected error of 8-17% of the gold-standard sample range for non-planarity, cochlear size and duct length.We study the effect that disturbances in the ecological landscape exert on the spatial distribution of a population that evolves according to the nonlocal FKPP equation. Using both numerical and analytical techniques, we characterize, as a function of the interaction kernel, the three types of stationary profiles that can develop near abrupt spatial variations in the environmental conditions vital for population growth sustained oscillations, decaying oscillations and exponential relaxation towards a flat profile. Through the mapping between the features of the induced wrinkles and the shape of the interaction kernel, we discuss how heterogeneities can reveal information that would be hidden in a flat landscape.Classifying mental disorder is a big issue in psychology in recent years. This article focuses on offering a relation between decision tree and encoding of fMRI that can simplify the analysis of different mental disorders and has a high ROC over 0.9. Here we encode fMRI information to the power-law distribution with integer elements by the graph theory in which the network is characterized by degrees that measure the number of effective links exceeding the threshold of Pearson correlation among voxels. When the degrees are ranked from low to high, the network equation can be fit by the power-law distribution. Here we use the mentally disordered SHR and WKY rats as samples and employ decision tree from chi2 algorithm to classify different states of mental disorder. This method not only provides the decision tree and encoding, but also enables the construction of a transformation matrix that is capable of connecting different metal disorders. Although the latter attempt is still in its fancy, it may have a contribution to unraveling the mystery of psychological processes.Comparing the molecular and cellular properties among primates is crucial to better understand human evolution and biology. However, it is difficult or ethically impossible to collect matched tissues from many primates, especially during development. An alternative is to model different cell types and their development using induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). These can be generated from many tissue sources, but non-invasive sampling would decisively broaden the spectrum of non-human primates that can be investigated. Here, we report the generation of primate iPSCs from urine samples. We first validate and optimize the procedure using human urine samples and show that suspension- Sendai Virus transduction of reprogramming factors into urinary cells efficiently generates integration-free iPSCs, which maintain their pluripotency under feeder-free culture conditions. We demonstrate that this method is also applicable to gorilla and orangutan urinary cells isolated from a non-sterile zoo floor. We characterize the urinary cells, iPSCs and derived neural progenitor cells using karyotyping, immunohistochemistry, differentiation assays and RNA-sequencing. We show that the urine-derived human iPSCs are indistinguishable from well characterized PBMC-derived human iPSCs and that the gorilla and orangutan iPSCs are well comparable to the human iPSCs. In summary, this study introduces a novel and efficient approach to non-invasively generate iPSCs from primate urine. This will extend the zoo of species available for a comparative approach to molecular and cellular phenotypes.