STUDY OBJECTIVES We sought to examine the impact of digital cognitive behavioural therapy (dCBT) for insomnia on both self-reported cognitive impairment and objective cognitive performance. METHODS The DISCO trial was an online, two-arm, single-blind, randomised clinical trial of dCBT versus wait-list control. Participants were aged 25 years and older, met DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for insomnia disorder and reported difficulties with concentration or memory. Assessments were carried out online at baseline, and 10 and 24 weeks post-randomisation. The primary outcome measure was self-reported cognitive impairment, assessed with the British Columbia Cognitive Complaints Inventory (BC-CCI). Secondary outcomes included tests of cognitive performance, insomnia symptoms, cognitive failures, fatigue, sleepiness, depression and anxiety. RESULTS 410 participants with insomnia were recruited and assigned to dCBT (N = 205) or wait-list control (N = 205). At 10 weeks post-randomisation the estimated adjusted mean difference for the BC-CCI was -3.03 [95% CI -3.60,-2.47; p less then .0001, d = -0.86], indicating that participants in the dCBT group reported less cognitive impairment than the control group. These effects were maintained at 24 weeks (d = -0.96) and were mediated, in part, via reductions in insomnia severity and increased sleep efficiency. Treatment effects in favour of dCBT, at both 10 and 24 weeks, were found for insomnia severity, sleep efficiency, cognitive failures, fatigue, sleepiness, depression, and anxiety. We found no between-group differences on objective tests of cognitive performance. CONCLUSIONS Our study shows that dCBT robustly decreases self-reported cognitive impairment at post-treatment and these effects are maintained at 6 months. © Sleep Research Society 2020. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Sleep Research Society. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail Mental health trusts in England were expected to become completely smoke-free and embed smoking cessation practices by 2018. Such policies are fraught with concerns and have received mixed support from mental health staff. Understanding staff attitudes to these practices prior to enforcement of the policy could help design an effective implementation strategy. METHODS A cross-sectional survey was conducted with clinical and non-clinical staff in a Mental Health Trust to understand smoking cessation practices and attitudes to the implementation of a completely smoke-free policy. RESULTS There were 631 responses. Most participants disagreed with the policy on wards (59.6%) and throughout all mental health settings (57.4%). Clinicians expressed significantly lower organizational policy support (P = 0.001) than non-clinicians (P = 0.001). Psychiatrists were more supportive of the organizational items than nurses and allied health professionals. Clinicians' attitudes towards smoking cessation practices were less positive for those who were current smokers (P  less then  0.001), but more positive for clinicians who had received or were interested in attending smoking cessation training (P  less then  0.001). CONCLUSIONS Partial and completely smoke-free policies remain unsupported by staff in mental health settings. Smoking cessation training appears to reinforce rather than alter attitudes towards smoking cessation. © The Author(s) 2020. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Faculty of Public Health. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail Transatlantic Slave Trade transported more than 9 million Africans to the Americas between the early 16th and the mid-19th centuries. We performed a genome-wide analysis using 6,267 individuals from 25 populations to infer how different African groups contributed to North-, South-American and Caribbean populations, in the context of geographic and geopolitical factors, and compared genetic data with demographic history records of the Transatlantic Slave Trade. We observed that West-Central Africa and Western Africa-associated ancestry clusters are more prevalent in northern latitudes of the Americas, while the South/East Africa-associated ancestry cluster is more prevalent in southern latitudes of the Americas. This pattern results from geographic and geopolitical factors leading to population differentiation. However, there is a substantial decrease in the between-population differentiation of the African gene pool within the Americas, when compared to the regions of origin from Africa, underscoring the importance of historical factors favoring admixture between individuals with different African origins in the New World. This between-population homogenization in the Americas is consistent with the excess of West-Central Africa ancestry (the most prevalent in the Americas) in the United States and Southeast-Brazil, respect to historical-demography expectations. We also inferred that in most of the Americas, intercontinental admixture intensification occurred between 1,750 and 1,850, which correlates strongly with the peak of arrivals from Africa. This study contributes with a population genetics perspective to the ongoing social, cultural and political debate regarding ancestry, admixture and the mestizaje process in the Americas. © The Author(s) 2020. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail conformation-capture technologies are widely used in 3D genomics; however, experimentally, such methods have high-noise limitations and, therefore, require significant bioinformatics efforts to extract reliable distal interactions. Miscellaneous undesired linear DNAs, present during proximity-ligation, represent a main noise source, which needs to be minimized or eliminated. In this study, different exonuclease combinations were tested to remove linear DNA fragments from a circularized DNA preparation. This method efficiently removed linear DNAs, raised the proportion of annulation and increased the valid-pairs ratio from ∼40% to ∼80% for enhanced interaction detection in standard Hi-C. This strategy is applicable for development of various 3D genomics technologies, or optimization of Hi-C sequencing efficiency. © The Author(s) 2020. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Nucleic Acids Research.