Older age, being male, older age of first ideation and greater family support were associated with a slower transition. The current study suggests that pre-existing mental or substance use disorders, particularly drug use disorder, as well as sexual minority status, sex and greater family support play an important role in the transition from suicidal ideation to plans or attempts. These results highlight the potential importance of suicide prevention programs that aim to improve social connectedness. The current study suggests that pre-existing mental or substance use disorders, particularly drug use disorder, as well as sexual minority status, sex and greater family support play an important role in the transition from suicidal ideation to plans or attempts. These results highlight the potential importance of suicide prevention programs that aim to improve social connectedness. Previous studies have examined the effect of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) on the in-vivo concentrations of neuro-metabolites assessed through magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) in neurological and psychiatry disorders. This review aims to systematically evaluate the data on the effect of tDCS on MRS findings and thereby attempt to understand the potential mechanism of tDCS on neuro-metabolites. The relevant literature was obtained through PubMed and cross-reference (search till June 2020). Thirty-four studies were reviewed, of which 22 reported results from healthy controls and 12 were from patients with neurological and psychiatric disorders. The evidence converges to highlight that tDCS modulates the neuro-metabolite levels at the site of stimulation, which, in turn, translates into alterations in the behavioural outcome. It also shows that the baseline level of these neuro-metabolites can, to a certain extent, predict the outcome after tDCS. However, even though tDCS has shown prd be conducted in psychiatric patient