Nevertheless, dosage compensation was not achieved by the late blastocyst stage. Finally, we show that Xautosome dosage compensation is achieved at the 8-cell stage, and demonstrate that X chromosome dampening in females does not take place in the marmoset. Our work contributes to the elucidation of primate X-linked dosage compensation.Tonne-Kalscheuer syndrome (TOKAS) is an X-linked intellectual disability syndrome associated with variable clinical features including craniofacial abnormalities, hypogenitalism and diaphragmatic hernia. TOKAS is caused exclusively by variants in the gene encoding the E3 ubiquitin ligase gene RLIM, also known as RNF12. Here we report identification of a novel RLIM missense variant, c.1262A>G p.(Tyr421Cys) adjacent to the regulatory basic region, which causes a severe form of TOKAS resulting in perinatal lethality by diaphragmatic hernia. Inheritance and X-chromosome inactivation patterns implicate RLIM p.(Tyr421Cys) as the likely pathogenic variant in the affected individual and within the kindred. We show that the RLIM p.(Tyr421Cys) variant disrupts both expression and function of the protein in an embryonic stem cell model. RLIM p.(Tyr421Cys) is correctly localised to the nucleus, but is readily degraded by the proteasome. The RLIM p.(Tyr421Cys) variant also displays significantly impaired E3 ubiquitin ligase activity, which interferes with RLIM function in Xist long-non-coding RNA induction that initiates imprinted X-chromosome inactivation. Our data uncover a highly disruptive missense variant in RLIM that causes a severe form of TOKAS, thereby expanding our understanding of the molecular and phenotypic spectrum of disease severity.Kinesin-1 and Growth Associated Protein 43 (GAP-43) localization in muscle fiber are crucial for proper skeletal muscle hypertrophy. To evaluate this assumption, we investigated the beneficial effects of endurance training on GAP-43 and Kinesin Family Member 5B (KIF5B) expression in gastrocnemius muscle of streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic rats. Fifty-two male rats were randomly divided into four groups healthy control (C), healthy trained (T), diabetic control (DC) and diabetic trained (DT). Diabetes was induced by a single intraperitoneal injection of STZ (45 mg/kg). The rats in DT and T groups were subjected to treadmill running for 5 days a week over 6 weeks. The results indicated that the GAP-43 and KIF5B protein levels in the DC group were significantly lower than those in the C group. Additionally, chronic treadmill running in diabetic rats was accompanied by significant increase of GAP-43 and KIF5B protein expression, compared to DC group. Furthermore, the endurance training in healthy rats was associated with a significant increase of GAP-43 and KIF5B protein levels. In addition, we found positive correlation between GAP-43 and KIF5B protein levels and myonuclear number per fiber and average gastrocnemius cross-sectional area (CSA). GAP43 and KIF5B protein levels were decreased in skeletal muscles of diabetic rats, and exercise training had beneficial effects and could restore their abnormal expression. Moreover, there is a strong relationship between muscle hypertrophy and GAP-43 and KIF5B protein levels.IL-33 is upregulated in ulcerative colitis and has a protective role in chemically-induced acute murine colitis. We aimed to determine whether IL-33 influences Il10-/- chronic colitis and its cellular source in health and during colitis. Il10-/-Il33-/- and Il10-/-Il33+/+ littermates developed colitis of similar severity. Colon Il33 was induced in WT and Il10-/- mice exposed to DSS, but not in unchallenged Il10-/- mice with colitis. Il33-citrine reporter mice showed that Il33-citrine colocalized with α-smooth muscle actin+ myofibroblasts and vimentin+ fibroblasts in WT mice. Citrine+CD74+CD90hi inflammatory fibroblasts were increased with DSS treatment. IL-1β induced Il33 expression in colon myofibroblasts, but colon Il33 expression did not differ between DSS-treated WT and Il1r1-/- mice. In conclusion, deficiency of IL-33 does not alter the severity of chronic colitis in Il10-/- mice. Induction of Il33 upon DSS exposure in WT and Il10-/- mice, but not in unchallenged Il10-/- mice, suggests epithelial injury induces colon IL-33. Fibroblasts are the primary colonic source of IL-33 and IL-33-expressing CD90hiCD74+ fibroblasts are increased during DSS-induced colitis. IL-1β induces Il33 in colon myofibroblasts in vitro, but signaling through the IL-1R1 is not necessary for induction of IL-33 in DSS-induced colitis.Rods, cones and melanopsin contribute in various proportions, depending on the stimulus light, to the pupil light response. This study used a first derivative analysis to focus on the quantification of the dynamics of pupillary dilation that immediately follows light-induced pupilloconstriction in order to identify novel parameters that reflect rod and cone activity. In 18 healthy adults, the pupil response to a 1 s blue light stimulus ranging from - 6.0 to 2.65 log cd/m2 in dark-adapted conditions and to a 1 s blue light stimulus (2.65 log cd/m2) in light-adapted conditions was recorded on a customized pupillometer. Three derivative parameters which describe the 2.75 s following the light onset were quantified dAMP (maximal amplitude of the positive peak), dLAT (latency of the positive peak), dAUC (area under the curve of the positive peak). We found that dAMP and dAUC but not dLAT have graded responses over a range of light intensities. The maximal positive value of dAMP, representing maximal rate of change of early pupillary dilation phase, occurs at - 1.0 log cd/m2 and this stimulus intensity appears useful for activating rods and cones. From - 0.5 log cd/m2 to brighter intensities dAMP and dAUC progressively decrease, reaching negligible values at 2.65 log cd/m2 indicative of a melanopsin-driven pupil response that masks the contribution from rods and cones to the early phase of pupillary dilation.Differential scanning fluorimetry (DSF) using the inherent fluorescence of proteins (nDSF) is a popular technique to evaluate thermal protein stability in different conditions (e.g. buffer, pH). In many cases, ligand binding increases thermal stability of a protein and often this can be detected as a clear shift in nDSF experiments. Here, we evaluate binding affinity quantification based on thermal shifts. We present four protein systems with different binding affinity ligands, ranging from nM to high μM. Our study suggests that binding affinities determined by isothermal analysis are in better agreement with those from established biophysical techniques (ITC and MST) compared to apparent Kds obtained from melting temperatures. In addition, we describe a method to optionally fit the heat capacity change upon unfolding ([Formula see text]) during the isothermal analysis. This publication includes the release of a web server for easy and accessible application of isothermal analysis to nDSF data.