This part of the review aims to reduce the start-up burden of data collection and descriptive analytics for statistical modeling and route optimization of risk associated with motor vehicles. From a data-driven bibliometric analysis, we show that the literature is divided into two disparate research streams (a) predictive or explanatory models that attempt to understand and quantify crash risk based on different driving conditions, and (b) optimization techniques that focus on minimizing crash risk through route/path-selection and rest-break scheduling. Translation of research outcomes between these two streams is limited. To overcome this issue, we present publicly available high-quality data sources (different study designs, outcome variables, and predictor variables) and descriptive analytic techniques (data summarization, visualization, and dimension reduction) that can be used to achieve safer-routing and provide code to facilitate data collection/exploration by practitioners/researchers. Then, we review the statistical and machine learning models used for crash risk modeling. We show that (near) real-time crash risk is rarely considered, which might explain why the optimization models (reviewed in Part 2) have not capitalized on the research outcomes from the first stream.This paper presents a star-tracking algorithm to determine the accurate global orientation of autonomous platforms such as nano satellites, U A V s, and micro-drones using commercial-off-the-shelf ( C O T S ) mobile devices such as smartphones. Such star-tracking is especially challenging because it is based on existing cameras which capture a partial view of the sky and should work continuously and autonomously. The novelty of the proposed framework lies both in the computational efficiency and the ability of the star-tracker algorithm to cope with noisy measurements and outliers using affordable C O T S mobile platforms. T