Methanotrophic bacteria can use methane as sole carbon and energy source. Its importance in the environment is related to the mitigation of methane emissions from soil and water to the atmosphere. Brazilian mangroves are highly productive, have potential to methane production, and it is inferred that methanotrophic community is of great importance for this ecosystem. The scope of this study was to investigate the functional and taxonomic diversity of methanotrophic bacteria present in the anthropogenic impacted sediments from Bertioga´s mangrove (SP, Brazil). Sediment sample was cultivated with methane and the microbiota actively involved in methane oxidation was identified by DNA-based stable isotope probing (DNA-SIP) using methane as a labeled substrate. After 4 days (96 h) of incubation and consumption of 0.7 mmol of methane, the most active microorganisms were related to methanotrophs Methylomonas and Methylobacter as well as to methylotrophic Methylotenera, indicating a possible association of these bacterial groups within a methane-derived food chain in the Bertioga mangrove. The abundance of genera Methylomonas, able to couple methane oxidation to nitrate reduction, may indicate that under low dissolved oxygen tensions, some aerobic methanotrophs could shift to intraerobic methane oxidation to avoid oxygen starvation.Microbial communities in surface waters used for recreational purposes are indicators of contamination and risk of contact with human pathogens. Hence, monitoring microbial communities in recreational waters is important for potential public health threats to humans. Such monitoring is rare in Colombia, even in its capital, Bogotá, the most populous city in the country. This city encompasses metropolitan and linear parks with recreational water bodies that are used frequently by the public, and the presence of pathogens can compromise the health of the citizens. Therefore, we examined the bacterial, and eukaryotic communities in urban recreational lakes (URL) in four metropolitan parks in Bogotá, Colombia. Samples from four metropolitan parks (Los Novios, Simon Bolivar, El Tunal, and Timiza) and one stream contaminated with sewage from a linear park (El Virrey) were collected. We used amplicon next-generation sequencing of the 16S-rRNA gene and 18S-rRNA gene to characterize microbial communities followed by bgens that might pose a risk to the citizen's health. Hybrid magnetic resonance (MR) linear accelerators (MR-Linacs) for radiotherapy allow for the visualization and tracking of moving target volumes during the entire treatment. This makes gated treatments possible, decreasing the irradiated volumes and thus sparing healthy tissue from unnecessary radiation dose. Conventionally, tumors that are subject to respiration motion are treated by irradiating the entire area of potential target presence (internal target volume, ITV). This study presents three patient cases (lung, adrenal gland, and liver tumors) treated with gated MR-guided radiotherapy and compares the treatment plans retrospectively with conventional ITV plans. The gross tumor volume was delineated on MR and computed tomography (CT) images of the patients, and MR-Linac treatment plans were generated using additional clinical and planning target volume margins. The motion of the gross tumor volume was evaluated on two-dimensional cine-MRI images during the entire MR-Linac treatment. Based on the mot reveal which patients will benefit most from this technique. To utilize the full potential of online adaptive, individualized MR-guided therapy, the close collaboration of radio-oncology and radiology is needed.With an upsurge in multidrug resistant bacteria backed by biofilm defence armours, there is a desperate need of new antibiotics with a non-traditional mechanism of action. Targeting bacteria by misguiding them or halting their communication is a new approach that could offer a new way to combat the multidrug resistance problem. Quorum sensing is considered to be the achilles heel of bacteria that has a lot to offer. Since, both quorum sensing and biofilm formation have been related to drug resistance and pathogenicity, in this study we synthesised new derivatives of citral with antiquorum sensing and biofilm disrupting properties. We previously reported antimicrobial and antiquorum sensing activity of citral and herein we report the synthesis and evaluation of citral and its derivatives (CD1-CD3) for antibacterial, antibiofilm and antiquorum sensing potential against Chromobacterium violaceum using standard methods. Preliminary results revealed that CD1 is the most active of all the derivatives. Qualitative and quantitative evaluation of antiquorum sensing activity at sub-inhibitory concentrations of these compounds also revealed high activity for CD1 followed by CD2, CD3 and citral. These compounds also inhibit biofilm formation at subinhibitory concentrations without causing any bacterial growth inhibition. These results were replicated by RT-qPCR with down regulation of the quorum sensing genes when C. violaceum was treated with these test compounds. Overall, the results are quite encouraging, revealing that biofilm and quorum sensing are interrelated processes and also indicating the potential of these derivatives to impede bacterial communication and biofilm formation.Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is one of the most characterized green algae. The open-pond cultivation can be challenging due to sensitivity of strain to fluctuating environmental conditions and unavailability of low-cost photoautotrophic media. In this study, the photoautotrophic growth of C. reinhardtii was evaluated in 1-m2 open ponds placed in greenhouse. Sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) was evaluated as an alternative buffering agent to tris. The effect of buffer and pH was tested. The growth was studied in the presence of various nitrogen [urea and ammonium bicarbonate (NH4HCO3)] sources. In the study, it was found that 125-ppm NaHCO3 as an optimum concentration. The buffering agent in the media was found to have major impact on growth. Without buffering agent, culture did not grow, and pH drop was observed. The sodium bicarbonate-buffered media reported to have the lowest bacterial contamination (18.3%), highest AFDW per OD (0.39 ± 0.027 g/L) and higher Fv/Fm (0.714 ± 0.016), whereas these values were found to be 62%, 0.