By proteomic analysis, we identified UPR signaling molecules as novel MM-EV cargo, prompting us to evaluate the effects of the MM-EVs on osteoclastogenesis through UPR pathway. MM-EVs administration in a murine macrophage cell line rapidly induced activation of IRE1α by phosphorylation in S724; accordingly, Xbp1 mRNA splicing was increased and the transcription of NFATc1, a master transcription factor for OCs differentiation, was activated. Some of these results were also validated using both human primary OC cultures and MM-EVs from MM patients. Notably, a chemical inhibitor of IRE1α (GSK2850163) counteracted MM-EV-triggered OC differentiation, hampering the terminal stages of OCs differentiation and reducing bone resorption.Bosniak 2F renal cystic lesions feature morphologic characteristics between Bosniak I and III categories, the majority of which remain benign. However, a minor part of Bosniak 2F lesions may progress to malignancy. The purpose of this study was to assess Bosniak 2F cystic lesions during follow-up examinations by CEUS. One-hundred-and-twelve out of 364 patients with Bosniak 2F lesions underwent follow-up CEUS examinations between February 2008 and February 2020. Twelve out of 364 patients underwent renal surgery without follow-up CEUS. The progression rate of Bosniak 2F renal lesions detected by CEUS accounted for 7.1% (8/112 patients) after a mean of 12.9 months. The first follow-up CEUS revealed 75% of progressions (6/8), the remaining 25% (2/8) of progressions were detected during second follow-up CEUS. Underlying clear-cell renal cell carcinoma was histopathologically validated in 5/8 progressive complex cystic renal lesions. Stable sonomorphologic features were observed in 92.1% (104/112 patients). CEUS depicts a promising diagnostic imaging modality in the diagnostic work-up and follow-up of complex renal cystic lesions at higher spatial and temporal resolutions than CT or MRI. Its excell