The study shows that the health-promoting effect of alpine cycling is noticed and may be further encouraged. This study demonstrates that alpine cyclists are a heterogeneous group and that health benefits are perceived by various sub-groups therein. Therefore, any marketing for alpine cycling needs to reflect the diversity of cyclists, and approaches need to be adapted according to the respective target group.This study aimed to identify educational needs and determine priorities in nursing care for home visit nurses providing services within the national long-term care insurance system in South Korea. This cross-sectional descriptive study assessed the educational needs of 92 home visit nurses. Participants' characteristics were analyzed using percentages, averages, and standard deviations. Educational needs were calculated for participants' current and required competency levels, utilizing the paired t-test, Borich's educational needs formula, and the locus for focus model. Four main categories were identified as top priorities (1) health assessment, (2) cognitive function care, (3) disease management, and (4) medication management. The study's findings could support the development of appropriate and responsive education and training programs for home-visit nurses-as it reflects the actual needs of this group.Studying the folding kinetics of an RNA can provide insight into its function and is thus a valuable method for RNA analyses. Computational approaches to the simulation of folding kinetics suffer from the exponentially large folding space that needs to be evaluated. Here, we present a new approach that combines structure abstraction with evolutionary conservation to restrict the analysis to common parts of folding spaces of related RNAs. The resulting algorithm can recapitulate the folding kinetics known for single RNAs and is able to analyse even long RNAs in reasonable time. Our program RNAliHiKinetics is the first algorithm for the simulation of consensus folding kinetics and addresses a long-standing problem in a new and unique way.The COVID-19 pandemic has drawn attention to microbial transmission risk via aerosols in dental practice. Demonstration electric toothbrushes are used intra-orally for education. The aim of this investigation was to measure the size of droplets emitted by the brush head of two demonstration oscillating-rotating electric toothbrushes. Measurement of droplet production and size was recorded in vitro using three methods (1) Malvern Spraytec (LASER particle size measurement device with detectable particle size of 0.1-2500 µm) and brushes mounted on a 3D-printed, two-shell form-fit fixture with a supply of tap water; (2) a DustTrak aerosol measurement device and toothpaste slurry, with brushing simulated in the oral cavity of a phantom head; (3) high-speed visualization in a simulated-use situation in the oral cavity of a phantom head, with individual evaluation of tap water, water with detergent, 70% ethanol, glycerin and toothpaste slurry. Both brushes showed the size of emitted droplets was consistently between 200 and 1200 µm, categorized as splatter (dental aerosols are less then 50 µm diameter). No significant incremental aerosol-sized matter was detected during toothbrush operation. The high-speed video visualization confirmed only splatter-sized droplets during operation. These findings indicate that oscillating-rotating toothbrushes do not produce aerosol-sized particles during simulated use.Basal-like breast cancer (BLBC) is an aggressive and deadly subtype of human breast cancer that is highly metastatic, displays stem-cell like features, and has limited treatment options. Therefore, developing and characterizing preclinical mouse models with tumors that resemble BLBC is important for human therapeutic development. ATF3 is a potent oncogene that is aberrantly expressed in most human breast cancers. In the BK5.ATF3 mouse model, overexpression of ATF3 in the basal epithelial cells of the mammary gland produces tumors that are characterized by activation of the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway. Here, we used RNA-Seq and microRNA (miRNA) microarrays to better define the molecular features of BK5.ATF3-derived mammary tumors. These analyses showed that these tumors share many characteristics of human BLBC including reduced expression of Rb1, Esr1, and Pgr and increased expression of Erbb2, Egfr, and the genes encoding keratins 5, 6, and 17. An analysis of miRNA expression revealed reduced levels of Mir145 and Mir143, leading to the upregulation of their target genes including both the pluripotency factors Klf4 and Sox2 as well as the cancer stem-cell-related gene Kras. Finally, we show through knock-down experiments that ATF3 may directly modulate MIR145/143 expression. Taken together, our results indicate that the ATF3 mouse mammary tumor model could provide a powerful model to define the molecular mechanisms leading to BLBC, identify the factors that contribute to its aggressiveness, and, ultimately, discover specific genes and gene networks for therapeutic targeting. Social contact leads to an increased likelihood of engaging in physical activity (PA). However, the influence of social contact on PA would be different depending on the social contact source. This study aimed to identify the association of changes in social contact with family and non-family members with the change in PA using a parallel latent growth curve modeling. Participants were randomly selected from among residents in the study area age ≥ 20 years ( = 7000). We conducted mail surveys in 2014, 2016, and 2019. The 1365 participants completed all surveys. PA was assessed with validated single-item physical activity measure. Social contact was assessed by summing frequencies of face-to-face and non-face-to-face contacts with family/relatives not living with the participant and friends/neighbors. Parallel latent growth curve modeling was used to assess the cross-sectional, prospective, and parallel associations of social contact with PA change. There was a positive cross-sectional association between contact with friends/neighbors and PA, whereas prospective and parallel associations between contact with family/relatives and PA. Contacting friends/neighbors did not predict the change in PA, and a high frequency of contact with family/relatives at baseline and increasing contact with family/relatives was associated with increased PA over 5-year. Contacting friends/neighbors did not predict the change in PA, and a high frequency of contact with family/relatives at baseline and increasing contact with family/relatives was associated with increased PA over 5-year.