By monitoring the upper mu rhythm throughout the rehabilitation process, medical experts can adaptively adjust the intensity and duration of each walking training session to improve the efficacy of a walking ability recovery program.This paper develops a method for assessing portfolio tail risk based on extreme value theory. The technique applies separate estimations of univariate series and allows for closed-form expressions for Value at Risk and Expected Shortfall. Its forecasting ability is tested on a portfolio of U.S. stocks. The in-sample goodness-of-fit tests indicate that the proposed approach is better suited for portfolio risk modeling under extreme market movements than comparable multivariate parametric methods. Backtesting across multiple quantiles demonstrates that the model cannot be rejected at any reasonable level of significance, even when periods of stress are included. Numerical simulations corroborate the empirical results.The establishment of an effective roadside air quality forecasting model provides important information for proper traffic management to mitigate severe pollution, and for alerting resident's outdoor plans to minimize exposure. Current deterministic models rely on numerical simulation and the tuning of parameters, and empirical models present powerful learning ability but have not fully considered the temporal periodicity of air pollutants. In order to take the periodicity of pollutants into empirical air quality forecasting models, this study evaluates the temporal variations of air pollutants and develops a novel sequence to sequence model with weekly periodicity to forecast air quality. Two-year observation data from Shanghai roadside air quality monitoring stations are employed to support analyzing and modeling. The results conclude that the fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and carbon monoxide (CO) concentrations show obvious daily and weekly variations, and the temporal patterns are nearly consistent with the periodicity of traffic flow in Shanghai. Compared with PM2.5, the CO concentrations are more affected by traffic variation. The proposed model outperforms the baseline model in terms of accuracy, and presents a higher linear consistency in PM2.5 prediction and lower errors in CO prediction. This study could assist environmental researchers to further improve the technologies for urban air quality forecasting, and serve as tools for supporting policymakers to implement related traffic management and emission control policies.Iron is a fundament micronutrient, whose homeostasis is strictly regulated. Iron deficiency anemia is among the most widespread nutritional deficiencies and its therapy, based on dietary supplement and drugs, may lead to severe side effects. With the aim of improving iron bioavailability while reducing iron oral therapy side effects, novel dietary supplements based on innovative technologies-microencapsulation, liposomes, sucrosomes-have been produced and marketed. In the present work, six iron dietary supplements for different therapeutic targets were compared in terms of bioaccessibility, bioavailability, and safety by using an integrated in vitro approach. For general-purpose iron supplements, ME + VitC (microencapsulated) showed a fast, burst intestinal iron absorption kinetic, which maintained iron bioavailability and ferritin expression constant over time. SS + VitC (sucrosomes), on the other side, showed a slower, time-dependent iron absorption and ferritin expression trend. ME + Folate (microencapsulated) showed a behavior similar to that of ME + VitC, albeit with a lower bioavailability. Among pediatric iron supplements, a time-dependent bioavailability increase was observed for LS (liposome), while PIC (polydextrose-iron complex) bioavailability is severely limited by its poor bioaccessibility. Finally, except for SS + VitC, no adverse effects on intestinal mucosa vitality and barrier integrity were observed. Considering obtained results and the different therapeutic targets, microencapsulation-based formulations are endowed with better performance compared to the other formulations. Furthermore, performances of microencapsulated products were obtained with a lower iron daily dose, limiting the potential onset of side effects.Most rheumatic diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis (RA), are characterized by immune disorders that affect antibody activity. In the present study, using Dot blot and ELISA assay, we showed that patients with rheumatic disease produced significantly more antibodies against lipopolysaccharide (LPS) P. mirabilis O3 compared to healthy donors (p less then 0.05), and affinity purified antibodies against LPS O3 may cross-react with collagen type I. It was demonstrated that purified of antibodies isolated from RA patients sera, reacted stronger with the collagen than healthy donors (p = 0.015), and cross-reaction was correlated with level of anti-citrullinated peptide antibodies (r = 0.7, p = 0.003). Moreover, using six different lipopolysaccharides were demonstrated the significant correlations in sera reactivity among lysine-containing lipopolysaccharides observed in patients' sera (p less then 0.05). Using Attenuated Total Reflection Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR) it was shown that unique wavenumbers of sera spectra correlate with reactivity with lipopolysaccharides allowing distinguish patients from healthy blood donors. Antibodies adsorption by synthetic antigens shows that in patients' group anti-LPS O3 antibodies can be adsorbed by both amides of galacturonic acid and lysine or threonine, which suggests less specificity of antibodies binding with non-carbohydrate LPS component. The observed correlations suggest that non-carbohydrate components of LPS may be an important epitope for less specific anti-LPS antibodies, which might lead to cross-reactions and affect disease development.We show that quaternion quantum mechanics has well-founded mathematical roots and can be derived from the model of the elastic continuum by French mathematician Augustin Cauchy, i.e., it can be regarded as representing the physical reality of elastic continuum. Starting from the Cauchy theory (classical balance equations for isotropic Cauchy-elastic material) and using the Hamilton quaternion algebra, we present a rigorous derivation of the quaternion form of the non- and relativistic wave equations. The family of the wave equations and the Poisson equation are a straightforward consequence of the quaternion representation of the Cauchy model of the elastic continuum. This is the most general kind of quantum mechanics possessing the same kind of calculus of assertions as conventional quantum mechanics. The problem of the Schrödinger equation, where imaginary 'i' should emerge, is solved. This interpretation is a serious attempt to describe the ontology of quantum mechanics, and demonstrates that, besides Bohmian mechanics, the complete ontological interpretations of quantum theory exists.