been used for PDI, there is a need to find naturally occurring PSs for safer application in the food industry. Caffeic acid, a natural polyphenol found in most fruits and vegetables, has recently been studied for its potential to act as a novel photosensitizer. However, no studies have been conducted regarding its antibacterial activity depending on treatment conditions and its antibacterial mechanism. In this study, we closely examined the effectiveness of caffeic acid in combination with UV-A light for inactivating representative foodborne bacteria in liquid medium. Therefore, the results of this research are expected to be utilized as basic data for future application of caffeic acid in PDI, especially when controlling pathogens in liquid food processing.Some soil bacteria, called rhizobia, can interact symbiotically with legumes, in which they form nodules on the plant roots, where they can reduce atmospheric dinitrogen to ammonia, a form of nitrogen that can be used by growing plants. Rhizobium-plant combinations can differ in how successful this symbiosis is for example, Sinorhizobium meliloti Rm1021 forms a relatively ineffective symbiosis with Medicago truncatula Jemalong A17, but Sinorhizobium medicae WSM419 is able to support more vigorous plant growth. Using proteomic data from free-living and symbiotic S. medicae WSM419, we previously identified a subset of proteins that were not closely related to any S. meliloti Rm1021 proteins and speculated that adding one or more of these proteins to S. meliloti Rm1021 would increase its effectiveness on M. truncatula A17. Three genes, Smed_3503, Smed_5985, and Smed_6456, were cloned into S. meliloti Rm1021 downstream of the E. coli lacZ promoter. Strains with these genes increased nodulation and improved plant ch like disease severity can differ when conspecific isolates of pathogenic bacteria infect different cultivars. Much is known about bacterial genes essential for a productive symbiosis, but less is understood about genes that marginally improve performance. We used a proteomic strategy to identify Sinorhizobium genes that contribute to plant growth differences that are seen when two different strains nodulate M. truncatula A17. These genes could also alter the symbiosis between R. leguminosarum bv. viciae 3841 and pea or lentil, suggesting that this approach identifies new genes that may more generally contribute to symbiotic productivity.Pond irrigation water comprises a major pathway of pathogenic bacteria to fresh produce. Current regulatory methods have been shown to be ineffective in assessing this risk when variability of bacterial concentrations is large. This paper proposes using mechanistic modeling of bacterial transport as a way to identify improved strategies for mitigating this risk pathway. If the mechanistic model is successfully tested against observed data, global sensitivity analysis (GSA) can identify important mechanisms to inform alternative, preventive bacterial control practices. Model development favored parsimony and prediction of peak bacterial concentration events. Data from two highly variable surface water irrigation ponds showed that the model performance was similar or superior to that of existing pathogen transport models, with a Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency of 0.48 and 0.18 for the two ponds. GSA quantified bacterial sourcing and hydrology as the most important processes driving pond bacterial contamination eventss and the use of mechanistic modeling and global sensitivity analysis to identify the most important data needs.Microbial ecology studies have proven to be important resources for improving infectious disease response and outbreak prevention. Vibrio parahaemolyticus is an ongoing source of shellfish-borne food illness in the Northeast United States, and there is keen interest in understanding the environmental conditions that coincide with V. parahaemolyticus disease risk, in order to aid harvest management and prevent further illness. Zooplankton and chitinous phytoplankton are associated with V. parahaemolyticus dynamics elsewhere; however, this relationship is undetermined for the Great Bay estuary (GBE), an important emerging shellfish growing region in the Northeast United States. A comprehensive evaluation of the microbial ecology of V. parahaemolyticus associated with plankton was conducted in the GBE using 3 years of data regarding plankton community, nutrient concentration, water quality, and V. parahaemolyticus concentration in plankton. The concentrations of V. parahaemolyticus associated with plankton were arch; however, little is known about this dynamic in the Northeast United States, where V. parahaemolyticus is an established public health issue. We integrated phototactic plankton separation with seasonality analysis to determine the dynamics of the plankton community, water quality, and V. parahaemolyticus concentrations. Distinct bimodal peaks in the seasonal timing of V. parahaemolyticus abundance from phyto- versus zooplankton and differing associations with water quality variables and plankton taxa indicate that monitoring and forecasting approaches should consider the source of exposure when designing predictive methods for V. parahaemolyticus. Helicotheca tamensis has not been previously reported in the GBE. Its detection during this study provides evidence of the changes occurring in the ecology of regional estuaries and potential mechanisms for changes in V. parahaemolyticus populations. The Vibrio monitoring approaches can be translated to aid other areas facing similar public health challenges.4-Nitrophenol, a priority pollutant, is degraded by Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria via 1,2,4-benzenetriol (BT) and hydroquinone (HQ), respectively. All enzymes involved in the two pathways have been functionally identified. So far, all Gram-negative 4-nitrophenol utilizers are from the genera Pseudomonas and Burkholderia. But it remains a mystery why pnpG, an apparently superfluous BT 1,2-dioxygenase-encoding gene, always coexists in the catabolic cluster (pnpABCDEF) encoding 4-nitrophenol degradation via HQ. Here, the physiological role of pnpG in Burkholderia sp. strain SJ98 was investigated. Deletion and complementation experiments established that pnpG is essential for strain SJ98 growing on 4-nitrocatechol rather than 4-nitrophenol. During 4-nitrophenol degradation by strain SJ98 and its two variants (pnpG deletion and complementation strains), 1,4-benzoquinone and HQ were detected, but neither 4-nitrocatechol nor BT was observed. When the above-mentioned three strains (the wild type and complementation strains with 2,2'-dipyridyl) were incubated with 4-nitrocatechol, BT was the only intermediate detected.