011) and thinner corneas, both at pupil center ( < .001) and thinnest location ( < .001). There was a statistically significant negative correlation between the postoperative axial length (at the time of the scan) and each of the Scheimpflug parameters flat keratometry ( = .002), steep keratometry ( = .003), pachymetry at pupil center ( = .01), and pachymetry at thinnest location ( = .009). The eyes of patients with PCG have thinner, flatter, and more astigmatic corneas than the eyes of age-matched control children. . The eyes of patients with PCG have thinner, flatter, and more astigmatic corneas than the eyes of age-matched control children. [J Pediatr Ophthalmol Strabismus. 2021;58(4)218-223.].The authors report a case of a bilateral limbal dermoid in a 4-year-old girl with no extraocular anomalies or systemic associations. The child's best corrected visual acuity was 20/50 in the right eye and 20/40 in the left eye. There was a small limbal dermoid located on the inferotemporal side in the right eye and a large elevated limbal lesion that extended over the visual axis in the left eye. Limbal dermoid excision and lamellar keratoplasty were performed in the left eye and followed by a simple excision of the limbal dermoid in the right eye. Histopathological examination confirmed the clinical diagnosis of a dermoid. At the 2-year follow-up visit, the child's best corrected visual acuity had improved to 20/30 in both eyes. Tumors of the corneal limbus are extremely rare. Simple excision is a viable method of treatment for smaller, superficial lesions, although larger lesions can obstruct the visual axis and produce irregular astigmatism and amblyopia. In this patient, surgical intervention resulted in a reasonable cosmetic and final visual outcome. [J Pediatr Ophthalmol Strabismus. 2021;58(4)e27-e29.]. To subjectively evaluate the degree of visual fatigue in children attending online classes during the coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic and objectively evaluate accommodation and vergence dysfunction in these children. Children aged between 10 and 17 years with recent onset of asthenopia symptoms were included. Symptoms were evaluated using the Convergence Insufficiency Symptom Survey (CISS) questionnaire. A CISS score of 16 or greater was considered symptomatic. Binocular vergence and accommodation parameters were objectively evaluated. For ease of comparison, children were divided into two groups children using digital devices for less than 4 hours/day and children using digital devices for 4 hours/day or more. A total of 46 children with a mean age of 14.47 ± 1.95 years were evaluated. The mean duration of online classes during the COVID-19 pandemic was 3.08 ± 1.68 hours/day, which is higher than before the COVID-19 pandemic (0.58 ± 0.71 hours/day, < .00001). https://www.selleckchem.com/products/proxalutamide-gt0918.html The mean CISS scores were 21.73 . 2021;58(4)224-231.].The present study measured scalp potentials in response to low-frequency, narrowband noise bursts changing location in the front, azimuthal plane. At question was whether selective auditory attention has a modulatory effect on the cortical encoding of spatial change and whether older listeners with normal-hearing thresholds would show depressed cortical representation for spatial changes relative to younger listeners. Young and older normal-hearing listeners were instructed to either passively listen to the stimulus presentation or actively attend to a single location (either 30° left or right of midline) and detect when a noise stream moved to the attended location. Prominent peaks of the electroencephalographic scalp waveforms were compared across groups, locations, and attention conditions. In addition, an opponent-channel model of spatial coding was performed to capture the effect of attention on spatial-change tuning. Younger listeners showed not only larger responses overall but a greater dynamic range in their response to location changes. Results suggest that younger listeners were acquiring and encoding key spatial cues at early cortical processing areas. On the other hand, each group exhibited modulatory effects of attention to spatial-change tuning, indicating that both younger and older listeners selectively attend to space in a manner that amplifies the available signal.NEW & NOTEWORTHY In complex acoustic scenes, listeners take advantage of spatial cues to selectively attend to sounds that are deemed immediately relevant. At the neural level, selective attention amplifies electrical responses to spatial changes. We tested whether older and younger listeners have comparable modulatory effects of attention to stimuli moving in the free field. Results indicate that although older listeners do have depressed overall responses, selective attention enhances spatial-change tuning in younger and older listeners alike. Time management skills are essential to maintain occupations in everyday life. People with neurodevelopmental or mental disorders often experience persistent difficulties with managing time and organizing daily life, consequently, there is a need to establish interventions with sustainable results. The aim was to perform a one-year post-intervention follow-up after the intervention Let's Get Organized (LGO-S) for people with neurodevelopmental or mental disorders. The study is a one-year follow-up of a single group pre-test-post-test design. Thirty-eight persons with difficulties in time management due to neurodevelopmental or mental disorders participated. Instruments to collect data were Assessment of Time Management Skills; Weekly Calendar Planning Activity and the Satisfaction with Daily Occupations instrument. Wilcoxons's signed-rank test was used to compare data over time. There were no significant differences in the participants' outcomes between post-intervention and one-year follow-up in time management skills and regulation of emotions, satisfaction with daily occupations, and global satisfaction. A significant improvement could be seen in the subscale organization and planning at the one-year follow-up compared to post-intervention. Improvements in time management skills, organization, and planning, regulation of emotions, and satisfaction with daily occupations after the LGO-S can be maintained in the long term. Improvements in time management skills, organization, and planning, regulation of emotions, and satisfaction with daily occupations after the LGO-S can be maintained in the long term.