Pressure can effectively tune the energy level of self-trapped states and increase the exciton binding energy, which leads to a larger Stokes shift. The resulting highly localized excitons with stronger binding reduce the probability for carrier scattering, to result in the significantly suppressed nonradiative decay. Our findings clearly show that the characteristics of STEs in low-dimensional metal halides can be well-tuned by external pressure, and enhanced optical properties can be achieved.Petroleum resource development is a significant contributor of greenhouse gas emissions to the atmosphere. A potential source of emissions may result from stray gas migration. However, its contribution to overall emissions and potential groundwater contamination is unknown, and quantification of flow and dissolution of stray gas is required. The environmental expression of stray gas was investigated using an intermediate-scale (150 × 150 × 2 cm3), two-dimensional flow cell packed in both homogeneous and heterogeneous sand configurations allowing for visualization and measurement of gas movement, collection of aqueous samples, and real-time measurement of gas fluxes escaping the surface of the sand. Results show that gas is transported to the surface of the system via varying dominant discontinuous conduits for flow dictated by geology, leading to surface expression that can be greater or less than the leakage rate of gas. This suggests that surface expression is not directly indicative of the expanse and magnitude of stray gas migration leaks. It was found that 35-39% of the methane was released to the aqueous phase and 61-65% to the atmosphere. The results underscore that subsurface characteristics and gas flow are the key drivers for the overall expression of stray gas in unconsolidated sand aquifers.Hundreds of nuclear, cytoplasmic, and mitochondrial proteins within multicellular eukaryotes have hydroxyl groups of specific serine and threonine residues modified by the monosaccharide N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc). This modification, known as O-GlcNAc, has emerged as a central regulator of both cell physiology and human health. A key emerging function of O-GlcNAc appears to be to regulate cellular protein homeostasis. We previously showed, using overexpressed model proteins, that O-GlcNAc modification can occur cotranslationally and that this process prevents premature degradation of such nascent polypeptide chains. Here, we use tandem metabolic engineering strategies to label endogenously occurring nascent polypeptide chains within cells using O-propargyl-puromycin (OPP) and target the specific subset of nascent chains that are cotranslationally glycosylated with O-GlcNAc by metabolic saccharide engineering using tetra-O-acetyl-2-N-azidoacetyl-2-deoxy-d-galactopyranose (Ac4GalNAz). Using various combinations of sequential chemoselective ligation strategies, we go on to tag these analytes with a series of labels, allowing us to define conditions that enable their robust labeling. Two-step enrichment of these glycosylated nascent chains, combined with shotgun proteomics, allows us to identify a set of endogenous cotranslationally O-GlcNAc modified proteins. Using alternative targeted methods, we examine three of these identified proteins and further validate their cotranslational O-GlcNAcylation. These findings detail strategies to enable isolation and identification of extremely low abundance endogenous analytes present within complex protein mixtures. Moreover, this work opens the way to studies directed at understanding the roles of O-GlcNAc and other cotranslational protein modifications and should stimulate an improved understanding of the role of O-GlcNAc in cytoplasmic protein quality control and proteostasis.A new molecular donor-acceptor-donor (D-A-D) triad, comprised of an electron deficient 1,4,5,8-naphthalene tetracarboxylic diimide (NDI) unit covalently connected to two flanking photosensitizers, i.e., a bis-heteroleptic Ru(II) complex of 1,10-phenanthroline and pyridine triazole hybrid ligand, is described. The single crystal X-ray structure of the perchlorate salt of the triad demonstrates that the electron deficient NDI unit can act as a host for anions via anion-π interaction. Detailed solution-state studies indicate that fluoride selectively interacts with the D-A-D triad to form a dianionic NDI, NDI2-, via a radical anion, NDI•-. On the contrary, cyanide reduces the NDI moiety to NDI•-, as confirmed by UV-vis, NMR, and EPR spectroscopy. Further, femtosecond transient absorption spectroscopic studies reveal a low luminescence quantum yield of the D-A-D triad attributable to the photoinduced electron transfer (PET) process from the photoactive Ru(II) center to the NDI unit. Interestingly, the triad displays "OFF-ON" luminescence behavior in the presence of fluoride by restoring the Ru(II) to phenanthroline/pyridine-triazole-based MLCT emission, whereas cyanide fails to show a similar property due to a different redox process operational in the latter. The reduction of NDI in the presence of fluoride and cyanide in different polar solvents indicates that involvement of such deprotonated solvents in the electron transfer mechanism may not be operative in our present system. Low-temperature kinetic studies support the formation of a charge transfer associative transient species, which likely allows overcoming the thermodynamically uphill barrier for the direct electron transfer mechanism.The occurrence of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in aquatic ecosystems is a global concern because of their persistence, potential bioaccumulation, and toxicity. In this study, we investigated a PFAS-contaminated pond in Sweden to assess the cross-boundary transfer of PFASs from the aquatic environment to the riparian zone via emergent aquatic insects. Aquatic and terrestrial invertebrates, surface water, sediments, soils, and plants were analyzed for 24 PFASs including branched isomers. Stable isotope analysis of carbon and nitrogen was performed to elucidate the importance of diet and trophic position for PFAS uptake. We present the first evidence that PFASs can propagate to the riparian food web via aquatic emergent insects. Elevated Σ24PFAS concentrations were found in aquatic insect larvae, such as dragon- and damselflies, ranging from 1100 to 4600 ng g-1 dry weight (dw), and remained high in emerged adults (120-3500 ng g-1 dw), indicating exposure risks for top predators that prey in riparian zones.