Generalized linear mixed models were used to determine effects of BM, SVL, and BC on the poison toxicity. We recorded significant changes in the insect heart contractility after treatment with the whole poison and separated fractions. We found an individual variation in cardiotoxicity of the parotoid extract which was explained by the body size of toad. Poison of smaller toads displayed a negative, whereas poison of larger toads positive, chronotropic effect on the heart contractility. Thus, we conclude that the effectiveness of parotoid secretion in repelling predators may vary depending on the toad individual size. Past studies show that illicit opioid use may impair parents' ability to care for their children. However, few studies have examined adverse outcomes in adolescent children of mothers who misuse opioids. Data come from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health's nationally representative matched sample of mothers and their adolescent children who resided in the same household. The outcome of interest was whether adolescents engaged in aggressive or antisocial behaviors in the past year. Using logistic regression, adolescent children whose mothers engaged in past-year opioid misuse were respectively compared to children whose mothers used other illicit drugs, had an alcohol use disorder, or had no misuse of substances. To control for confounding, propensity scores were used to match the three other maternal substance use groups to mothers who misused opioids on a number of measured confounding variables. The odds of antisocial behaviors were 1.6 times higher among adolescent children whose mother engaged in past-year opioid misuse than matched adolescent children whose mothers reported no illicit substance use. There was no significant difference in antisocial behaviors between adolescents whose mothers misused opioids and either adolescents whose mothers used illicit drugs or had an alcohol use disorder. As the United States seeks to respond to the needs of families impacted by its ongoing opioid crisis, it is likely that services will be needed not only for parents who misuse opioids, but also for their children, who are at elevated risk for adverse behavioral outcomes. As the United States seeks to respond to the needs of families impacted by its ongoing opioid crisis, it is likely that services will be needed not only for parents who misuse opioids, but also for their children, who are at elevated risk for adverse behavioral outcomes. Black girls and women are disproportionately affected by sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS). Research shows sexual networks, sexual concurrency, and assortative mixing impacting racial disparities in STI/HIV. However, the underlying sociocultural conditions of these phenomenon have yet to be fully explored within a framework of Black girls' and women's sexual development. This grounded theory study investigated the sociocultural conditions and processes of becoming a sexual Black woman in order to understand the sociocultural drivers of STI/HIV rates among this group. We used theoretical sampling to select and interview 20 Black women aged 19-62 years old from a Midwestern community. This study revealed sociocultural conditions related to Black heterosexual relationships and STI/HIV risk. Protecting Black men, silencing Black girls and women, cultural norms and messaging about sexuality, and gendered societal expectations and sexual stereotypes contribute to STI/HIV risk in Black girls and women. Our findings demonstrate how the intersection of social and systemic structures (i.e.,history, incarceration, unemployment) shape the context of Black heterosexual relationships. We suggest STI/HIV prevention efforts address these systemic, cultural, and societal factors in order to effectively reduce racial disparities in STI/HIV risk. Our findings demonstrate how the intersection of social and systemic structures (i.e.,history, incarceration, unemployment) shape the context of Black heterosexual relationships. We suggest STI/HIV prevention efforts address these systemic, cultural, and societal factors in order to effectively reduce racial disparities in STI/HIV risk.The global burden of mental health disorders has increased steadily during the past decade. Today, mental illness is the leading cause of total years lived with disability. At the same time, global mental health policies and budgets fall short of addressing the societal burden as mental health discourse languishes in the shadows due to stigma. As social media have become an increasingly popular source of information, they create opportunities as well as threats for mental health discourse. On the one hand, social media can help to bring awareness to stigmatized topics as they give marginalized members of society the possibility to share experiences and voice their discontent. On the other hand, mental health discourse on social media may lead to stigmatization. To date, little is known about social media mental health discourse and what drives it. This study addresses these research gaps by (1) mapping the mental health discourse on Twitter and (2) analyzing mechanisms of cultural power through which some mental health topics take prevalence over the others. Drawing on Twitter data, this research employs innovative methods of topic modeling, sentiment analysis, and panel data regression analyses. Theoretically, it combines, in a multidisciplinary fashion, concepts such as emotional energy and cognitive focus from sociology and bandwagon behavior from economics. Our findings show that low-cost attention mechanisms are ineffective in fostering online mental health discourse, whereas emotional energy and discursive variability have a positive influence by engaging audiences, creating online solidarity, and speaking to worldviews of audiences from different walks of life. Social media mental health discourse is also shown to be quite diverse and more stigma-neutral than such discourse in traditional media.A general solution for the RS EPR deconvolution problem has been derived. This solution permits the use of arbitrary magnetic field scans. As a result, constraints on the current experimental designs can be lifted. For example, a trapezoidal waveform can be used to accelerate the scan rate without affecting the signal bandwidth. The assumptions made to develop the previous algorithms are mathematically validated.