Over the past decade, many new peptide families have been identified via in silico analyses of genomic and transcriptomic datasets. While various molecular and biochemical methods have confirmed the existence of some of these new groups, others remain in silico discoveries of computationally assembled sequences only. An example of the latter are the CCRFamides, named for the predicted presence of two pairs of disulfide bonded cysteine residues and an amidated arginine-phenylalanine carboxyl-terminus in family members, which have been identified from annelid, molluscan, and arthropod genomes/transcriptomes, but for which no precursor protein-encoding cDNAs have been cloned. Using routine transcriptome mining methods, we identified four Homarus americanus (American lobster) CCRFamide transcripts that share high sequence identity across the predicted open reading frames but more limited conservation in their 5' terminal ends, suggesting the Homarus gene undergoes alternative splicing. RT-PCR profiling using primers designed to amplify an internal fragment common to all of the transcripts revealed expression in the supraoesophageal ganglion (brain), eyestalk ganglia, and cardiac ganglion. Variant specific profiling revealed a similar profile for variant 1, eyestalk ganglia specific expression of variant 2, and an absence of variant 3 expression in the cDNAs examined. The broad distribution of CCRFamide transcript expression in the H. americanus nervous system suggests a potential role as a locally released and/or circulating neuropeptide. This is the first report of the cloning of a CCRFamide-encoding cDNA from any species, and as such, provides the first non-in silico support for the existence of this invertebrate peptide family.Supervised group exercise (SGE) is recommended for people with axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA). Recent literature suggests that its contents and dosage must probably be revised. As a first step towards renewal, this study examined the current SGE organisation and content for people with axSpA in The Netherlands. A pen-and-paper survey was sent to the boards of the 82 local patient associations affiliated with the Dutch Arthritis Society in 2016. One member of each board was asked to complete questions on the nature and organisation of SGE and one of the supervising therapists to complete questions on the SGE supervision and contents. The questionnaire was returned by representatives of 67/82 (82%) local patient associations, of which 17 (25%) provided axSpA-specific SGE (16/17 SGE programmes with both land-based exercise and hydrotherapy and 1/17 with only hydrotherapy). These involved in total 56 groups with 684 participants and 59 supervisors, of whom 54 were physical therapists and 21 had had postgraduate education on rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases (RMDs). Besides mobility and strengthening exercises and sports (17/17), most programmes included aerobic exercise (10/17), but rarely with heart rate monitoring (1/17), patient education (8/17), periodic assessments (2/17), or exercise personalisation (1/17). In the Netherlands, a quarter of local patient associations organised axSpA-specific SGE, mostly containing land-based exercises combined with sports and hydrotherapy. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/suzetrigine.html Most supervisors lacked postgraduate education on RMDs and most programmes lacked intensity monitoring, patient education, periodic assessments, and personalisation, which are needed for optimising exercise programmes according to current scientific insights.In this study, we elucidated the formation of hydrogen bond between adrenaline (AD) and hydrogen sulfide utilizing computational studies. Six potential complexes were studied including geometrical parameters, energy, vibrational frequency, topological analysis, natural bond orbital (NBO), quantum theory of atoms in molecules (QTAIM), and NMR analysis. Moreover, these calculations were examined through DFT/ωB97XD/6-311G++(d,p) level. It was found that there are no indication on formation on hydrogen bonding between the two catecholic OHs where the one formed between the amino group and the hydroxyl oxygen atom of adrenaline monomer was broken in AS1 to form two new interactions namely SH...N and O1H1...S, while it retained in other complexes. Furthermore, the bond became stronger due to cooperativity in AS3 and AS6, for the presence of withdrawing effect of the phenyl ring, the H-bonds formed with the side chain oxygen atom. The adrenaline and H2S interaction was experimentally examined via FT-IR spectrometry and thin layer chromatography for confirmation of our theoretical study. Graphical abstract.Germ cell-specific genes play an important role in establishing the reproductive system in sexual organisms and have been used as valuable markers for studying gametogenesis and sex differentiation. Previously, we isolated a vasa transcript as a germ cell marker to trace the origin and migration of germ cells in the oriental river prawn Macrobrachium nipponense. Here, we identified a new germ cell-specific marker MnTdrd RNA and assessed its temporal and spatial expression during oogenesis and embryogenesis. MnTdrd transcripts were expressed in high abundance in unfertilized eggs and embryos at cleavage stage and then dropped significantly during late embryogenesis, suggesting that MnTdrd mRNA is maternally inherited. In situ hybridization of ovarian tissue showed that MnTdrd mRNA was initially present in the cytoplasm of previtellogenic oocyte and localized to the perinuclear region as the accumulation of yolk in vitellogenic oocyte. Whole-mount in situ hybridization of embryos showed that MnTdrd-positive signals were only localized in one blastomere until 16-cell stage. In the blastula, there were approximately 16 MnTdrd-positive blastomeres. During embryonized-zoea stage, the MnTdrd-positive cells aggregated as a cluster and migrated to the genital rudiment which would develop into primordial germ cells (PGCs). The localized expression pattern of MnTdrd transcripts resembled that of the previously identified germ cell marker vasa, supporting the preformation mode of germ cell specification. Therefore, we concluded that MnTdrd, together with vasa, is a component of the germ plasm and might have critical roles in germ cell formation and differentiation in the prawn. Thus, MnTdrd can be used as a novel germ cell marker to trace the origin and migration of germ cells.