The development of tool innovation presents a paradox. How do humans have such diverse and complex technology, ranging from smartphones to aircraft, and yet young children find even simple tool innovation challenges, such as fashioning a hook to retrieve a basket from a tube, remarkably difficult? We propose that the solution to this paradox is the cognitive ontogenesis of tool innovation. Using a common measure of children's tool innovation, we describe how multiple cognitive mechanisms work in concert at each step of its process recognizing the problem, generating appropriate solutions, and the social transmission of innovations. We discuss what the ontogeny of this skill tells us about cognitive and cultural evolution and provide recommendations for future research. The aim of this study was to assess incidence, causes and consequences of equipment failures in a high volume, advanced endoscopic surgery department. This is a prospectical observational single centre study between April and July of 2019 in the Gynecological surgery department of the Estaing University Hospital of Clermont-Ferrand, France. During the study period, 171 laparoscopies were observed. Data were collected real time by three supernumerary observers. In total, 66 (38.6%) laparoscopies were complicated by equipment failures. The bipolar cable and forceps accounted for 31% of the total amount of malfunctions in laparoscopy. Causes of malfunctions were in 45% due to the instrument per se and in 43% due to the incorrect combination of elements. Less commonly, the equipment was not available or a mismatched was reported. The total length of the surgery increased by 1.35% due to the malfunctions. Human error was identified in 50% of cases. No morbility, neither mortality was reported in this series; however we observed 34 malfunctions that could have led to serious consequences for the patients and 3 incidents induced a real consequence on the operation workflow. Equipment failure is a common event in endoscopy. On the opposite, time wasted for the malfunctions is low in laparoscopy, as it only accounts for 1.35% of the overall surgical time. Human decisions contributed to malfunctions in almost half of cases. This alarming finding may advise for intensification in training on instruments of the whole surgical team. Equipment failure is a common event in endoscopy. On the opposite, time wasted for the malfunctions is low in laparoscopy, as it only accounts for 1.35% of the overall surgical time. Human decisions contributed to malfunctions in almost half of cases. This alarming finding may advise for intensification in training on instruments of the whole surgical team. Technological and operative advancements have allowed laparoscopic intragastric surgery (LIGS) to be applied in the treatment of superficial gastric or submucosal lesions. The aim of this study was to evaluate short- and long-term outcomes following LIGS. From 2000 to 2013, 25 LIGSs were performed for superficial gastric lesions. Clinical records were reviewed retrospectively for peri-operative course and long-term outcomes with particular attention to the oncological follow-up for patients with malignant lesions. Nineteen (76%) lesions were located close to the EGJ, three (12%) in the lesser curvature, two (8%) in the posterior wall and one (4%) in the prepyloric-antral region. A multiport technique was used in 15 (60%) patients and a single-access approach in 10 (40%) patients. The median operative time was 140 (50-210) minutes. No conversion to open or conventional laparoscopic surgery was needed. Mortality was nil, and severe morbidity occurred in one (4%) patient. The median length of stay was 6 (3-10) days. Indications of LIGS were adenocarcinoma in 11 (44%) patients, gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) in 6 (24%) patients and benign lesions in eight (32%) patients. En bloc resection was obtained in 24 (96%) patients with R0 margins in 23 (92%) patients. After a median follow-up of 76 (26-171) months, recurrence was detected in 4 (36%) patients with advanced malignant adenocarcinoma. LIGS provides an interesting alternative to major gastric and EGJ resection when endoscopic resection is not suitable for highly selected patients with superficial gastric lesions. LIGS provides an interesting alternative to major gastric and EGJ resection when endoscopic resection is not suitable for highly selected patients with superficial gastric lesions. Anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) agents have shown clinical benefits against metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) when combined with cytotoxic chemotherapeutic drugs. Because randomized controlled trials have restrictive enrollment criteria, and because the participants typically do not resemble actual patients, we here investigated the efficacy of bevacizumab as part of a combination therapy for mCRC in a Korean real-world practice setting. We retrospectively evaluated 3748 patients with an initial diagnosis of mCRC or recurrent colorectal cancer with distant metastasis who received first-line chemotherapy in a tertiary cancer center. The primary study endpoint was overall survival. We used multivariate analysis using the Cox regression hazard model and propensity score matching (PSM) methods to adjust for any confounding clinicopathologic factors. Subgroup analysis was also performed for patients who did not receive local treatments for metastatic lesions before receipt of first-line chemottment for metastatic lesions. The addition of bevacizumab to a first-line chemotherapeutic regimen provides survival benefits in a real-world setting for mCRC patients who cannot undergo curative-intent local treatment for metastatic lesions. Allogeneic stem cell transplantation (Allo-SCT) is a well-established treatment option for hematological malignancies. With the introduction of reduced-intensity conditioning regimens (RIC) and better supportive measures the elderly are able to receive Allo-SCT. A considerable number of patients are elderly, and often their HLA matched sibling donor is elderly, moreover. Here, we aim to explore the effect of donors' age on stem cell harvesting, engraftment duration after Allo-SCT, and product quality. Sixty-one healthy allogeneic stem cell donors aged 50 years and older who underwent stem cell mobilization at our center between 2009-2019 were enrolled for the study. All donors received 4-5 days of G-CSF, mostly filgrastim or lenograstim and their biosimilar equivalents were given subcutaneously as a total dose of 10 mcg/kg/day. Groups were separated into three groups as aged 50-54 group A, 55-59 group B, aged 60 and older group C. Pre-apheresis peripheral blood CD34+ count was similar all groups (p = 0.