inequalities may exacerbate health disparities. Enhancing propulsion during walking is often a focus in physical therapy for those with impaired gait. However, there is no consensus in the literature for assessing braking and propulsion. Both are typically measured from the anterior-posterior ground reaction force (AP-GRF). While normalization of AP-GRF force by bodyweight is commonly done in the analysis, different methods for AP-GRF time axis normalization are used. Does walking speed affect propulsion and/or braking, and how do different methods for calculating propulsion and braking impact the conclusion, in both healthy adults and those with lower limb impairment? We investigated three different analysis methods for assessing propulsion. 1. BW-TimeIntegration Bodyweight (BW) normalized time integration of AP-GRF (units of BWs). 2. BW-%StanceIntegration BW normalized AP-GRF is resampled to percent stance phase prior to integration (units of BW%Stance). 3. BW-Peak BW normalized peak force (units of BW). We applied these methods to two data sets. Oasure used should be related to the body's change of momentum, necessitating an analysis method with a time integration of the AP-GRF.Cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT) events have been reported after vaccination with adenoviral COVID-19 vector vaccines. This study aimed to compare the clinical presentations and courses of vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT) between the two adenoviral vector vaccines, Ad26.COV.2.S (Janssen/Johnson & Johnson) and ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 (Astra-Zeneca). We found that CVT after Ad26.COV.2.S vaccination presents later with similar symptoms compared to CVT after administration of ChAdOx1 nCoV-19, albeit with more thrombosis and intracerebral hemorrhage, lower D-dimer and aPTT levels but similar mortality. These findings could help guide clinical assessment and management of CVT after COVID-19 vaccination.Solving the reproductive barriers of dairy cows has become one of the most critical factors determining the dairy industry's development. Clinically, inflammation disease like endometritis is the most crucial cause in reducing dairy production's financial viability. MiR-193 family can induce cell apoptosis and differentiation has been reported in various diseases. LGR4 plays a vital role in reproductive system development and immune system regulation, and it is closely related to animal reproductive function and cytokine regulation. In this study, we observed a negative relationship between miR-193a-3p and LGR4 expression level in both inflammatory tissues and cells. The expression level of miR-193a-3p and LGR4 in bovine endometrial epithelial cells (BENDs) is regulated by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) stimulation time and dose-dependent. Subsequently, miR-193a-3p mimics and inhibitors were used to explore its functions in the inflammation response process, finding that overexpression of miR-193a-3p markedly increases the expression level of pro-inflammatory cytokines induced by LPS, such as IL-1β, IL-6 and TNF-α, while the group in which transfected inhibitor is on the contrary. Of note, immunofluorescence and western blot results showed that miR-193a-3p enhanced LPS-induced NF-κB p65 phosphorylation through targeting LGR4, whereas inhibiting miR-193a-3p could suppress the activation of NF-κB pathway significantly. In conclusion, our study firstly reported the mechanism by which miR-193a-3p targets LGR4 to elevate the inflammatory response in bovine endometrium injury, thereby implying that knockdown miR-193a-3p may lay the theoretical and practical basis for drug development of alleviating endometritis in dairy cows.Inspired by the success of classical neural networks, there has been tremendous effort to develop classical effective neural networks into quantum concept. In this paper, a novel hybrid quantum-classical neural network with deep residual learning (Res-HQCNN) is proposed. We firstly analyse how to connect residual block structure with a quantum neural network, and give the corresponding training algorithm. At the same time, the advantages and disadvantages of transforming deep residual learning into quantum concept are provided. As a result, the model can be trained in an end-to-end fashion, analogue to the backpropagation in classical neural networks. To explore the effectiveness of Res-HQCNN , we perform extensive experiments for quantum data with or without noisy on classical computer. The experimental results show the Res-HQCNN performs better to learn an unknown unitary transformation and has stronger robustness for noisy data, when compared to state of the arts. Moreover, the possible methods of combining residual learning with quantum neural networks are also discussed.Aerobic composting is commonly used to dispose livestock manure and is an efficient way to reduce antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs). Here, the effects of different quality substrates on the fate of ARGs were assessed during manure composting. Results showed that the total relative abundances of ARGs and intI1 in additive treatments were lower than that in control, and high quality treatment with low C/N ratio and lignin significantly decreased the relative abundance of tetW, ermB, ermC, sul1 and sul2 at the end of composting. Additionally, higher quality treatment reduced the relative abundances of some pathogens such as Actinomadura and Pusillimonas, and some thermotolerant degrading-related bacteria comprising Pseudogracilibacillus and Sinibacillus on day 42, probably owing to the change of composting properties in piles. Structural equation models (SEMs) further verified that the physiochemical properties of composting were the dominant contributor to the variations in ARGs and they could also indirectly impact ARGs by influencing bacterial community and the abundance of intI1. Overall, these findings indicated that additives with high quality reduced the reservoir of antibiotic resistance genes of livestock manure compost.The increasing resistance of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) to antibiotics has led to a growing effort to design and synthesize novel structural candidates of chalcone-conjugated, multi-flexible end-group coumarin thiazole hybrids with outstanding bacteriostatic potential. Bioactivity screening showed that hybrid 5i, which was modified with methoxybenzene, exerted a significant inhibitory activity against MRSA (MIC = 0.004 mM), which was 6 times better than the anti-MRSA activity of the reference drug norfloxacin (MIC = 0.025 mM). Compound 5i neither conferred apparent resistance onto MRSA strains even after multiple passages nor triggered evident toxicity to human hepatocyte LO2 cells and normal mammalian cells (RAW 264.7). Molecular docking showed that highly active molecule 5i might bind to DNA gyrase by forming stable hydrogen bonds. In addition, molecular electrostatic potential surfaces were developed to explain the high antibacterial activity of the target compounds. Furthermore, preliminary mechanism studies suggested that hybrid 5i could disrupt the bacterial membrane of MRSA and insert itself into MRSA DNA to impede its replication, thus possibly becoming a potential antibacterial repressor against MRSA.