Together, these results point to the important role of both glycolysis and glutaminolysis during C. parvum intracellular replication. Referring to obtained metabolic signatures, we targeted glycolysis as well as glutaminolysis in C. parvum-infected host cells by using the inhibitors lonidamine [inhibitor of hexokinase, mitochondrial carrier protein (MCP) and monocarboxylate transporters (MCT) 1, 2, 4], galloflavin (lactate dehydrogenase inhibitor), syrosingopine (MCT1- and MCT4 inhibitor) and compound 968 (glutaminase inhibitor) under hyperoxic and physioxic conditions. In line with metabolic signatures, all inhibitors significantly reduced parasite replication under both oxygen conditions, thereby proving both energy-related metabolic pathways, glycolysis and glutaminolysis, but also lactate export mechanisms via MCTs as pivotal for C. parvum under in vivo physioxic conditions of mammals. The heat-stable HSA/CD24 gene encodes a protein that shows high expression levels in adipocyte precursor cells but low levels in terminally differentiated adipocytes. Its high expression in many types of human cancer suggests an association between cancer, diabetes, and obesity, which is currently unclear. In addition, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ) is a regulator of adipogenesis that plays a role in insulin sensitivity, lipid metabolism, and adipokine expression in adipocytes. To assess gender-dependent changes in CD24 KO and its association with PPARγ expression. WT and CD24 KO mice were monitored from birth up to 12 months, and various physiological and molecular characteristics were analysed. Mean body weight and adipose mass were higher in KO mice than in WT mice. Male, but not female, KO mice showed increased insulin sensitivity, glucose uptake, adipocyte size, and PPARγ expression than WT mice. In addition, enteric bacterial populations, assessed through high-throughput sequencing of stool 16S rRNA genes, were significantly different between male KO and WT mice. CD24 may negatively regulate PPARγ expression in male mice. Furthermore, the association between the CD24 and insulin sensitivity suggests a possible mechanism for diabetes as a cancer risk factor. Finally, CD24 KO male mice may serve as a model of obesity and insulin hyper-sensitivity. CD24 may negatively regulate PPARγ expression in male mice. Furthermore, the association between the CD24 and insulin sensitivity suggests a possible mechanism for diabetes as a cancer risk factor. Finally, CD24 KO male mice may serve as a model of obesity and insulin hyper-sensitivity.Neuroblastoma is a biologically very heterogeneous tumor with its clinical manifestation ranging from spontaneous regression to highly aggressive metastatic disease. Several adverse factors have been linked to oncogenesis, tumor progression and metastases of neuroblastoma including NMYC amplification, the neural adhesion molecule NCAM, as well as CXCR4 as a promoter of metastases. In this study, we investigate to what extent the expression of AQP1 in neuroblastoma correlates with changing cellular factors such as the hypoxic status, differentiation, expression of known adverse factors such as NMYC and NCAM, and CXCR4-related metastatic spread. Our results show that while AQP1 expression leads to an increased migratory behavior of neuroblastoma cells under hypoxic conditions, we find that hypoxia is associated with a reduction of NMYC in the same cells. A similar effect can be observed when using the tetracycline driven mechanism of SH-EP/Tet cells. When NMYC is not expressed, the expression of AQP1 is increased together with an increased expression of HIF-1α and HIF-2α. We furthermore show that when growing cells in different cell densities, they express AQP1, HIF-1α, HIF-2α, NMYC and NCAM to different degrees. AQP1 expression correlates with a hypoxic profile of these cells with increased HIF-1α and HIF-2α expression, as well as with NMYC and NCAM expression in two out of three neuroblastoma cell lines. When investigating cell properties of the cells that actually migrate, we find that the increased APQ1 expression in the migrated cells correlates with an increased NMYC and NCAM expression again in two out of three cell lines. Expression of the tumor cell homing marker CXCR4 varies between different tumor areas and between cell lines. While some migrated tumor cells highly express CXCR4, cells of other origin do not. In the initial phase of migration, we determined a dominant role of AQP1 expression of migrating cells in the scratch assay.(1) Background the species of Corylus have sporophytic type of self-incompatibility. Several genes related to recognition reaction between pollen and stigma have been identified in hazelnuts. To better understand the self-incompatibility (SI) response, we screened the suitable reference genes by using quantitative real-time reverse transcription PCR (qRT-PCR) analysis in hazelnut for the first time. (2) Methods the major cultivar "Dawei" was used as material. A total of 12 candidate genes were identified and their expression profiles were compared among different tissues and in response to various treatments (different times after self- and cross-pollination) by RT-qPCR. The expression stability of these 12 candidate reference genes was evaluated using geNorm, NormFinder, BestKeeper, Delta Ct, and RefFinder programs. (3) Results the comprehensive ranking of RefFinder indicated that ChaActin, VvActin,ChaUBQ14, and ChaEF1-α were the most suitable reference genes. According to the stability analysis of 12 candidate reference genes for each sample group based on four software packages, ChaActin and ChaEF1-α were most stable in different times after self-pollination and 4 h after self- and cross-pollination, respectively. To further validate the suitability of the reference genes identified in this study, CavPrx, which the expression profiles in Corylus have been reported, was quantified by using ChaActin and ChaEF1-α as reference genes. (4) Conclusions our study of reference genes selection in hazelnut shows that the two reference genes, ChaActin and ChaEF1-α, are suitable for the evaluation of gene expression, and can be used for the analysis of pollen-pistil interaction in Corylus. The results supply a reliable foundation for accurate gene quantifications in Corylus species, which will facilitate the studies related to the reproductive biology in Corylus.