The proposed algorithm is validated using a smartphone with built-in inertial sensors and a rear camera. The experimental results indicate that the proposed algorithm outperforms all the compared counterparts in estimated accuracy and provides competitive computational complexity.Neocortical development has been extensively studied and therefore is the basis of our understanding of mammalian brain development. One fundamental principle of neocortical development is that neurogenesis and gliogenesis are temporally segregated processes. However, it is unclear how neurogenesis and gliogenesis are coordinated in non-neocortical regions of the cerebral cortex, such as the hippocampus, also known as the archicortex. Here, we show that the timing of neurogenesis and astrogenesis in the Cornu Ammonis (CA) 1 and CA3 regions of mouse hippocampus mirrors that of the neocortex; neurogenesis occurs embryonically, followed by astrogenesis during early postnatal development. In contrast, we find that neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus begins embryonically but is a protracted process which peaks neonatally and continues at low levels postnatally. As a result, astrogenesis, which occurs during early postnatal development, overlaps with the process of neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus. During all stages, neurogenesis overwhelms astrogenesis in the dentate gyrus. In addition, we find that the timing of peak astrogenesis varies by hippocampal subregion. Together, our results show differential timing and coordination of neurogenesis and astrogenesis in developing mouse hippocampal subregions and suggest that neurogenesis and gliogenesis occur simultaneously during dentate gyrus development, challenging the conventional principle that neurogenesis and gliogenesis are temporally separated processes.Imatinib, one of the most used therapeutic agents to treat leukemia, is an inhibitor that specifically blocks the activity of tyrosine kinases. The molecule of imatinib is flexible and contains several functional groups able to take part in H-bonding and hydrophobic interactions. Analysis of molecular conformations for this drug was carried out using density functional theory calculations of rotation potentials along single bonds and by analyzing crystal structures of imatinib-containing compounds taken from the Cambridge Structural Database and the Protein Data Bank. Rotation along the N-C bond in the region of the amide group was found to be the reason for two relatively stable molecular conformations, an extended and a folded one. The role of various types of intermolecular interactions in stabilization of the particular molecular conformation was studied in terms of (i) the likelihood of H-bond formation, and (ii) their contribution to the Voronoi molecular surface. It is shown that experimentally observed hydrogen bonds are in accord with the likelihood of their formation. The number of H-bonds in ligand-receptor complexes surpasses that in imatinib salts due to the large number of donors and acceptors of H-bonding within the binding pocket of tyrosine kinases. Contribution of hydrophilic intermolecular interactions to the Voronoi molecular surface is similar for both conformations, while π...π stacking is more typical for the folded conformation of imatinib.Early language acquisition is critical for lifelong success in language, literacy, and academic studies. There is much to explore about the specific techniques used to foster deaf children's language development. The use of rhyme and rhythm in American Sign Language (ASL) remains understudied. This single-subject study compared the effects of rhyming and non-rhyming ASL stories on the engagement behavior and accuracy in recitation of five deaf children between three and six years old in an ASL/English bilingual early childhood classroom. With the application of alternating treatment design with initial baseline, it is the first experimental research of its kind on ASL rhyme and rhythm. Baseline data revealed the lack of rhyme awareness in children and informed the decision to provide intervention as a condition to examine the effects of explicit handshape rhyme awareness instruction on increasing engagement behavior and accuracy in recitation. There were four phases in this study baseline, handshape rhyme awareness intervention, alternating treatments, and preference. Visual analysis and total mean and mean difference procedures were employed to analyze results. The findings indicate that recitation skills in young deaf children can be supported through interventions utilizing ASL rhyme and rhythm supplemented with ASL phonological awareness activities. A potential case of sign language impairment was identified in a native signer, creating a new line of inquiry in using ASL rhyme, rhythm, and phonological awareness to detect atypical language patterns.Filamins (FLN) are a family of actin-binding proteins involved in regulating the cytoskeleton and signaling phenomenon by developing a network with F-actin and FLN-binding partners. The FLN family comprises three conserved isoforms in mammals FLNA, FLNB, and FLNC. FLNB is a multidomain monomer protein with domains containing an actin-binding N-terminal domain (ABD 1-242), encompassing two calponin-homology domains (assigned CH1 and CH2). Primary variants in FLNB mostly occur in the domain (CH2) and surrounding the hinge-1 region. The four autosomal dominant disorders that are associated with FLNB variants are Larsen syndrome, atelosteogenesis type I (AOI), atelosteogenesis type III (AOIII), and boomerang dysplasia (BD). Despite the intense clustering of FLNB variants contributing to the LS-AO-BD disorders, the genotype-phenotype correlation is still enigmatic. In silico prediction tools and molecular dynamics simulation (MDS) approaches have offered the potential for variant classification and pathogenicity pvel, which may pave the way for optimizing drug therapy by integrating precision medicine.Accumulating evidence suggests that there is a link between the host microbiome and pancreatic carcinogenesis, and that Porphyromonas gingivalis (P. gingivalis) increases the risk of developing pancreatic cancer. The aim of the current study was to clarify the role of P. gingivalis in the pathogenesis of pancreatic cancer and the potential immune modulatory effects of probiotics. The six-week-old LSL-K-rasG12D; Pdx-1-cre (KC) mice smeared P. gingivalis on the gums, causing pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PanIN) after four weeks to be similar to the extent of lesions in untreated KC mice at 24 weeks. The oral inoculation of P. gingivalis of six-week-old LSL-K-rasG12D; Pdx-1-cre (KC) mice caused significantly pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PanIN) after treatment four weeks is similar to the extent of lesions in untreated KC mice at 24 weeks. The pancreas weights of P. gingivalis plus probiotic-treated mice were significantly lower than the mice treated with P. gingivalis alone (P = 0.0028). The histological expressions of Snail-1, ZEB-1, collagen fibers, Galectin-3, and PD-L1 staining in the pancreas were also notably lower.