thout leaching salts during the local off-crop period.The WinEPIC model was used to simulate the dynamics of soil moisture and water productivity in the deep layer of the dry farm apple orchard of Changwu in the Loess Plateau from 1980 to 2018, aiming to provide a scientific basis for the sustainable development of apple production in the area. The results showed that the average annual yield of apple orchards in Changwu area was 27.37 t·hm-2, the average annual evapotranspiration was 673.66 mm, and the average annual water productivity was 4.07 kg·m-3. The number of water stress days in adult apple trees was mainly affected by rainfall. The average number of stress days in the late stage of apple tree growth was 46.46 d. The soil water content in deep layer began to approach withering humidity as early as 9-year-old apple trees. Water supply in the whole growing season of Changwu area was the dominant factor impacting the yield of orchards. The reduction of effective soil water content in deep soil was the main factor restricting yield enhancement in the middle and late growth stages of apple trees. When there was no sufficient precipitation, apple trees would use soil water from deeper soil layer. Excessive precipitation could not be used by apple trees but could be converted into shallow soil moisture and evaporation if the deep layer had less available water. For the mature apple trees, less than 500 mm or higher than 700 mm of annual water supply would cause a decline in production. For apple orchard at different growth periods, water management strategy should be adjusted according to rainfall conditions in different years. Supplementary irrigation, rainwater retention, covering, and pruning of branches could be used to reduce the unproductive and luxury water consumption of apple trees, delay the appearance of deep dry layer of soil, and avoid the waste of water resources while ensuring the growth of apple trees.Based on a long-term experiment in the Changwu Agro-ecological Experimental Station in Xianyang, Shaanxi, China, we examined the effects of fertilization and planting patterns on soil aggregate quantity, aggregate stability and total carbon and organic carbon distribution in different aggregate fractions through dry and wet sieving methods, as well as the TOC combustion method. There were ten treatments, including uncultivated (R), wheat continuous cropping (CK/W), wheat-corn rotation (L), and nitrogen fertilizer (N), phosphorus fertilizer (P), nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer (NP), organic fertilizer (M), nitrogen and organic fertilizer (NM), phosphorus and organic fertilizer (PM), nitrogen and phosphorus and organic fertilizer (NPM) for CK/W. The results showed that fertilizer application and planting patterns affected soil aggregate distribution and stability, the contents and contribution rates of total C and organic C. Force-stable aggregate was mainly constituted by >0.25 mm aggregate (>67%), which waN and P fertilization decreased it. The effect of planting patterns on soil organic C was lower than that of fertilization, while rotation cropping did not facilitate soil organic C. Micro-aggregate was the most notable size fraction to total carbon and organic C, with the contribution being 21.2%-33.6%. Fertilization and planting pattern increased the contribution rate of micro-aggregate in soil total C. NP and NPM significantly increased the contribution rate of micro-aggregate in soil total C and soil organic C. The effect of rotation cropping was most obvious in driving the contribution rate of micro-aggregate in soil total C and soil organic C.The climate change caused by elevated CO2 concentration and drought are bound to affect the growth of soybean. Few studies have addressed the effects of elevated CO2 concentration on the physiology and biochemistry of soybean under drought stress. Here, we examined the changes of photosynthetic ability, photosynthetic pigment accumulation, antioxidant level, osmotic adjustment substances, hormone levels, signal transduction enzymes and gene expression level of soybean at flowering stage under different CO2 concentration (400 and 600 μmol·mol-1) and drought stress (normal water leaf relative water content was 83%-90%; drought stress leaf relative water content was 64%-70%). The results showed that the transpiration rate, water use efficiency and net photosynthetic rate of soybean leaves were significantly increased by elevated CO2 concentration, but the content of chlorophyll b was decreased under drought stress. Elevated CO2 concentration significantly increased peroxidase activity and abscisic acid content of leaves under drought stress, decreased the content of proline, and did not affect the content of soluble saccharides. The increased CO2 concentration under drought stress significantly promoted the content of calcium-dependent protein kinase and glutathione-S-transferase, and up-regulated the expression of related genes, while significantly decreased the content of mitogen-activated protein kinase and the heat shock protein, and down-regulated the expression of their genes. The results would be helpful to understand the impacts of climate change on the growth, physiology and biochemistry of soybean, and to deal with the production problems of soybean under future climate change.Chlorophyll content is a physiological index widely used in the research of botany and agriculture. It is closely associated with leaf photosynthetic function. The current methods cannot simultaneously determine chlorophyll content and photosynthetic function and analyze their correlation. To solve this problem, we measured the SPAD value and chlorophyll fluorescence induction kinetic curve with 35 wheat varieties. We established a linear regression model using the fluorescence values of the fast chlorophyll fluorescence kinetic curve at different times, 33 common fluorescence parameters, and the correlation between the parameters and the SPAD values. We further verified the model using laboratory and field data. Our results showed that the linear model based on chlorophyll fluorescence parameter RC/CSm could reliably predict the SPAD value of the leaves, which could be used to estimate the relative content of chlorophyll in wheat leaves under non-severe stress. The linear model enriched the method of nondestructive measurement of chlorophyll relative content in wheat, simplified the experimental flow, and achieved the simultaneous determination and analysis of wheat photosynthesis function and chlorophyll content.