In order to study the effects of different types of neutral surfaces, of different surface-water properties, on protein adsorption both bare and alkanethiol modified (-CH3 or -OH end-groups) Au surfaces with were used as model surfaces. A significant decrease in adsorbed amounts of carbamylated fibrinogen and carbamylated α-lactalbumin, but not for carbamylated albumin, relative to native proteins was observed for both surfaces; suggesting that the increase in negative surface charge is more influential on adsorption than the change in hydration that occurs throughout the protein upon carbamylation. This data suggests that protein alterations that occur due to disease states have a significant effect on the overall protein structure and these changes affect their adsorption to surfaces. Nanofluidic diodes have attracted intense attention recently. Commonly used materials to design these devices are membrane-based short nanopores and aligned Carbon nanotube bundles. It is highly desirable and very challenging to develop a nanofluidic diode based on a single PDMS nanochannel which is easier to be introduced into an integrated electronic system on a chip. Layer-by-layer (LBL) deposition of charged polyelectrolytes can change the size and surface properties of PDMS nanochannels that provides new possibilities to develop high-performance nanofluidic based on PDMS nanochannels. A novel design of nanofluidic diode is presented by controlling the surface charges and sizes of single PDMS nanochannels by surface modification using polyelectrolytes. Polybrene (PB) and Dextran sulfate (DS) are used to reduce the PDMS nanochannel size to meet the requirement of ion gating by LBL method and generate opposite surface charges at the ends of nanochannels. The parameters of such a nanofluidic diode are investigated systematically. This nanofluidic diode developed in this work has high effective current rectification performance. The rectification ratio can be as high as 218 which is the best ever reported in PB/DS modified nanochannels. This rectification ratio reduces with high voltage frequency and ionic concentration whereas increases in shorter nanochannels. This nanofluidic diode developed in this work has high effective current rectification performance. The rectification ratio can be as high as 218 which is the best ever reported in PB/DS modified nanochannels. This rectification ratio reduces with high voltage frequency and ionic concentration whereas increases in shorter nanochannels.Low charge separation efficiency of semiconductor materials is the main obstacle for high-performance photocatalyst. Herein, we report surface defects engineered uniform mesoporous TiO2 nanospheres (DMTNSs) through surfactant-mediated self-assembly solvothermal approach combined with hydrogenation strategy to promote charge separation. The surface defects induced charge imbalance result in the formation of built-in field, which can promote photogenerated charge separation efficiently and be confirmed by experimental and density functional theory (DFT) calculations. Under AM 1.5G irradiation, the photocatalytic hydrogen evolution of DMTNSs is ~3.34 mmol h-1 g-1, almost 3.5 times higher than that of pristine non-defective TiO2 nanospheres (0.97 mmol h-1 g-1), due to the engineered surface defects narrowing the bandgap (~3.01 eV) and inducing charge imbalance to boost spatial charge separation and extend visible-light response. The defect induced charge imbalance strategy opens a new valuable perspective for fabricating other high-efficient oxide photocatalysts.In recent decades, biologist have focused on the spatiotemporal regulation and function of genes to understand embryogenesis. It is clear that maternal diet impacts fetal development but how nutrients, like lipids and vitamins, modify developmental programs is not completely understood. Fish are useful research organisms for such investigations. Most species of fish produce eggs that develop outside the mother, dependent on a finite amount of yolk to form and grow. The developing embryo is a closed system that can be readily biochemically analyzed, easily visualized, and manipulated to understand the role of nutrients in tissue specification, organogenesis, and growth. Natural variation in yolk composition observed across fish species may be related to unique developmental strategies. In this review, we discuss the reasons that teleost fishes are powerful models to understand nutritional control of development and highlight three species that are particularly valuable for future investigations the zebrafish, Danio rerio, the African Killifish, Nothobranchius furzeri, and the Mexican tetra, Astyanax mexicanus. This review is a part of a special issue on nutritional, hormonal, and metabolic drivers of development. While full description of pediatric COVID-19 manifestations is evolving, children appear to present less frequently, and often display a less severe disease phenotype. There is correspondingly less data regarding pediatric radiologic findings. To describe the imaging findings of pediatric COVID-19, we evaluated the radiologic imaging of the initial patient cohort identified at our institution. In this IRB approved study, all patients at our institution aged 0-21 with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) based on PCR or immunoglobulin testing were identified. Imaging was reviewed by the co-authors and presence of abnormalities determined by consensus. Pre-existing comorbidities and alternative diagnoses were recorded. Rates of each finding were calculated. Findings were compared to published data following review of the available literature. Out of 130 Covid-19 positive patients, 24 patients underwent imaging, including 21 chest radiographs and 4 chest CT scans. Chest x-rays were ppearance. The prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) and the gastrin-releasing peptide receptor (GRPR) are overexpressed in prostate cancer (PCa). In preclinical studies, the iPSMA-Lys -Bombesin (iPSMA-BN) heterodimeric ligand has shown a suitable affinity for PSMA and GRPR. This research aimed to assess the biokinetics and radiation dosimetry of [ Ga]Ga-iPSMA-BN in four healthy volunteers based on biodistribution data obtained from whole-body PET/CT studies, as well as to visualize the [ Ga]Ga-iPSMA-BN tumor uptake in a patient with PCa. PET/CT images acquired at 5 min, 0.5, 1, and 2 h after radiotracer administration (124.5 ± 2.1 MBq) were corrected for attenuation, scattering, dead-time, and decay. The activity in the segmented volumes of interest (VOIs) in each source organ at different times was adjusted to mono- and bi-exponential biokinetic models (A(t) ), from which the total disintegrations (N) were calculated to assess the internal radiation doses by using the OLINDA V1.1 code. Images from the patient showed an evident uptake by the metastasis (SUVmax of 4.