During September-December 2018, 25 live ticks were collected on-post at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, in a home with a history of bat occupancy. Nine ticks were sent to the Army Public Health Center Tick-Borne Disease Laboratory and were identified as Carios kelleyi (Cooley and Kohls, 1941), a species that seldom bites humans but that may search for other sources of blood meals, including humans, when bats are removed from human dwellings. The ticks were tested for numerous agents of human disease. Rickettsia lusitaniae was identified by multilocus sequence typing to be present in two ticks, marking the first detection of this Rickettsia agent in the United States and in this species of tick. Two other Rickettsia spp. were also detected, including an endosymbiont previously associated with C. kelleyi and a possible novel Rickettsia species. The potential roles of C. kelleyi and bats in peridomestic Rickettsia transmission cycles warrant further investigation.Studies of fertilization biology often focus on sperm and egg interactions. However, before gametes interact, mammalian sperm must pass through the cumulus layer; in mice, this consists of several thousand cells tightly glued together with hyaluronic acid and other proteins. To better understand the role of cumulus cells and their surrounding matrix, we perform proteomic experiments on cumulus oophorus complexes (COCs) in house mice (Mus musculus), producing over 24,000 mass spectra to identify 711 proteins. Seven proteins known to stabilize hyaluronic acid and the extracellular matrix were especially abundant (using spectral counts as an indirect proxy for abundance). Through comparative evolutionary analyses, we show that three of these evolve rapidly, a classic signature of genes that influence fertilization rate. Some of the selected sites overlap regions of the protein known to impact function. In a follow-up experiment, we compared COCs from females raised i